--- /dev/null
+" Test signal handling.
+if !has('unix')
+ finish
+source shared.vim
+" Test signal WINCH (window resize signal)
+func Test_signal_WINCH()
+ let signals = system('kill -l')
+ if signals !~ '\<WINCH\>'
+ " signal WINCH is not available, skip the test.
+ return
+ endif
+ " We do not actually want to change the size of the terminal.
+ let old_WS = ''
+ if exists('&t_WS')
+ let old_WS = &t_WS
+ let &t_WS = ''
+ endif
+ let old_lines = &lines
+ let old_columns = &columns
+ let new_lines = &lines - 2
+ let new_columns = &columns - 2
+ exe 'set lines=' . new_lines
+ exe 'set columns=' . new_columns
+ call assert_equal(new_lines, &lines)
+ call assert_equal(new_columns, &columns)
+ " Send signal and wait for signal to be processed.
+ " 'lines' and 'columns' should have been restored
+ " after handing signal WINCH.
+ exe 'silent !kill -s WINCH ' . getpid()
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(old_lines, &lines)})
+ call assert_equal(old_columns, &columns)
+ if old_WS != ''
+ let &t_WS = old_WS
+ endif