+ * mutt_check_lookup_list - Update the mime type
+ * @param b Message attachment body
+ * @param type Buffer with mime type of attachment in "type/subtype" format
+ * @param len Buffer length
+ */
void mutt_check_lookup_list(struct Body *b, char *type, int len)
struct List *t = MimeLookupList;
* mutt_view_attachment - View an attachment
+ * @param fp Source file stream. Can be NULL
+ * @param a The message body containing the attachment
+ * @param flag Option flag for how the attachment should be viewed
+ * @param hdr Message header for the current message. Can be NULL
+ * @param idx Attachment
+ * @param idxlen Number of attachments
* @return
+ * * 0 if the viewer is run and exited succesfully
* * -1 on error
- * * 0 or the return code from mutt_do_pager() on success
+ * * The return value of mutt_do_pager() when it is used
+ *
+ * flag can be one of: #MUTT_MAILCAP, #MUTT_REGULAR, #MUTT_AS_TEXT
+ *
+ * Display a message attachment using the viewer program configured in mailcap.
+ * If there is no mailcap entry for a file type, view the image as text.
+ * Viewer processes are opened and waited on synchronously so viewing an
+ * attachment this way will block the main mutt process until the viewer process
+ * exits.
+ *
int mutt_view_attachment(FILE *fp, struct Body *a, int flag, struct Header *hdr,
struct AttachPtr **idx, short idxlen)
#include "protos.h"
- * mutt_create_filter_fd - Run a command on a pipe
+ * mutt_create_filter_fd - Run a command on a pipe (optionally connect stdin/stdout)
+ * @param cmd Command line to invoke using `sh -c`
+ * @param in File stream pointing to stdin for the command process, can be NULL
+ * @param out File stream pointing to stdout for the command process, can be NULL
+ * @param err File stream pointing to stderr for the command process, can be NULL
+ * @param fdin If `in` is NULL and fdin is not -1 then fdin will be used as stdin for the command process
+ * @param fdout If `out` is NULL and fdout is not -1 then fdout will be used as stdout for the command process
+ * @param fderr If `error` is NULL and fderr is not -1 then fderr will be used as stderr for the command process
+ * @return Pid of the created process or -1 on any error creating pipes or forking
- * Invokes a command on a pipe and optionally connects its stdin and stdout
- * to the specified handles.
+ * This function provides multiple mechanisms to handle IO sharing for the
+ * command process. File streams are prioritized over file descriptors if
+ * present.
+ *
+ * @code{.c}
+ * mutt_create_filter_fd(commandline, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, -1, -1);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Additionally, in, out, and err will point to FILE* streams representing the
+ * processes stdin, stdout, and stderr.
pid_t mutt_create_filter_fd(const char *cmd, FILE **in, FILE **out, FILE **err,
int fdin, int fdout, int fderr)
return (mutt_create_filter_fd(s, in, out, err, -1, -1, -1));
+ * mutt_wait_filter - Wait for the exit of a process and return its status
+ * @param pid Process id of the process to wait for
+ * @return Exit status of the process identified by pid or -1 in the event of an error
+ */
int mutt_wait_filter(pid_t pid)
int rc;
* mutt_needs_mailcap - Does this type need a mailcap entry do display
+ * @param m Attachment body to be displayed
* @return
* * true Mutt requires a mailcap entry to display
* * false otherwise
return cur->tagged - ot;
+ * mutt_is_message_type - Determine if a mime type matches a message or not
+ * @param type Message type enum value
+ * @param subtype Message subtype
+ * @return
+ * * true Type is message/news or message/rfc822
+ * * false Otherwise
+ */
bool mutt_is_message_type(int type, const char *subtype)
if (type != TYPEMESSAGE)
return found;
+ * rfc1524_new_entry - Allocate memory for a new rfc1524 entry
+ * @return Pointer to an un-initialized struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry
+ */
struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry *rfc1524_new_entry(void)
return safe_calloc(1, sizeof(struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry));
+ * rfc1524_free_entry - Deallocate an struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry
+ * @param entry Rfc1524MailcapEntry to deallocate.
+ */
void rfc1524_free_entry(struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry **entry)
struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry *p = *entry;
* rfc1524_mailcap_lookup - Find given type in the list of mailcap files
+ * @param a Message body
+ * @param type Text type in "type/subtype" format
+ * @param struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry pointer to an struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry to populate with results
+ * @param opt Type of mailcap entry to lookup
+ * @return
+ * * 1 on success. If *entry is not NULL it poplates it with the mailcap entry
+ * * 0 if no matching entry is found
+ *
- * On success, this returns the entry information in *entry, and returns 1. On
- * failure (not found), returns 0. If entry == NULL just return 1 if the given
- * type is found.
+ * Find the given type in the list of mailcap files.
int rfc1524_mailcap_lookup(struct Body *a, char *type,
struct Rfc1524MailcapEntry *entry, int opt)
- * rfc1524_expand_filename - Create temp filename match a template
+ * rfc1524_expand_filename - Expand a new filename from a template or existing filename
* @param nametemplate Template
* @param oldfile Original filename
* @param newfile Buffer for new filename
* @param nflen Buffer length
* @return
- * * 0 oldfile is fine as is
- * * 1 newfile specified
+ * * 0 if the left and right components of the oldfile and newfile match.
+ * * 1 otherwise.
+ * If there is no nametemplate, the stripped oldfile name is used as the
+ * template for newfile.
+ *
+ * If there is no oldfile, the stripped nametemplate name is used as the
+ * template for newfile.
- * This routine will create a _temporary_ filename matching the
- * name template given if this needs to be done.
+ * If both a nametemplate and oldfile are specified, the template is checked
+ * for a "%s". If none is found, the nametemplate is used as the template for
+ * newfile. The first path component of the nametemplate and oldfile are ignored.
- * Please note that only the last path element of the
- * template and/or the old file name will be used for the
- * comparison and the temporary file name.
int rfc1524_expand_filename(char *nametemplate, char *oldfile, char *newfile, size_t nflen)
* @param path Path to attachment
* @return MIME type, e.g. #TYPEIMAGE
- * Given a file with path ``s'', see if there is a registered MIME type.
- * returns the major MIME type, and copies the subtype to ``d''. First look
+ * Given a file at `path`, see if there is a registered MIME type.
+ * Returns the major MIME type, and copies the subtype to ``d''. First look
* for ~/.mime.types, then look in a system mime.types if we can find one.
* The longest match is used so that we can match `ps.gz' when `gz' also
* exists.