+# Modify this so that it points to your copy of the Saxon 6.5 jar.
# To use this catalog, make sure the resolver is in your classpath.
# Download xml-commons-resolver from
# and add it to your CLASSPATH. Then use the following property to point
# to your docbook xsl stylesheets' catalog
+# If you wish to have the ant script validate the document before
+# building it, set this property to the location
+# of your DocBook DTD. The sample document is
+# a DocBook 4.5 document and uncomment the line validate=true.
+# Set this to true if you don't need a search tab.
#indexe-language is used to tell the search indexer which language the docbook is written.
#This will be used to identify the correct stemmer, and punctuations that differs from language to language.
#see the documentation for details. en=English, cn=Chinese, jp=Japanese etc.
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="ant.jar" value="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/ant.jar"/>
- <target name="validate" if="validate">
+ <condition property="perform-validation">
+ <equals arg1="${validate}" arg2="true"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="skip-search-indexing">
+ <equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/>
+ </condition>
+ <target name="validate" if="perform-validation">
<xmlvalidate file="${input-xml}">
<xmlcatalog refid="catalog"/>
<param name="" expression="${}" if=""/>
<param name="output_file_name" expression="${output_file_name}"/>
<param name="frameset.base.dir" expression="${frameset.base.dir}" if="frameset.base.dir"/>
+ <param name="" expression="${}" if=""/>
<param name="indexer.language" expression="${indexer-language}" if="indexer-language"/>
- <target name="index">
+ <target name="index" unless="skip-search-indexing">
<path id="nw-cms.jar.path">
<pathelement location="${ant.file.dir}/indexer/lib/nw-cms.jar" />