#include "http_request.h"
#include "util_script.h"
#include "http_connection.h"
+#include "unixd.h"
+#include "scoreboard.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
* these co-routines are called for every single request, and the impact
* on the size (and readability) of the error_log is considerable.
if (EXAMPLE_LOG_EACH && (s != NULL)) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s, "mod_example: %s", note);
-/* */
-/* Now let's declare routines for each of the callback phase in order. */
-/* (That's the order in which they're listed in the callback list, *not */
-/* the order in which the server calls them! See the command_rec */
-/* declaration near the bottom of this file.) Note that these may be */
-/* called for situations that don't relate primarily to our function - in */
-/* other words, the fixup handler shouldn't assume that the request has */
-/* to do with "example" stuff. */
-/* */
-/* With the exception of the content handler, all of our routines will be */
-/* called for each request, unless an earlier handler from another module */
-/* aborted the sequence. */
-/* */
-/* Handlers that are declared as "int" can return the following: */
-/* */
-/* OK Handler accepted the request and did its thing with it. */
-/* DECLINED Handler took no action. */
-/* HTTP_mumble Handler looked at request and found it wanting. */
-/* */
-/* What the server does after calling a module handler depends upon the */
-/* handler's return value. In all cases, if the handler returns */
-/* DECLINED, the server will continue to the next module with an handler */
-/* for the current phase. However, if the handler return a non-OK, */
-/* non-DECLINED status, the server aborts the request right there. If */
-/* the handler returns OK, the server's next action is phase-specific; */
-/* see the individual handler comments below for details. */
-/* */
- * This function is called during server initialisation. Any information
- * that needs to be recorded must be in static cells, since there's no
- * configuration record.
- *
- * There is no return value.
- */
- * This function is called when an heavy-weight process (such as a child) is
- * being run down or destroyed. As with the child initialisation function,
- * any information that needs to be recorded must be in static cells, since
- * there's no configuration record.
- *
- * There is no return value.
- */
- * This function is called during server initialisation when an heavy-weight
- * process (such as a child) is being initialised. As with the
- * module initialisation function, any information that needs to be recorded
- * must be in static cells, since there's no configuration record.
- *
- * There is no return value.
- */
+ * *
+ * Now let's declare routines for each of the callback hooks in order. *
+ * (That's the order in which they're listed in the callback list, *not *
+ * the order in which the server calls them! See the command_rec *
+ * declaration near the bottom of this file.) Note that these may be *
+ * called for situations that don't relate primarily to our function - in *
+ * other words, the fixup handler shouldn't assume that the request has *
+ * to do with "example" stuff. *
+ * *
+ * With the exception of the content handler, all of our routines will be *
+ * called for each request, unless an earlier handler from another module *
+ * aborted the sequence. *
+ * *
+ * There are three types of hooks (see include/ap_config.h): *
+ * *
+ * VOID : No return code, run all handlers declared by any module *
+ * RUN_FIRST : Run all handlers until one returns something other *
+ * than DECLINED. Hook runner result is result of last callback *
+ * RUN_ALL : Run all handlers until one returns something other than OK *
+ * or DECLINED. The hook runner returns that other value. If *
+ * all hooks run, the hook runner returns OK. *
+ * *
+ * Handlers that are declared as "int" can return the following: *
+ * *
+ * OK Handler accepted the request and did its thing with it. *
+ * DECLINED Handler took no action. *
+ * HTTP_mumble Handler looked at request and found it wanting. *
+ * *
+ * Handlers that are not declared as int return a valid pointer, or NULL if *
+ * they DECLINE to handle their phase for that specific request. *
+ * Exceptions, if any, are noted with each routine. *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* This routine is called before the server processes the configuration
* Log the call and exit.
- trace_add(r->server, NULL, cfg, "x_quick_handler()");
+ trace_add(r->server, r, cfg, "x_quick_handler()");
return DECLINED;
return DECLINED;
+ * This routine is called to insert a previously defined error filter into
+ * the filter chain as the request is being processed.
+ *
+ * For the purpose of this example, we don't have a filter to insert,
+ * so just add to the trace and exit.
+ *
+ * There is no return code.
+ */
+static void x_insert_error_filter(request_rec *r)
+ x_cfg *cfg;
+ cfg = our_dconfig(r);
+ trace_add(r->server, r, cfg, "x_insert_error_filter()");
+ * This routine is called to find out under which user id to run suexec
+ * Unless our module runs CGI programs, there is no reason for us to
+ * mess with this information.
+ *
+ * The return value is a pointer to an ap_unix_identity_t or NULL. If we
+ * return a non-NULL pointer, no further callbacks in the chain for this
+ * hook will be called.
+ */
+static ap_unix_identity_t *x_get_suexec_identity(const request_rec *r)
+ x_cfg *cfg;
+ cfg = our_dconfig(r);
+ trace_add(r->server, (request_rec *) r, cfg, "x_get_suexec_identity()");
+ return NULL;
+ * This routine is called to create a connection. This hook is implemented
+ * by the Apache core: there is no known reason a module should override
+ * it.
+ *
+ * This is a RUN_FIRST hook.
+ *
+ * Return NULL to decline, a valid conn_rec pointer to accept.
+ */
+static conn_rec *x_create_connection(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *server,
+ apr_socket_t *csd, long conn_id,
+ void *sbh, apr_bucket_alloc_t *alloc)
+ trace_add(server, NULL, NULL, "x_create_connection()");
+ return NULL;
+ * This hook is defined in server/core.c, but it is not actually called
+ * or documented.
+ *
+ * This is a RUN_ALL hook: all routines in the chain will be called. If
+ * one of the routines on the chain returns OK, the hook run will return OK.
+ * Otherwise the result will be DECLINED.
+ */
+static int x_get_mgmt_items(apr_pool_t *p, const char *val, apr_hash_t *ht)
+ /* We have nothing to do here but trace the call, and no context
+ * in which to trace it.
+ */
+ trace_add(NULL, NULL, NULL, "x_check_config()");
+ return DECLINED;
+ * This routine gets called shortly after the request_rec structure
+ * is created. It provides the opportunity to manipulae the request
+ * at a very early stage.
+ *
+ * This is a RUN_ALL hook. The return value can be OK, DECLINED or
+ * HTTP_mumble.
+ */
+static int x_create_request(request_rec *r)
+ /* We have a request_rec, but it is not filled in enough
+ * to give us a usable configuration. So, add trace with
+ * NULL pointers.
+ */
+ trace_add(NULL, NULL, NULL, "x_create_request()");
+ return DECLINED;
+ * This routine gets called during the startup of the MPM.
+ * No known existing module implements this hook.
+ *
+ * This is a RUN_ALL hook. The return value can be OK, DECLINED or
+ * HTTP_mumble.
+ */
+static int x_pre_mpm(apr_pool_t *p, ap_scoreboard_e sb_type)
+ trace_add(NULL, NULL, NULL, "x_pre_mpm()");
+ return DECLINED;
/* */
/* Which functions are responsible for which hooks in the server. */
ap_hook_access_checker(x_access_checker, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
ap_hook_auth_checker(x_auth_checker, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
ap_hook_insert_filter(x_insert_filter, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
-#if 0
ap_hook_insert_error_filter(x_insert_error_filter, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_get_suexec_identity(x_get_suexec_identity, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_create_connection(x_create_connection, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_get_mgmt_items(x_get_mgmt_items, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_create_request(x_create_request, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_hook_pre_mpm(x_pre_mpm, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);