--- /dev/null
+Test soundex() function : basic functionality\r
+/* Prototype : string soundex ( string $str )\r
+ * Description: Calculate the soundex key of a string\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing soundex() : basic functionality ***\n";\r
+var_dump(soundex("Gauss")); \r
+var_dump(soundex("Hilbert")); \r
+var_dump(soundex("Knuth")); \r
+var_dump(soundex("Euler") == soundex("Ellery")); // E460\r
+var_dump(soundex("Gauss") == soundex("Ghosh")); // G200\r
+var_dump(soundex("Hilbert") == soundex("Heilbronn")); // H416\r
+var_dump(soundex("Knuth") == soundex("Kant")); // K530\r
+var_dump(soundex("Lloyd") == soundex("Ladd")); // L300\r
+var_dump(soundex("Lukasiewicz") == soundex("Lissajous")); // L222\r
+var_dump(soundex("Lukasiewicz") == soundex("Ghosh"));\r
+var_dump(soundex("Hilbert") == soundex("Ladd")); \r
+?> \r
+*** Testing soundex() : basic functionality ***\r
+string(4) "E460"\r
+string(4) "G200"\r
+string(4) "H416"\r
+string(4) "K530"\r
+string(4) "L300"\r
+string(4) "L222"\r
+ \r
--- /dev/null
+Test soundex() function : error conditions\r
+/* Prototype : string soundex ( string $str )\r
+ * Description: Calculate the soundex key of a string\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+ \r
+echo "\n*** Testing soundex error conditions ***";\r
+echo "-- Testing soundex() function with Zero arguments --\n";\r
+var_dump( soundex() );\r
+echo "\n\n-- Testing soundex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";\r
+$str = "Euler";\r
+$extra_arg = 10;\r
+var_dump( soundex( $str, $extra_arg) );\r
+?> \r
+*** Testing soundex error conditions ***-- Testing soundex() function with Zero arguments --\r
+Warning: soundex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d\r
+-- Testing soundex() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\r
+Warning: soundex() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d\r
+ \r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test soundex() function : basic functionality\r
+/* Prototype : string str_rot13 ( string $str )\r
+ * Description: Perform the rot13 transform on a string\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing str_rot13() : basic functionality ***\n";\r
+echo "\nBasic tests\n";\r
+var_dump(str_rot13("str_rot13() tests starting"));\r
+echo "\nEnsure numeric characters are left untouched\n";\r
+if (strcmp(str_rot13("0123456789"), "0123456789") == 0) {\r
+ echo "Strings equal : TEST PASSED\n"; \r
+} else {\r
+ echo "Strings unequal : TEST FAILED\n"; \r
+echo "\nEnsure non-alphabetic characters are left untouched\n";\r
+if (strcmp(str_rot13("!%^&*()_-+={}[]:;@~#<,>.?"), "!%^&*()_-+={}[]:;@~#<,>.?")) {\r
+ echo "Strings equal : TEST PASSED\n"; \r
+} else {\r
+ echo "Strings unequal : TEST FAILED\n"; \r
+echo "\nEnsure strings round trip\n";\r
+$str = "str_rot13() tests starting";\r
+$encode = str_rot13($str);\r
+$decode = str_rot13($encode);\r
+if (strcmp($str, $decode) == 0) {\r
+ echo "Strings equal : TEST PASSED\n"; \r
+} else {\r
+ echo "Strings unequal : TEST FAILED\n"; \r
+*** Testing str_rot13() : basic functionality ***\r
+Basic tests\r
+unicode(26) "fge_ebg13() grfgf fgnegvat"\r
+unicode(26) "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm"\r
+Ensure numeric characters are left untouched\r
+Strings equal : TEST PASSED\r
+Ensure non-alphabetic characters are left untouched\r
+Strings unequal : TEST FAILED\r
+Ensure strings round trip\r
+Strings equal : TEST PASSED\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test str_rot13() function : error conditions\r
+/* Prototype : string str_rot13 ( string $str )\r
+ * Description: Perform the rot13 transform on a string\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing str_rot13() : error conditions ***\n";\r
+echo "-- Testing str_rot13() function with Zero arguments --\n";\r
+var_dump( str_rot13() );\r
+echo "\n\n-- Testing str_rot13() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";\r
+$str = "str_rot13() tests starting";\r
+$extra_arg = 10;\r
+var_dump( str_rot13( $str, $extra_arg) );\r
+*** Testing str_rot13() : error conditions ***\r
+-- Testing str_rot13() function with Zero arguments --\r
+Warning: str_rot13() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d\r
+-- Testing str_rot13() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\r
+Warning: str_rot13() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test strnatcasecmp() function : error conditions \r
+/* Prototype : int strnatcasecmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )\r
+ * Description: Case insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : error conditions ***\n";\r
+echo "-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\n";\r
+var_dump( strnatcasecmp() );\r
+echo "\n\n-- Testing strnatcasecmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";\r
+$str1 = "abc1";\r
+$str2 = "ABC1";\r
+$extra_arg = 10;\r
+var_dump( strnatcasecmp( $str1, $str2, $extra_arg) );\r
+*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : error conditions ***\r
+-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\r
+Warning: strnatcasecmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d\r
+-- Testing strnatcasecmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\r
+Warning: strnatcasecmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test strnatcmp() function : basic functionality\r
+/* Prototype : int strnatcmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )\r
+ * Description: String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing strnatcmp() : basic functionality ***\n";\r
+$a1 = "abc1";\r
+$b1 = "abc10";\r
+$c1 = "abc15";\r
+$d1 = "abc2";\r
+$a2 = "ABC1";\r
+$b2 = "ABC10";\r
+$c2 = "ABC15";\r
+$d2 = "ABC2";\r
+echo "Less than tests\n";\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $b1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $c1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $d1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $c1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($d1, $c1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $b2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $c2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($a1, $d2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $c2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($d1, $c2));\r
+echo "Equal too tests\n";\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $b1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $b2)); \r
+echo "Greater than tests\n";\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $a1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $a1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($d1, $a1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $b1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $d1));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($b1, $a2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $a2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($d1, $a2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $b2));\r
+var_dump(strnatcmp($c1, $d2));\r
+*** Testing strnatcmp() : basic functionality ***\r
+Less than tests\r
+Equal too tests\r
+Greater than tests\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test strnatcmp() function : error conditions\r
+/* Prototype : int strnatcmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )\r
+ * Description: String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm\r
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c\r
+echo "*** Testing strnatcmp() : error conditions ***\n";\r
+echo "-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\n";\r
+var_dump( strnatcmp() );\r
+echo "\n\n-- Testing strnatcmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";\r
+$str1 = "abc1";\r
+$str2 = "ABC1";\r
+$extra_arg = 10;\r
+var_dump( strnatcmp( $str1, $str2, $extra_arg) );\r
+*** Testing strnatcmp() : error conditions ***\r
+-- Testing strnatcmp() function with Zero arguments --\r
+Warning: strnatcmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d\r
+-- Testing strnatcmp() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\r
+Warning: strnatcmp() expects exactly 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d\r