// Keep track of matching '#if' ... '#endif'.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Offset, unsigned> > PPCondTable;
PPCondTable PPCond;
- std::vector<unsigned> PPStartCond;
+ std::vector<unsigned> PPStartCond;
Token Tok;
// the next token.
Offset HashOff = (Offset) Out.tell();
EmitToken(Out, Tok, SMgr, idcount, IM);
+ // Get the next token.
// Did we see 'include'/'import'/'include_next'?
// Ad an entry for '#if' and friends. We initially set the target index
// to 0. This will get backpatched when we hit #endif.
- PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair((Offset) HashOff, 0U));
+ PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair(HashOff, 0U));
else if (K == tok::pp_endif) {
- assert(!PPStartCond.empty());
// Add an entry for '#endif'. We set the target table index to itself.
+ // This will later be set to zero when emitting to the PTH file. We
+ // use 0 for uninitialized indices because that is easier to debug.
unsigned index = PPCond.size();
- PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair((Offset) HashOff, index));
// Backpatch the opening '#if' entry.
+ assert(!PPStartCond.empty());
+ assert(PPCond.size() > PPStartCond.back());
assert(PPCond[PPStartCond.back()].second == 0);
PPCond[PPStartCond.back()].second = index;
+ // Add the new entry to PPCond.
+ PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair(HashOff, index));
- else if (K == tok::pp_elif) {
- assert(!PPStartCond.empty());
- // Add an entry for '#elif'. This serves as both a closing and
- // opening of a conditional block. This means that its entry
- // will get backpatched later.
+ else if (K == tok::pp_elif || K == tok::pp_else) {
+ // Add an entry for '#elif' or '#else.
+ // This serves as both a closing and opening of a conditional block.
+ // This means that its entry will get backpatched later.
unsigned index = PPCond.size();
- PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair((Offset) HashOff, 0U));
// Backpatch the previous '#if' entry.
+ assert(!PPStartCond.empty());
+ assert(PPCond.size() > PPStartCond.back());
assert(PPCond[PPStartCond.back()].second == 0);
PPCond[PPStartCond.back()].second = index;
// Now add '#elif' as a new block opening.
- PPStartCond.push_back(index);
+ PPCond.push_back(std::make_pair(HashOff, 0U));
+ PPStartCond.push_back(index);
while (EmitToken(Out, Tok, SMgr, idcount, IM), Tok.isNot(tok::eof));
+ assert(PPStartCond.empty() && "Error: imblanced preprocessor conditionals.");
// Next write out PPCond.
Offset PPCondOff = (Offset) Out.tell();
- // Write out the size of PPCond so that clients can tell if the table is
- // empty.
+ // Write out the size of PPCond so that clients can identifer empty tables.
Emit32(Out, PPCond.size());
- for (PPCondTable::iterator I=PPCond.begin(), E=PPCond.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
- Emit32(Out, I->first - off);
- Emit32(Out, I->second);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = PPCond.size(); i!=e; ++i) {
+ Emit32(Out, PPCond[i].first - off);
+ uint32_t x = PPCond[i].second;
+ assert(x != 0 && "PPCond entry not backpatched.");
+ // Emit zero for #endifs. This allows us to do checking when
+ // we read the PTH file back in.
+ Emit32(Out, x == i ? 0 : x);
return std::make_pair(off,PPCondOff);