Signed-off-by: Sebastien GODARD <>
2.5. Are sar daily data files fully compatible with Sun Solaris format sar files?
2.6 The `Average:` results from the sar command are just rubbish...
2.7. My database (e.g. MySQL) doesn't appear to understand the time zone displayed by 'sadf -d'...
-2.8. I tried to use options -s and -e with sadf. Unfortunately, I have nothing displayed at all.
+2.8. I tried to use options -s and -e with sadf. Unfortunately, I have nothing displayed at all / the output doesn't match that of sar.
2.9. I cannot see all my disks when I use the sar -d command...
2.10. Do you know a tool which can graphically plot the data collected by sar?
2.11. When I launch sadc, I get the error message: `flock: Resource temporarily unavailable`