def get_value(self, band, x, y):
return self._query_value(band, x, y)
+ def copy_to(self, file, raster_format='TIFF', output_format='HEX', sep='\t'):
+ """
+ Proxy for SQL command COPY TO,
+ Converts selected rasters to specified raster_format with output sent either to
+ single hex-based plain text file or one or more binary files in raster_format,
+ one raster binary file per tuple from the raster table.
+ The BIN output uses HEX output as intermediate stage.
+ raster_format - TIFF|JPEG|PNG
+ output_format - HEX|BIN; BIN is a binary file in raster_format
+ sep - if output_format=HEX, separates rid value from hex-encoded binary.
+ """
+ import os.path
+ filehex = file # No extension added, may be user-defiened
+ with open(filehex, 'w') as f:
+ select = "SELECT rid, encode(ST_As%s(%s), 'hex') As rt FROM %s" % (raster_format, self._column, self._table)
+ if self._where is not None and len(self._where) > 0:
+ select += ' WHERE %s' % self._where
+ sql = "COPY (%s) TO STDOUT (DELIMITER '%s')" % (select, sep)
+ cur = self._conn.cursor()
+ cur.copy_expert(sql, f)
+ if output_format == 'BIN':
+ import binascii
+ with open(filehex, 'r') as f:
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(file)
+ ext = raster_format.lower()
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ rid, raster = line.split()
+ filebin = self._table + '_' + self._column + '_' + rid + '.' + ext
+ filebin = os.path.join(dirname, filebin)
+ with open(filebin, 'w+') as fbin:
+ fbin.write(binascii.unhexlify(raster))
# Private methods
def _log(self, m):
if self._conn is None:
self._conn = psycopg2.connect(self._connstr)
- except Exception, e:
+ except Exception as e:
raise RasterError("Falied to connect to %s: %s" % (self._connstr, e))
def _query_single_row(self, sql):
cur = self._conn.cursor()
- except Exception, e:
- raise RasterError("Failed to execute query %s: %s" % (sql,
- e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RasterError("Failed to execute query %s: %s" % (sql, e))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row is None: