--- /dev/null
+See http://www.freelists.org/post/procps/Scan-results,5
+ based on:
+ these are the categories i've assigned:
+ pmap
+ tload
+ slabtop
+ ps/output
+ proc/readproc
+ top
+ vmstat
+ ps/parser (3)
+ pwdx
+ proc/readproc
+ pgrep
+ slabtop
+ top (3)
+ watch (2)
+ sysctl (2)
+ ps/output (2)
+ ps/sortformat
+ top (no defect, but i yield)
+ pgrep ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ agree that argv might be tainted
+ but the (int)argv[1][1] index is being passed to isdigit() function (and glibc safely indexes into array sized at 384 bytes)
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive (out of step with current glibc implementation)
+pgrep.c:720: tainted_data: Passing tainted variable "argv" to a tainted sink.
+pgrep.c:558: data_index: Using tainted variable "(int)argv[1][1]" as an index to pointer "*__ctype_b_loc()".
+ pmap -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ agree that there is a problem.
+ moreover, it deals with an undocumented command line argument (but sami has documentation addition pending)
+ a deference was added in line with intent, hopefully avoids this warning
+ my_category: defect_was_fixed
+pmap.c:314: write_write_order: In "arg2 = (arg2 ? arg2++ : arg1)", "arg2" is written in "arg2" (the assignment left-hand side) and written in "arg2 ? arg2++ : arg1" but the order in which the side effects take place is undefined because there is no intervening sequence point.
+ pwdx -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static buffer is initialized to 0
+ it is +1 larger than size passed to readlink
+ was fixed in previous analysis
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+pwdx.c:86: string_null_argument: Function "readlink" does not terminate string "*buf".
+pwdx.c:73: var_assign_var: Assigning: "s" = "buf". Both now point to the same unterminated string.
+pwdx.c:73: var_assign_var: Assigning: "s" = "buf". Both now point to the same unterminated string.
+pwdx.c:73: var_assign_var: Assigning: "s" = "buf". Both now point to the same unterminated string.
+pwdx.c:92: string_null: Passing unterminated string "s" to "printf".
+ slabtop ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ intentional fall through after setting return code
+ no change made
+ my_category: possibly_filter_out_?
+slabtop.c:314: unterminated_case: This case (value 104) is not terminated by a 'break' statement.
+slabtop.c:316: fallthrough: The above case falls through to this one.
+ read limited to single byte signed 'char'
+ ultimately passed to toupper() function (and glibc safely indexes into array sized at 384 bytes)
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive (out of step with current glibc implementation)
+slabtop.c:387: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "read" taints argument "c".
+slabtop.c:389: tainted_data: Passing tainted variable "c" to a tainted sink.
+slabtop.c:233: data_index: Using tainted variable "(int)c" as an index to pointer "*__ctype_toupper_loc()".
+ sysctl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Error: TOCTOU:
+ the pathlength between these two events cannot be reduced further
+ instead of assessing intervening lines of code, perhaps tool should assess 'if' statements (2)
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+sysctl.c:149: fs_check_call: Calling function "stat" to perform check on "tmpname".
+sysctl.c:168: toctou: Calling function "fopen" that uses "tmpname" after a check function. This can cause a time-of-check, time-of-use race condition.
+Error: TOCTOU:
+ the pathlength between these two events cannot be reduced further
+ instead of assessing intervening lines of code, perhaps tool should assess 'if' statements (2)
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+sysctl.c:327: fs_check_call: Calling function "stat" to perform check on "tmpname".
+sysctl.c:345: toctou: Calling function "fopen" that uses "tmpname" after a check function. This can cause a time-of-check, time-of-use race condition.
+ tload ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ altered perror call to provide an untainted string
+ my_category: defect_was_fixed
+tload.c:89: tainted_string: Passing tainted string "argv[optind]" to a function that cannot accept tainted data.
+ top --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cpus cannot be NULL without fp also being NULL
+ the very next 'if (!fp)' ensures cpus will be allocated
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+top.c:1790: assign_zero: Assigning: "cpus" = 0.
+top.c:1807: var_deref_op: Dereferencing null variable "cpus".
+ This "error" is centered around the following code:
+ f = w->pflgsall[i + w->begpflg];
+ w->procflgs[i] = f;
+ #ifndef USE_X_COLHDR
+ if (P_MAXPFLGS < f) continue;
+ #endif
+ h = Fieldstab[f].head;
+ The enum P_MAXPFLGS is strictly a fencepost and can *never* appear in the arrays pflgsall or procflgs.
