fWaitToStart = NO;
fFinishedSeeding = NO;
- if (![self isActive] && /*[self alertForFolderAvailable] &&*/ [self alertForRemainingDiskSpace])
+ if (![self isActive] && [self alertForRemainingDiskSpace])
[self update];
return YES;
-#warning is this needed?
-/*- (BOOL) alertForFolderAvailable
- #warning check for change from incomplete to download folder first
- if (access(tr_torrentGetDownloadDir(fHandle), 0))
- {
- NSAlert * alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText: [NSString stringWithFormat:
- NSLocalizedString(@"The folder for downloading \"%@\" cannot be used.",
- "Folder cannot be used alert -> title"), [self name]]];
- [alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat:
- NSLocalizedString(@"\"%@\" cannot be used. The transfer will be paused.",
- "Folder cannot be used alert -> message"), [self downloadFolder]]];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Folder cannot be used alert -> button")];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle: [NSLocalizedString(@"Choose New Location",
- "Folder cannot be used alert -> location button") stringByAppendingEllipsis]];
- if ([alert runModal] != NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
- {
- NSOpenPanel * panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
- [panel setPrompt: NSLocalizedString(@"Select", "Folder cannot be used alert -> prompt")];
- [panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
- [panel setCanChooseFiles: NO];
- [panel setCanChooseDirectories: YES];
- [panel setCanCreateDirectories: YES];
- [panel setMessage: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Select the download folder for \"%@\"",
- "Folder cannot be used alert -> select destination folder"), [self name]]];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"MakeWindowKey" object: nil];
- [panel beginSheetForDirectory: nil file: nil types: nil modalForWindow: [NSApp keyWindow] modalDelegate: self
- didEndSelector: @selector(destinationChoiceClosed:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo: nil];
- }
- [alert release];
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-- (void) destinationChoiceClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) openPanel returnCode: (NSInteger) code contextInfo: (void *) context
- if (code != NSOKButton)
- return;
- [self changeDownloadFolder: [[openPanel filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]];
- [self startTransfer];
- [self update];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"UpdateStats" object: nil];
- (NSImage *) icon
if (!fIcon)