The API (EOH_flatten_into) that flattens the expanded value representation
expects the target address to be maxaligned. All it's usage adhere to that
principle except when serializing datums for parallel query. Fix that
Diagnosed-by: Tom Lane
Author: Tom Lane and Amit Kapila
Backpatch-through: 9.6
else if (eoh)
- EOH_flatten_into(eoh, (void *) *start_address, header);
+ char *tmp;
+ /*
+ * EOH_flatten_into expects the target address to be maxaligned,
+ * so we can't store directly to *start_address.
+ */
+ tmp = (char *) palloc(header);
+ EOH_flatten_into(eoh, (void *) tmp, header);
+ memcpy(*start_address, tmp, header);
*start_address += header;
+ /* be tidy. */
+ pfree(tmp);
Index Cond: (unique1 = 1)
(5 rows)
+-- test passing expanded-value representations to workers
+CREATE FUNCTION make_some_array(int,int) returns int[] as
+$$declare x int[];
+ begin
+ x[1] := $1;
+ x[2] := $2;
+ return x;
+ end$$ language plpgsql parallel safe;
+CREATE TABLE fooarr(f1 text, f2 int[], f3 text);
+INSERT INTO fooarr VALUES('1', ARRAY[1,2], 'one');
+PREPARE pstmt(text, int[]) AS SELECT * FROM fooarr WHERE f1 = $1 AND f2 = $2;
+EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
+ Gather
+ Workers Planned: 3
+ -> Parallel Seq Scan on fooarr
+ Filter: ((f1 = '1'::text) AND (f2 = '{1,2}'::integer[]))
+(4 rows)
+EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
+ f1 | f2 | f3
+ 1 | {1,2} | one
+(1 row)
do $$begin
-- Provoke error, possibly in worker. If this error happens to occur in
-- the worker, there will be a CONTEXT line which must be hidden.
explain (costs off)
select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1;
+-- test passing expanded-value representations to workers
+CREATE FUNCTION make_some_array(int,int) returns int[] as
+$$declare x int[];
+ begin
+ x[1] := $1;
+ x[2] := $2;
+ return x;
+ end$$ language plpgsql parallel safe;
+CREATE TABLE fooarr(f1 text, f2 int[], f3 text);
+INSERT INTO fooarr VALUES('1', ARRAY[1,2], 'one');
+PREPARE pstmt(text, int[]) AS SELECT * FROM fooarr WHERE f1 = $1 AND f2 = $2;
+EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
+EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
do $$begin
-- Provoke error, possibly in worker. If this error happens to occur in
-- the worker, there will be a CONTEXT line which must be hidden.