+ Thus it (39th element) cannot be used in referencing Fieldstab.
+ However, two enums of higher value (X_XON=40 and X_XOF=41) *can* appear in those arrays.
+ But the test against the fencepost ensures that those two enums are *never* used in referencing Fieldstab.
+ When the analyzer sees the conditional using '<' and not '<=' it reports a false positive.
+ i'm tired of explaining this so the program was changed to accommodate the tool's deficiency
+ my_category: unavoidable_false_positive_but_patched_anyway
+top.c:1417: overrun-local: Overrunning static array "Fieldstab", with 39 elements, at position 39 with index variable "f".
+ the index is used subordinate to a case statement ensuring a value between '1' and '4'
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+top.c:2442: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "chin" taints argument "ch".
+top.c:848: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "read" taints parameter "*buf".
+top.c:2452: tainted_data: Using tainted variable "ch - 49" as an index into an array "Winstk".
+ the index is used subordinate to as case statement ensuring a value between '1' and '4'
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+top.c:2719: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "chin" taints argument "ch".
+top.c:848: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "read" taints parameter "*buf".
+top.c:2720: tainted_data: Passing tainted variable "ch" to a tainted sink.
+top.c:2452: data_index: Using tainted variable "ch - 49" as an index to array "Winstk".
+ buf tainted by chin is zero terminated
+ single char is ultimately passed to isprintf() function (and glibc safely indexes into array sized at 384 bytes)
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive (out of step with current glibc implementation)
+top.c:972: tainted_data_return: Function "keyin" returns tainted data.
+top.c:912: tainted_data_argument: Function "chin" taints argument "buf".
+top.c:848: tainted_data_argument: Calling function "read" taints parameter "*buf".
+top.c:926: return_tainted_data: Returning tainted variable "buf[0]".
+top.c:972: var_assign: Assigning: "key" = "keyin", which taints "key".
+top.c:1001: tainted_data: Using tainted variable "(int)key" as an index to pointer "*__ctype_b_loc()".
+ vmstat -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ partition made non-null with optarg for -p where statMode |= PARTITIONSTAT
+ if no optarg then program exits with usage
+ thus call to diskpartition_format will be with non-null pointer
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+vmstat.c:593: assign_zero: Assigning: "partition" = 0.
+vmstat.c:669: var_deref_model: Passing null variable "partition" to function "diskpartition_format", which dereferences it.
+vmstat.c:301: deref_parm_in_call: Function "strcmp" dereferences parameter "partition_name". (The dereference is assumed on the basis of the 'nonnull' parameter attribute.)
+ watch ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ even though the environment variable COLUMNS might begin tainted, from my analysis, the tool is totally mistaken
+ strtol actually untaints data in the form of 't' and 'endptr' then the environment variable COLUMNS is potentially purified with -1
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+watch.c:95: tainted_string_return_content: "getenv" returns tainted string content.
+watch.c:95: var_assign: Assigning: "s" = "getenv("COLUMNS")", which taints "s".
+watch.c:100: tainted_data_transitive: Call to function "strtol" with tainted argument "s" returns tainted data.
+watch.c:100: var_assign: Assigning: "t" = "strtol(s, &endptr, 0)", which taints "t".
+watch.c:101: var_assign_var: Assigning: "incoming_cols" = "(int)t". Both are now tainted.
+watch.c:102: var_assign_var: Assigning: "width" = "incoming_cols". Both are now tainted.
+watch.c:103: vararg_transitive: Call to "snprintf" with tainted argument "width" taints "env_col_buf".
+watch.c:104: tainted_string: Passing tainted string "env_col_buf" to a function that cannot accept tainted data.
+ even though the environment variable LINES might begin tainted, from my analysis, the tool is totally mistaken
+ strtol actually untaints data in the form of 't' and 'endptr' then the environment variable LINES is potentially purified with -1
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+watch.c:108: tainted_string_return_content: "getenv" returns tainted string content.
+watch.c:108: var_assign: Assigning: "s" = "getenv("LINES")", which taints "s".
+watch.c:113: tainted_data_transitive: Call to function "strtol" with tainted argument "s" returns tainted data.
+watch.c:113: var_assign: Assigning: "t" = "strtol(s, &endptr, 0)", which taints "t".
