-package org.postgresql;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.net.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.postgresql.Field;
-import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;
-import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;
-import org.postgresql.util.*;
-import org.postgresql.core.*;
- * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.43 2002/03/09 17:08:39 davec Exp $
- *
- * This abstract class is used by org.postgresql.Driver to open either the JDBC1 or
- * JDBC2 versions of the Connection class.
- *
- */
-public abstract class Connection
- // This is the network stream associated with this connection
- public PG_Stream pg_stream;
- private String PG_HOST;
- private int PG_PORT;
- private String PG_USER;
- private String PG_PASSWORD;
- private String PG_DATABASE;
- private boolean PG_STATUS;
- private String compatible;
- /*
- * The encoding to use for this connection.
- */
- private Encoding encoding = Encoding.defaultEncoding();
- private String dbVersionNumber;
- public boolean CONNECTION_OK = true;
- public boolean CONNECTION_BAD = false;
- public boolean autoCommit = true;
- public boolean readOnly = false;
- public Driver this_driver;
- private String this_url;
- private String cursor = null; // The positioned update cursor name
- // These are new for v6.3, they determine the current protocol versions
- // supported by this version of the driver. They are defined in
- // src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h
- protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR = 2;
- protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MINOR = 0;
- private static final int SM_DATABASE = 64;
- private static final int SM_USER = 32;
- private static final int SM_OPTIONS = 64;
- private static final int SM_UNUSED = 64;
- private static final int SM_TTY = 64;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_OK = 0;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB4 = 1;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB5 = 2;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD = 3;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_CRYPT = 4;
- private static final int AUTH_REQ_MD5 = 5;
- // New for 6.3, salt value for crypt authorisation
- private String salt;
- // These are used to cache oids, PGTypes and SQLTypes
- private static Hashtable sqlTypeCache = new Hashtable(); // oid -> SQLType
- private static Hashtable pgTypeCache = new Hashtable(); // oid -> PGType
- private static Hashtable typeOidCache = new Hashtable(); //PGType -> oid
- // Now handle notices as warnings, so things like "show" now work
- public SQLWarning firstWarning = null;
- /*
- * Cache of the current isolation level
- */
- private int isolationLevel = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
- // The PID an cancellation key we get from the backend process
- public int pid;
- public int ckey;
- /*
- * This is called by Class.forName() from within org.postgresql.Driver
- */
- public Connection()
- {}
- public void cancelQuery() throws SQLException
- {
- PG_Stream cancelStream = null;
- try {
- cancelStream = new PG_Stream(PG_HOST, PG_PORT);
- } catch (ConnectException cex) {
- // Added by Peter Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>
- // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made.
- // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user
- throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.refused");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.failed",e);
- }
- // Now we need to construct and send a cancel packet
- try {
- cancelStream.SendInteger(16, 4);
- cancelStream.SendInteger(80877102, 4);
- cancelStream.SendInteger(pid, 4);
- cancelStream.SendInteger(ckey, 4);
- cancelStream.flush();
- }
- catch(IOException e) {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed",e);
- }
- finally {
- try {
- if(cancelStream != null)
- cancelStream.close();
- }
- catch(IOException e) {} // Ignore
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method actually opens the connection. It is called by Driver.
- *
- * @param host the hostname of the database back end
- * @param port the port number of the postmaster process
- * @param info a Properties[] thing of the user and password
- * @param database the database to connect to
- * @param u the URL of the connection
- * @param d the Driver instantation of the connection
- * @return a valid connection profile
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- protected void openConnection(String host, int port, Properties info, String database, String url, Driver d) throws SQLException
- {
- firstWarning = null;
- // Throw an exception if the user or password properties are missing
- // This occasionally occurs when the client uses the properties version
- // of getConnection(), and is a common question on the email lists
- if (info.getProperty("user") == null)
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.user");
- this_driver = d;
- this_url = url;
- PG_DATABASE = database;
- PG_USER = info.getProperty("user");
- PG_PASSWORD = info.getProperty("password", "");
- PG_PORT = port;
- PG_HOST = host;
- if (info.getProperty("compatible") == null)
- {
- compatible = d.getMajorVersion() + "." + d.getMinorVersion();
- }
- else
- {
- compatible = info.getProperty("compatible");
- }
- // Now make the initial connection
- try
- {
- pg_stream = new PG_Stream(host, port);
- }
- catch (ConnectException cex)
- {
- // Added by Peter Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>
- // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made.
- // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user
- throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.refused");
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.failed", e);
- }
- // Now we need to construct and send a startup packet
- try
- {
- // Ver 6.3 code
- pg_stream.SendInteger(4 + 4 + SM_DATABASE + SM_USER + SM_OPTIONS + SM_UNUSED + SM_TTY, 4);
- pg_stream.SendInteger(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR, 2);
- pg_stream.SendInteger(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MINOR, 2);
- pg_stream.Send(database.getBytes(), SM_DATABASE);
- // This last send includes the unused fields
- pg_stream.Send(PG_USER.getBytes(), SM_USER + SM_OPTIONS + SM_UNUSED + SM_TTY);
- // now flush the startup packets to the backend
- pg_stream.flush();
- // Now get the response from the backend, either an error message
- // or an authentication request
- int areq = -1; // must have a value here
- do
- {
- int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- switch (beresp)
- {
- case 'E':
- // An error occured, so pass the error message to the
- // user.
- //
- // The most common one to be thrown here is:
- // "User authentication failed"
- //
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.misc", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));
- case 'R':
- // Get the type of request
- areq = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
- // Get the crypt password salt if there is one
- if (areq == AUTH_REQ_CRYPT)
- {
- byte[] rst = new byte[2];
- rst[0] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- rst[1] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- salt = new String(rst, 0, 2);
- DriverManager.println("Crypt salt=" + salt);
- }
- // Or get the md5 password salt if there is one
- if (areq == AUTH_REQ_MD5)
- {
- byte[] rst = new byte[4];
- rst[0] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- rst[1] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- rst[2] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- rst[3] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- salt = new String(rst, 0, 4);
- DriverManager.println("MD5 salt=" + salt);
- }
- // now send the auth packet
- switch (areq)
- {
- case AUTH_REQ_OK:
- break;
- case AUTH_REQ_KRB4:
- DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB4");
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb4");
- case AUTH_REQ_KRB5:
- DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB5");
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb5");
- DriverManager.println("postgresql: PASSWORD");
- pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + PG_PASSWORD.length(), 4);
- pg_stream.Send(PG_PASSWORD.getBytes());
- pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);
- pg_stream.flush();
- break;
- DriverManager.println("postgresql: CRYPT");
- String crypted = UnixCrypt.crypt(salt, PG_PASSWORD);
- pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + crypted.length(), 4);
- pg_stream.Send(crypted.getBytes());
- pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);
- pg_stream.flush();
- break;
- case AUTH_REQ_MD5:
- DriverManager.println("postgresql: MD5");
- byte[] digest = MD5Digest.encode(PG_USER, PG_PASSWORD, salt);
- pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + digest.length, 4);
- pg_stream.Send(digest);
- pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);
- pg_stream.flush();
- break;
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.auth", new Integer(areq));
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.authfail");
- }
- }
- while (areq != AUTH_REQ_OK);
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed", e);
- }
- // As of protocol version 2.0, we should now receive the cancellation key and the pid
- int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- switch (beresp)
- {
- case 'K':
- pid = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
- ckey = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);
- break;
- case 'E':
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.backend", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));
- case 'N':
- addWarning(pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));
- break;
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup");
- }
- // Expect ReadyForQuery packet
- beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();
- switch (beresp)
- {
- case 'Z':
- break;
- case 'E':
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.backend", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup");
- }
- // "pg_encoding_to_char(1)" will return 'EUC_JP' for a backend compiled with multibyte,
- // otherwise it's hardcoded to 'SQL_ASCII'.
