: LangOpts(pp.getLangOptions()), PP(pp), Context(ctxt), Consumer(consumer),
Diags(PP.getDiagnostics()), SourceMgr(PP.getSourceManager()),
ExternalSource(0), CodeCompleter(CodeCompleter), CurContext(0),
- PreDeclaratorDC(0), CurBlock(0), PackContext(0), ParsingDeclDepth(0),
+ CurBlock(0), PackContext(0), ParsingDeclDepth(0),
IdResolver(pp.getLangOptions()), StdNamespace(0), StdBadAlloc(0),
DeclContext *Sema::getFunctionLevelDeclContext() {
- DeclContext *DC = PreDeclaratorDC ? PreDeclaratorDC : CurContext;
+ DeclContext *DC = CurContext;
while (isa<BlockDecl>(DC))
DC = DC->getParent();
/// CurContext - This is the current declaration context of parsing.
DeclContext *CurContext;
- /// PreDeclaratorDC - Keeps the declaration context before switching to the
- /// context of a declarator's nested-name-specifier.
- DeclContext *PreDeclaratorDC;
/// CurBlock - If inside of a block definition, this contains a pointer to
/// the active block object that represents it.
BlockSemaInfo *CurBlock;