* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.55 2004/05/13 07:48:47 strk
+ * Put table creation code in its own function.
+ * Fixed a bug with NULL shape records handling.
+ *
* Revision 1.54 2004/05/13 06:38:39 strk
* DBFReadStringValue always used to workaround shapelib bug with int values.
char *col_names;
DBFFieldType *types; /* Fields type, width and precision */
+SHPHandle hSHPHandle;
+DBFHandle hDBFHandle;
int *widths;
int *precisions;
+char *table,*schema;
+int num_fields,num_records;
+char **field_names;
int Insert_attributes(DBFHandle hDBFHandle, int row);
char *make_good_string(char *str);
char *protect_quotes_string(char *str);
int PIP( Point P, Point* V, int n );
void *safe_malloc(size_t size);
+void create_table(void);
static char rcsid[] =
- if(i) printf("\t");
+ if(i) printf("\t");
- if(i) printf(",");
- printf("NULL");
- }
+ if(i) printf(",");
+ printf("NULL");
+ }
else /* Attribute NOT NULL */
//see description at the top of this file
int main (int ARGC, char **ARGV){
- SHPHandle hSHPHandle;
- DBFHandle hDBFHandle;
- int num_fields,num_records,begin,trans,field_precision, field_width;
+ int begin,trans,field_precision, field_width;
int num_entities, phnshapetype,next_ring,errflg,c;
double padminbound[8], padmaxbound[8];
int u,j,z,tot_rings,curindex;
SHPObject *obj=NULL;
char name[64];
char name2[64];
- char *sr_id,*shp_file,*table,*schema,*ptr;
- char **names;
+ char *sr_id,*shp_file,*ptr;
DBFFieldType type = -1;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
num_fields = DBFGetFieldCount( hDBFHandle );
num_records = DBFGetRecordCount(hDBFHandle);
- names = malloc(num_fields*sizeof(char*));
+ field_names = malloc(num_fields*sizeof(char*));
types = (DBFFieldType *)malloc(num_fields*sizeof(int));
widths = malloc(num_fields*sizeof(int));
precisions = malloc(num_fields*sizeof(int));
/* Avoid duplicating field names */
for(z=0; z < j ; z++){
- if(strcmp(names[z],name)==0){
+ if(strcmp(field_names[z],name)==0){
- names[j] = malloc ( strlen(name)+3 );
- strcpy(names[j], name);
+ field_names[j] = malloc ( strlen(name)+3 );
+ strcpy(field_names[j], name);
if (j) strcat(col_names, ",");
sprintf(col_names, "%s\"%s\"", col_names, name);
strcat(col_names, ",the_geom)");
//if opt is 'a' do nothing, go straight to making inserts
- if(opt == 'c' || opt == 'd')
- {
- /*
- * Create a table for inserting the shapes into with appropriate
- * columns and types
- */
- if ( schema )
- {
- printf("CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" (gid serial", schema, table);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" (gid serial", table);
- }
- for(j=0;j<num_fields;j++)
- {
- type = types[j];
- field_width = widths[j];
- field_precision = precisions[j];
- printf(", \"%s\" ", names[j]);
- if(hDBFHandle->pachFieldType[j] == 'D' ) /* Date field */
- {
- printf ("varchar(8)");//date data-type is not supported in API so check for it explicity before the api call.
- }
- else
- {
- if(type == FTString){
- printf ("varchar");
- }else if(type == FTInteger){
- if( field_width > 18 ){
- printf ("numeric(%d,0)",field_width);
- }else if( field_width > 9){
- printf ("int8");
- }else{
- printf ("int4");
- }
- }else if(type == FTDouble){
- if( field_width > 18 ){
- //printf ("numeric(%d,%d)",field_width, field_precision);
- printf ("numeric");
- }else{
- printf ("float8");
- }
- }else if(type == FTLogical){
- printf ("boolean");
- }else{
- printf ("Invalid type in DBF file");
- }
- }
- }
- printf (");\n");
- //finished creating the table
- }
+ if(opt == 'c' || opt == 'd') create_table();
if (obj->nVertices == 0){
if (dump_format){
- printf("\\N");
+ printf("\\N\t");
Insert_attributes(hDBFHandle,j);//add the attributes of each shape to the insert statement
- printf("NULL");
+ printf("INSERT INTO \"%s\" %s VALUES (NULL, ",table,col_names);
Insert_attributes(hDBFHandle,j);//add the attributes of each shape to the insert statement
+ printf(");");
if ((dump_format) ) {
- }
+ }
if(opt != 'a'){
printf("\nALTER TABLE ONLY \"%s\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"%s_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (gid);\n",table,table);
}//end main()
+void create_table()
+ int j;
+ int field_precision, field_width;
+ DBFFieldType type = -1;
+ /*
+ * Create a table for inserting the shapes into with appropriate
+ * columns and types
+ */
+ if ( schema )
+ {
+ printf("CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" (gid serial", schema, table);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" (gid serial", table);
+ }
+ for(j=0;j<num_fields;j++)
+ {
+ type = types[j];
+ field_width = widths[j];
+ field_precision = precisions[j];
+ printf(", \"%s\" ", field_names[j]);
+ if(hDBFHandle->pachFieldType[j] == 'D' ) /* Date field */
+ {
+ printf ("varchar(8)");//date data-type is not supported in API so check for it explicity before the api call.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(type == FTString){
+ printf ("varchar");
+ }else if(type == FTInteger){
+ if( field_width > 18 ){
+ printf ("numeric(%d,0)",field_width);
+ }else if( field_width > 9){
+ printf ("int8");
+ }else{
+ printf ("int4");
+ }
+ }else if(type == FTDouble){
+ if( field_width > 18 ){
+ //printf ("numeric(%d,%d)",field_width, field_precision);
+ printf ("numeric");
+ }else{
+ printf ("float8");
+ }
+ }else if(type == FTLogical){
+ printf ("boolean");
+ }else{
+ printf ("Invalid type in DBF file");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf (");\n");
+ //finished creating the table