- // If the backend doesn't know about multibyte we can't assume anything about the encoding
- // used, so we denote this with 'UNKNOWN'.
- //Note: begining with 7.2 we should be using pg_client_encoding() which
- //is new in 7.2. However it isn't easy to conditionally call this new
- //function, since we don't yet have the information as to what server
- //version we are talking to. Thus we will continue to call
- //getdatabaseencoding() until we drop support for 7.1 and older versions
- //or until someone comes up with a conditional way to run one or
- //the other function depending on server version that doesn't require
- //two round trips to the server per connection
- final String encodingQuery =
- "case when pg_encoding_to_char(1) = 'SQL_ASCII' then 'UNKNOWN' else getdatabaseencoding() end";
- // Set datestyle and fetch db encoding in a single call, to avoid making
- // more than one round trip to the backend during connection startup.
- java.sql.ResultSet resultSet =
- ExecSQL("set datestyle to 'ISO'; select version(), " + encodingQuery + ";");
- if (! resultSet.next())
- {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed", "failed getting backend encoding");
- }
- String version = resultSet.getString(1);
- dbVersionNumber = extractVersionNumber(version);
- String dbEncoding = resultSet.getString(2);
- encoding = Encoding.getEncoding(dbEncoding, info.getProperty("charSet"));
- // Initialise object handling
- initObjectTypes();
- // Mark the connection as ok, and cleanup
- }
- // These methods used to be in the main Connection implementation. As they
- // are common to all implementations (JDBC1 or 2), they are placed here.
- // This should make it easy to maintain the two specifications.
- /*
- * This adds a warning to the warning chain.
- * @param msg message to add
- */
- public void addWarning(String msg)
- {
- DriverManager.println(msg);
- // Add the warning to the chain
- if (firstWarning != null)
- firstWarning.setNextWarning(new SQLWarning(msg));
- else
- firstWarning = new SQLWarning(msg);
- // Now check for some specific messages
- // This is obsolete in 6.5, but I've left it in here so if we need to use this
- // technique again, we'll know where to place it.
- //
- // This is generated by the SQL "show datestyle"
- //if (msg.startsWith("NOTICE:") && msg.indexOf("DateStyle")>0) {
- //// 13 is the length off "DateStyle is "
- //msg = msg.substring(msg.indexOf("DateStyle is ")+13);
- //
- //for(int i=0;i<dateStyles.length;i+=2)
- //if (msg.startsWith(dateStyles[i]))
- //currentDateStyle=i+1; // this is the index of the format
- //}
- }
- /*
- * Send a query to the backend. Returns one of the ResultSet
- * objects.
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> there does not seem to be any method currently
- * in existance to return the update count.
- *
- * @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
- * @return a ResultSet holding the results
- * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
- */
- public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql) throws SQLException
- {
- return ExecSQL(sql, null);
- }
- /*
- * Send a query to the backend. Returns one of the ResultSet
- * objects.
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> there does not seem to be any method currently
- * in existance to return the update count.
- *
- * @param sql the SQL statement to be executed
- * @param stat The Statement associated with this query (may be null)
- * @return a ResultSet holding the results
- * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
- */
- public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql, java.sql.Statement stat) throws SQLException
- {
- return new QueryExecutor(sql, stat, pg_stream, this).execute();
- }
- /*
- * In SQL, a result table can be retrieved through a cursor that
- * is named. The current row of a result can be updated or deleted
- * using a positioned update/delete statement that references the
- * cursor name.
- *
- * We support one cursor per connection.
- *
- * setCursorName sets the cursor name.
- *
- * @param cursor the cursor name
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void setCursorName(String cursor) throws SQLException
- {
- this.cursor = cursor;
- }
- /*
- * getCursorName gets the cursor name.
- *
- * @return the current cursor name
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public String getCursorName() throws SQLException
- {
- return cursor;
- }
- /*
- * We are required to bring back certain information by
- * the DatabaseMetaData class. These functions do that.
