case file:consult(File) of
{ok, Terms} ->
- {error, {_LineNumber, erl_parse, _ParseMessage} = Reason} ->
- ExitText = lists:flatten(File ++ " approximately in the line "
- ++ file:format_error(Reason)),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Problem loading ejabberd config file ~n~s", [ExitText]),
- exit(ExitText);
+ {error, {LineNumber, erl_parse, _ParseMessage} = Reason} ->
+ ExitText = describe_config_problem(File, Reason, LineNumber),
+ ?ERROR_MSG(ExitText, []),
+ exit_or_halt(ExitText);
{error, Reason} ->
- ExitText = lists:flatten(File ++ ": " ++ file:format_error(Reason)),
- ?ERROR_MSG("Problem loading ejabberd config file ~n~s", [ExitText]),
- exit(ExitText)
+ ExitText = describe_config_problem(File, Reason),
+ ?ERROR_MSG(ExitText, []),
+ exit_or_halt(ExitText)
%% @doc Convert configuration filename to absolute path.
+%%% Errors reading the config file
+describe_config_problem(Filename, Reason) ->
+ Text1 = lists:flatten("Problem loading ejabberd config file " ++ Filename),
+ Text2 = lists:flatten(" : " ++ file:format_error(Reason)),
+ ExitText = Text1 ++ Text2,
+ ExitText.
+describe_config_problem(Filename, Reason, LineNumber) ->
+ Text1 = lists:flatten("Problem loading ejabberd config file " ++ Filename),
+ Text2 = lists:flatten(" approximately in the line "
+ ++ file:format_error(Reason)),
+ ExitText = Text1 ++ Text2,
+ Lines = get_config_lines(Filename, LineNumber, 10, 3),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Extract from config file: ~n~s", [Lines]),
+ ExitText.
+get_config_lines(Filename, TargetNumber, PreContext, PostContext) ->
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(Filename, [read]),
+ LNumbers = lists:seq(TargetNumber-PreContext, TargetNumber+PostContext),
+ NextL = file:read_line(Fd),
+ R = get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, 1, LNumbers, []),
+ file:close(Fd),
+ R.
+get_config_lines2(_Fd, eof, _CurrLine, _LNumbers, R) ->
+ lists:reverse(R);
+get_config_lines2(_Fd, _NewLine, _CurrLine, [], R) ->
+ lists:reverse(R);
+get_config_lines2(Fd, {ok, Data}, CurrLine, [NextWanted | LNumbers], R) ->
+ NextL = file:read_line(Fd),
+ if
+ CurrLine >= NextWanted ->
+ Line2 = [integer_to_list(CurrLine), ": " | Data],
+ get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, CurrLine+1, LNumbers, [Line2 | R]);
+ true ->
+ get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, CurrLine+1, [NextWanted | LNumbers], R)
+ end.
+%% If ejabberd isn't yet running in this node, then halt the node
+exit_or_halt(ExitText) ->
+ case [Vsn || {ejabberd, _Desc, Vsn} <- application:which_applications()] of
+ [] ->
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ halt(ExitText);
+ [_] ->
+ exit(ExitText)
+ end.
%%% Support for 'include_config_file'