history-test \
json-test \
magnet-test \
+ makemeta-test \
metainfo-test \
move-test \
peer-msgs-test \
metainfo_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
metainfo_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
+makemeta_test_SOURCES = makemeta-test.c $(TEST_SOURCES)
+makemeta_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
+makemeta_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
move_test_SOURCES = move-test.c $(TEST_SOURCES)
move_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
move_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* mkstemp() */
+#include <unistd.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "platform.h" /* TR_PATH_DELIMETER */
char *
libtest_sandbox_create (void)
- const char * path = tr_getcwd ();
+ char * path = tr_getcwd ();
char * sandbox = tr_buildPath (path, "sandbox-XXXXXX", NULL);
+ tr_free (path);
tr_mkdtemp (sandbox);
return sandbox;
tr_wait_msec (10);
-libtest_create_file_with_contents (const char * path, const char * str)
+static void
+build_parent_dir (const char* path)
- FILE * fp;
char * dir;
const int tmperr = errno;
assert (errno == 0);
tr_free (dir);
+ errno = tmperr;
+libtest_create_file_with_contents (const char* path, const void* payload, size_t n)
+ FILE * fp;
+ const int tmperr = errno;
+ build_parent_dir (path);
tr_remove (path);
fp = fopen (path, "wb");
- fprintf (fp, "%s", str);
+ fwrite (payload, 1, n, fp);
fclose (fp);
sync ();
errno = tmperr;
+libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (const char * path, const char* str)
+ libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, str, strlen(str));
+libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (char* tmpl, const void* payload, size_t n)
+ int fd;
+ const int tmperr = errno;
+ size_t n_left = n;
+ build_parent_dir (tmpl);
+ fd = mkstemp (tmpl);
+ while (n_left > 0)
+ {
+ const ssize_t n = write (fd, payload, n_left);
+ if (n == -1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Error writing '%s': %s", tmpl, tr_strerror(errno));
+ break;
+ }
+ n_left -= n;
+ }
+ close (fd);
+ sync ();
+ errno = tmperr;
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h> /* strlen() */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "utils.h" /* tr_strcmp0 () */
void libttest_blockingTorrentVerify (tr_torrent * tor);
-void libtest_create_file_with_contents (const char * path, const char * str);
+void libtest_create_file_with_contents (const char * path, const void* contents, size_t n);
+void libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (char* tmpl, const void* payload, size_t n);
+void libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (const char * path, const char* str);
char* libtest_sandbox_create (void);
void libtest_sandbox_destroy (const char * sandbox);
--- /dev/null
+ * This file Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
+ *
+ * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
+ * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
+ *
+ * $Id: utils-test.c 14266 2014-04-27 23:10:01Z jordan $
+ */
+#include "libtransmission-test.h"
+#include "transmission.h"
+#include "makemeta.h"
+#include <stdlib.h> /* mktemp() */
+#include <string.h> /* strlen() */
+static int
+test_single_file_impl (const tr_tracker_info * trackers,
+ const size_t trackerCount,
+ const void * payload,
+ const size_t payloadSize,
+ const char * comment,
+ bool isPrivate)
+ char* sandbox;
+ char* input_file;
+ char* torrent_file;
+ tr_metainfo_builder* builder;
+ tr_ctor * ctor;
+ tr_parse_result parse_result;
+ tr_info inf;
+ char * tmpstr;
+ /* set up our local test sandbox */
+ sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create();
+ /* create a single input file */
+ input_file = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "test.XXXXXX", NULL);
+ libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (input_file, payload, payloadSize);
+ builder = tr_metaInfoBuilderCreate (input_file);
+ check_streq (input_file, builder->top);
+ check_int_eq (1, builder->fileCount);
+ check_streq (input_file, builder->files[0].filename);
+ check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->files[0].size);
+ check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->totalSize);
+ check (builder->isSingleFile);
+ check (!builder->abortFlag);
+ /* have tr_makeMetaInfo() build the .torrent file */
+ torrent_file = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.torrent", input_file);
+ tr_makeMetaInfo (builder, torrent_file, trackers, trackerCount, comment, isPrivate);
+ check (isPrivate == builder->isPrivate);
+ check_streq (torrent_file, builder->outputFile);
+ check_streq (comment, builder->comment);
+ check_int_eq (trackerCount, builder->trackerCount);
+ while (!builder->isDone)
+ tr_wait_msec (100);
+ /* now let's check our work: parse the .torrent file */
+ ctor = tr_ctorNew (NULL);
+ tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, torrent_file);
+ parse_result = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &inf);
+ check_int_eq (TR_PARSE_OK, parse_result);
+ /* quick check of some of the parsed metainfo */
+ check_int_eq (payloadSize, inf.totalSize);
+ tmpstr = tr_basename(input_file);
+ check_streq (tmpstr, inf.name);
+ tr_free (tmpstr);
+ check_streq (comment, inf.comment);
+ check_int_eq (1, inf.fileCount);
+ check_int_eq (isPrivate, inf.isPrivate);
+ check (!inf.isMultifile);
+ check_int_eq (trackerCount, inf.trackerCount);
+ /* cleanup */
+ tr_free (torrent_file);
+ tr_free (input_file);
+ tr_ctorFree (ctor);
+ tr_metainfoFree (&inf);
+ tr_metaInfoBuilderFree (builder);
+ libtest_sandbox_destroy (sandbox);
+ tr_free (sandbox);
+ return 0;
+static int
+test_single_file (void)
+ tr_tracker_info trackers[16];
+ size_t trackerCount;
+ bool isPrivate;
+ const char * comment;
+ const char * payload;
+ size_t payloadSize;
+ trackerCount = 0;
+ trackers[trackerCount].tier = trackerCount;
+ trackers[trackerCount].announce = (char*) "udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80";
+ ++trackerCount;
+ trackers[trackerCount].tier = trackerCount;
+ trackers[trackerCount].announce = (char*) "udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80";
+ ++trackerCount;
+ payload = "Hello, World!\n";
+ payloadSize = strlen(payload);
+ comment = "This is the comment";
+ isPrivate = false;
+ test_single_file_impl (trackers, trackerCount, payload, payloadSize, comment, isPrivate);
+ return 0;
+main (void)
+ const testFunc tests[] = { test_single_file };
+ return runTests (tests, NUM_TESTS (tests));
create_single_file_torrent_contents (const char * top)
char * path = tr_buildPath (top, "hello-world.txt", NULL);
- libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, "hello, world!\n");
+ libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (path, "hello, world!\n");
tr_free (path);
char * path;
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Acinonyx", "Cheetah", "Chester", NULL);
- libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, "It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n");
+ libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (path, "It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Pantherinae", "Panthera", "Tiger", "Tony", NULL);
- libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, "They’re Grrrrreat!\n");
+ libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (path, "They’re Grrrrreat!\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Felis", "catus", "Kyphi", NULL);
- libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, "Inquisitive\n");
+ libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (path, "Inquisitive\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Felis", "catus", "Saffron", NULL);
- libtest_create_file_with_contents (path, "Tough\n");
+ libtest_create_file_with_string_contents (path, "Tough\n");
tr_free (path);
sync ();