From <Someone>, half a year or so ago:
> When you've already entered the Castle, I think your God shouldn't be
> giving you the two Castle-related messages anymore.
> This might be difficult to track, I realise that.
It already suppressed the tune delivery feedback if you had opened the
drawbridge with music or if that drawbridge had been destroyed. And if
you've entered the castle by the back door or via wand of opening/spell of
knock, learning the tune could still be useful, so I didn't try to extend
dungeon tracking to the point of "entered the castle". However, if you've
already passed beyond the valley below then you most likely no longer have
much interest in the drawbridge, so add a check for that to the prayer
feedback suppression.
<Someone>'s real concern was probably more about the message phrasing
than the "useless" prayer boon (since it says "to enter the castle" rather
than "to open the castle drawbridge"), and that does make the god sound a
bit silly if you've already entered the building. It would make sense to
skip the first of the two messages if you make it inside without opening or
destroying the bridge, but this patch doesn't attempt to address that.
protect hero from mind flayer's remote mental blast during successful prayer
recognize if hero has already entered Gehennom by means other than usual route
so that prompt can be skipped if Valley's stairs are subsequently used
+once you've passed the Valley, drawbridge tune is no longer a prayer reward
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
case 3:
- /* takes 2 hints to get the music to enter the stronghold */
- if (!u.uevent.uopened_dbridge) {
+ /* takes 2 hints to get the music to enter the stronghold;
+ skip if you've solved it via mastermind or destroyed the
+ drawbridge (both set uopened_dbridge) or if you've already
+ travelled past the Valley of the Dead (gehennom_entered) */
+ if (!u.uevent.uopened_dbridge && !u.uevent.gehennom_entered) {
if (u.uevent.uheard_tune < 1) {
godvoice(g_align,(char *)0);
verbalize("Hark, %s!",