" WHERE opdesc NOT LIKE 'deprecated%' AND "
" NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_description "
" WHERE objoid = p_oid AND classoid = 'pg_proc'::regclass);\n\n");
+ /*
+ * Even though the tables are temp, drop them explicitly so they don't get
+ * copied into template0/postgres databases.
+ */
+ PG_CMD_PUTS("DROP TABLE tmp_pg_description;\n\n");
+ PG_CMD_PUTS("DROP TABLE tmp_pg_shdescription;\n\n");
" WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_collation WHERE collname = tmp_pg_collation.collname)"
" ORDER BY collname, encoding, (collname = locale) DESC, locale;\n\n");
+ /*
+ * Even though the table is temp, drop it explicitly so it doesn't get
+ * copied into template0/postgres databases.
+ */
+ PG_CMD_PUTS("DROP TABLE tmp_pg_collation;\n\n");
if (count == 0 && !debug)