parameters to the environment. Improve portability to
EBCDIC machines by using apr_toupper(). [Martin Kraemer]
- *) mod_info: mod_info outputs invalid XHTML 1.0 transitional.
- PR 42847 [Rici Lake <rici>]
- *) mime.types: add registered Apple installer type
- PR 40379 [Peter Bierman <pmb+apache>]
*) mod_ldap, mod_authnzldap: Add support for nested groups (i.e. the ability
to authorize an authenticated user via a "require ldap-group X" directive
where the user is not in group X, but is in a subgroup contained in X.
cleanups registered in modules' child_init hooks are performed.
[Chris Darroch]
- *) mod_cache: Remove expired content from cache that cannot be revalidated.
- PR 30370. [Ruediger Pluem]
*) mod_dbd: Stash DBD connections in request_config of initial request
only, or else sub-requests and internal redirections may cause
entire DBD pool to be stashed in a single HTTP request. [Chris Darroch]
- *) mod_mem_cache: Increase the minimum and default value for
- MCacheMinObjectSize from 0 to 1, as a MCacheMinObjectSize of 0 does not
- make sense and leads to a division by zero. PR 40576.
- [Xuekun Hu <>]
*) Fix issue which could cause error messages to be written to access logs
on Win32. PR 40476. [Tom Donovan <Tom.Donovan>]
invalidate it. Warn when input filter can invalidate it.
[Jeff Trawick]
- *) mod_ssl: Fix spurious hostname mismatch warning for valid
- wildcard certificates. PR 37911. [Nick Burch <nick>]
*) Authz: Add the new module mod_authn_core that will provide common
authn directives such as 'AuthType', 'AuthName'. Move the directives
'AuthType' and 'AuthName' out of the core module and merge mod_authz_alias