+watch.c:114: var_assign_var: Assigning: "incoming_rows" = "(int)t". Both are now tainted.
+watch.c:115: var_assign_var: Assigning: "height" = "incoming_rows". Both are now tainted.
+watch.c:116: vararg_transitive: Call to "snprintf" with tainted argument "height" taints "env_row_buf".
+watch.c:117: tainted_string: Passing tainted string "env_row_buf" to a function that cannot accept tainted data.
+ proc/readproc ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ the tool does not understand gperf and the pseudo case labels preceded by goto
+ the following code snippets illustrate the deficiency:
+ goto *(&&base + entry.offset);
+ ...
+ case_Threads:
+ Threads = strtol(S,&S,10);
+ continue;
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+proc/readproc.c:387: dead_error_condition: On this path, the condition "Threads" cannot be true.
+proc/readproc.c:115: const: After this line, the value of "Threads" is equal to 0.
+proc/readproc.c:115: assignment: Assigning: "Threads" = "0L".
+proc/readproc.c:388: dead_error_begin: Execution cannot reach this statement "P->nlwp = Threads;".
+ read is asked to retrieve -1 bytes than passed capacity: num_read = read(fd, ret, cap - 1);
+ file2str does indeed null terminate sbuf: ret[num_read] = '\0';
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+proc/readproc.c:1193: string_null_argument: Function "file2str" does not terminate string "*sbuf".
+proc/readproc.c:514: string_null_argument: Function "read" fills array "*ret" with a non-terminated string.
+proc/readproc.c:1197: string_null: Passing unterminated string "sbuf" to a function expecting a null-terminated string.
+proc/readproc.c:447: string_null_sink_parm_call: Passing parameter "S" to "strchr" which expects a null-terminated string.
+ ps/output --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ intentional fall through
+ my_category: possibly_filter_out_?
+ps/output.c:1983: unterminated_default: The default case is not terminated by a 'break' statement.
+ps/output.c:1984: fallthrough: The above case falls through to this one.
+Error: UNINIT:
+ the first member is initialized in the very next statement, sufficient for bsearch callback
+ key.spec = findme;
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+ps/output.c:1737: var_decl: Declaring variable "key" without initializer.
+ps/output.c:1739: uninit_use_in_call: Using uninitialized value "key": field "key".flags is uninitialized when calling "bsearch".
+Error: UNINIT:
+ the first member is initialized in the very next statement, sufficient for bsearch callback
+ key.spec = findme;
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+ps/output.c:1745: var_decl: Declaring variable "key" without initializer.
+ps/output.c:1747: uninit_use_in_call: Using uninitialized value "key": field "key".head is uninitialized when calling "bsearch".
+ ps/parser --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ intentional omission
+ abexit shortly
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+ps/parser.c:1021: alloc_fn: Calling allocation function "malloc".
+ps/parser.c:1021: var_assign: Assigning: "pidnode" = storage returned from "malloc(sizeof (selection_node) /*24*/)".
+ps/parser.c:1041: leaked_storage: Variable "pidnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ps/parser.c:1062: leaked_storage: Variable "pidnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ intentional omission
+ abexit shortly
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+ps/parser.c:1025: alloc_fn: Calling allocation function "malloc".
+ps/parser.c:1025: var_assign: Assigning: "grpnode" = storage returned from "malloc(sizeof (selection_node) /*24*/)".
+ps/parser.c:1041: leaked_storage: Variable "grpnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ps/parser.c:1062: leaked_storage: Variable "grpnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ intentional omission
+ abexit shortly
+ my_category: avoidable_false_positive
+ps/parser.c:1029: alloc_fn: Calling allocation function "malloc".
+ps/parser.c:1029: var_assign: Assigning: "sidnode" = storage returned from "malloc(sizeof (selection_node) /*24*/)".
+ps/parser.c:1041: leaked_storage: Variable "sidnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ps/parser.c:1062: leaked_storage: Variable "sidnode" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
+ ps/sortformat ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ the tool does not understand the following 'label' usage (nor do i - perhaps some obscure compiler/platform warning/quirk)
+ goto unknown;
+ ...
+ if(0) unknown: err=errbuf;
+ my_category: unavoidable_false_positive_?
+ps/sortformat.c:312: unreachable: This code cannot be reached: "if (0){
+ unknown:
+ err = ...".