--- /dev/null
+Various ways to test PgBouncer:
+- `test.sh`
+ General test of basic functionality and different configuration
+ parameters including timeouts, pool size, online restart,
+ pause/resume, etc. To invoke, just run `./test.sh`. This needs
+ PostgreSQL server programs (`initdb`, `pg_ctl`) in the path, so if
+ you are on a system that doesn't have those in the normal path
+ (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu), set `PATH` beforehand.
+ Note: This test suite will ask for `sudo` access to use
+ `iptables`/`pfctl` to simulate various network conditions. If you
+ don't want that, just enter an empty password at the `sudo`
+ prompt, and those tests will be skipped. Check the source if
+ there are any doubts.
+- `ssl/test.sh`
+ Tests SSL/TLS functionality. Otherwise very similar to `test.sh`.
+- `hba_test`
+ Tests hba parsing. Run `make all` to build and `make check` to execute.
+- `run-conntest.sh`
+ This is a more complex setup that continuously runs queries
+ through PgBouncer while messing around with the network, checking
+ whether PgBouncer correctly reconnects and all the queries get
+ processed. First, run `make asynctest` to build, then see
+ `run-conntest.sh` how to run the different pieces.
+- `stress.py`
+ Stress test, see source for details. Requires Python and `psycopg2` module.