/* {{{ proto int pg_connect([string connection_string] | [string host, string port, [string options, [string tty,]] string database)
Open a PostgreSQL connection */
/* {{{ proto int pg_pconnect([string connection_string] | [string host, string port, [string options, [string tty,]] string database)
Open a persistent PostgreSQL connection */
/* {{{ proto bool pg_close([int connection])
Close a PostgreSQL connection */
pval *pgsql_link;
int id,type;
/* {{{ proto string pg_dbname([int connection])
Get the database name */
/* {{{ proto string pg_errormessage([int connection])
Get the error message string */
/* {{{ proto string pg_options([int connection])
Get the options associated with the connection */
/* {{{ proto int pg_port([int connection])
Return the port number associated with the connection */
/* {{{ proto string pg_tty([int connection])
Return the tty name associated with the connection */
/* {{{ proto string pg_host([int connection])
Returns the host name associated with the connection */
/* {{{ proto int pg_exec([int connection,] string query)
Execute a query */
pval *query,*pgsql_link;
int id,type;
/* {{{ proto int pg_numrows(int result)
Return the number of rows in the result */
/* {{{ proto int pg_numfields(int result)
Return the number of fields in the result */
/* {{{ proto int pg_cmdtuples(int result)
Returns the number of affected tuples */
/* {{{ proto string pg_fieldname(int result, int field_number)
Returns the name of the field */
/* {{{ proto int pg_fieldsize(int result, int field_number)
Returns the internal size of the field */
/* {{{ proto string pg_fieldtype(int result, int field_number)
Returns the type name for the given field */
/* {{{ proto int pg_fieldnum(int result, string field_name)
Returns the field number of the named field */
pval *result,*field;
PGresult *pgsql_result;
/* {{{ proto mixed pg_result(int result, int row_number, mixed field_name)
Returns values from a result identifier */
pval *result, *row, *field=NULL;
PGresult *pgsql_result;
/* {{{ proto array pg_fetchrow(int result, int row)
Get a row as an enumerated array */
/* ?? This is a rather odd function - why not just point pg_fetcharray() directly at fetch_hash ? -RL */
/* {{{ proto array pg_fetch_array(int result, int row [, int result_type])
Fetch a row as an array */
php_pgsql_fetch_hash(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, 0);
/* {{{ proto object pg_fetch_object(int result, int row [, int result_type])
Fetch a row as an object */
php_pgsql_fetch_hash(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, 0);
if (return_value->type==IS_ARRAY) {
/* {{{ proto int pg_fieldprtlen(int result, int row, mixed field_name_or_number)
Returns the printed length */
/* {{{ proto int pg_fieldisnull(int result, int row, mixed field_name_or_number)
Test if a field is NULL */
/* {{{ proto int pg_freeresult(int result)
Free result memory */
pval *result;
pgsql_result_handle *pg_result;
/* {{{ proto int pg_getlastoid(int result)
Returns the last object identifier */
pval *result;
PGresult *pgsql_result;
/* {{{ proto int pg_locreate(int connection)
Create a large object */
pval *pgsql_link;
PGconn *pgsql;
/* {{{ proto void pg_lounlink([int connection, ] int large_obj_id)
Delete a large object */
pval *pgsql_link, *oid;
PGconn *pgsql;
/* {{{ proto int pg_loopen([int connection,] int objoid, string mode)
Open a large object and return fd */
pval *pgsql_link, *oid, *mode;
PGconn *pgsql;
/* {{{ proto void pg_loclose(int fd)
Close a large object */
pval *pgsql_lofp;
int id, type;
/* {{{ proto string pg_loread(int fd, int len)
Read a large object */
pval *pgsql_id, *len;
int id, buf_len, type, nbytes;
/* {{{ proto int pg_lowrite(int fd, string buf)
Write a large object */
pval *pgsql_id, *str;
int id, buf_len, nbytes, type;
/* {{{ proto void pg_loreadall(int fd)
Read a large object and send straight to browser */
pval *pgsql_id;
int i, id, tbytes, type;
void php_pgsql_do_connect(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS,int persistent);
int php_pgsql_get_default_link(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS);