PostGIS 2.0 Migration Guide
-PostGIS 2.0 introduces changes that may affect backward compatibility
+PostGIS 2.0 introduces changes that may affect backwards compatibility
for some applications. This document lists those changes.
+Deprecated Functions Removed
+Since PostGIS 1.2, we have been encouraging users to use functions with the ST_
+prefix. The ST_ prefixed functions are part of the ISO SQL/MM standard and
+used by other spatial SQL databases, so we want to conform as closely to the
+industry usage as we can.
+At 2.0, we have finally removed the old functions. If you have an application
+that *still* requires the old function signatures, please look to the legacy_*.sql
+files to add the old signatures back in.
+If you are using MapServer, upgrade to the latest versions of the 6.0 or 6.2
+releases. For earlier releases, you will have to install the legacy.sql files.
+Unknown SRID
+The "unknown SRID", assigned to geometries when SRID is not specified, is now 0, not -1.
+ST_SRID will now return 0 when called on a geometry with no known SRID.
+ST_AsBinary, ST_AsText and 3D
+Previous versions of PostGIS returned 2D versions of objects when ST_AsBinary
+and ST_AsText were called. PostGIS 2.0 returns ISO SQL/MM versions when 3D or 4D
+objects are used. For example, a 3D point with a Z dimension will return
+as 'POINT Z (0 0 0)'. A 4D point will return as 'POINT ZM (0 0 0 0)'.
+For WKB, extra dimensionality is indicated in the type numbers. The Z, M, and ZM
+type numbers are indicated by adding 1000, 2000, and 3000 respectively to the
+usual 2D type numbers. So, for example, a 2D Point has a type number of 1. A 4D
+PointZM has a type number of 3001. A 2D polygon has a type number of 3. A PolygonZ has a
+type number of 2003.
* Applications that have inserted directly into ``geometry_columns``
will need to either move to the standard functions, or change
- their create table syntax to include type/srid/dimsionality
+ their create table syntax to include type/srid/dimensionality
For example, to specify a 3D feature in WGS84::