- *
- * Method getURL() brings back the URL (good job we saved it)
- *
- * @return the url
- * @exception SQLException just in case...
- */
- public String getURL() throws SQLException
- {
- return this_url;
- }
- /*
- * Method getUserName() brings back the User Name (again, we
- * saved it)
- *
- * @return the user name
- * @exception SQLException just in case...
- */
- int lastMessage = 0;
- public String getUserName() throws SQLException
- {
- return PG_USER;
- }
- /*
- * Get the character encoding to use for this connection.
- */
- public Encoding getEncoding() throws SQLException
- {
- return encoding;
- }
- /*
- * This returns the Fastpath API for the current connection.
- *
- * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to
- * functions on the org.postgresql backend itself.
- *
- * <p>It is primarily used by the LargeObject API
- *
- * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:
- *
- * <p><pre>
- * import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;
- * ...
- * Fastpath fp = ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).getFastpathAPI();
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.
- *
- * @return Fastpath object allowing access to functions on the org.postgresql
- * backend.
- * @exception SQLException by Fastpath when initialising for first time
- */
- public Fastpath getFastpathAPI() throws SQLException
- {
- if (fastpath == null)
- fastpath = new Fastpath(this, pg_stream);
- return fastpath;
- }
- // This holds a reference to the Fastpath API if already open
- private Fastpath fastpath = null;
- /*
- * This returns the LargeObject API for the current connection.
- *
- * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to
- * functions on the org.postgresql backend itself.
- *
- * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:
- *
- * <p><pre>
- * import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;
- * ...
- * LargeObjectManager lo = ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).getLargeObjectAPI();
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.
- *
- * @return LargeObject object that implements the API
- * @exception SQLException by LargeObject when initialising for first time
- */
- public LargeObjectManager getLargeObjectAPI() throws SQLException
- {
- if (largeobject == null)
- largeobject = new LargeObjectManager(this);
- return largeobject;
- }
- // This holds a reference to the LargeObject API if already open
- private LargeObjectManager largeobject = null;
- /*
- * This method is used internally to return an object based around
- * org.postgresql's more unique data types.
- *
- * <p>It uses an internal Hashtable to get the handling class. If the
- * type is not supported, then an instance of org.postgresql.util.PGobject
- * is returned.
- *
- * You can use the getValue() or setValue() methods to handle the returned
- * object. Custom objects can have their own methods.
- *
- * In 6.4, this is extended to use the org.postgresql.util.Serialize class to
- * allow the Serialization of Java Objects into the database without using
- * Blobs. Refer to that class for details on how this new feature works.
- *
- * @return PGobject for this type, and set to value
- * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type
- * @see org.postgresql.util.Serialize
- */
- public Object getObject(String type, String value) throws SQLException
- {
- try
- {
- Object o = objectTypes.get(type);
- // If o is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type
- // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that
- // can handle it
- if (o == null)
- {
- Serialize ser = new Serialize(this, type);
- objectTypes.put(type, ser);
- return ser.fetch(Integer.parseInt(value));
- }
- // If o is not null, and it is a String, then its a class name that
- // extends PGobject.
- //
- // This is used to implement the org.postgresql unique types (like lseg,
- // point, etc).
- if (o instanceof String)
- {
- // 6.3 style extending PG_Object
- PGobject obj = null;
- obj = (PGobject)(Class.forName((String)o).newInstance());
- obj.setType(type);
- obj.setValue(value);
- return (Object)obj;
- }
- else
- {
- // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class
- // If so, then call it's fetch method.
- if (o instanceof Serialize)
- return ((Serialize)o).fetch(Integer.parseInt(value));
- }
- }
- catch (SQLException sx)
- {
- // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next
- sx.fillInStackTrace();
- throw sx;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.creobj", type, ex);
- }
- // should never be reached
- return null;
- }
- /*
- * This stores an object into the database. This method was
- * deprecated in 7.2 bacause an OID can be larger than the java signed
- * int returned by this method.
- * @deprecated Replaced by storeObject() in 7.2
- */
- public int putObject(Object o) throws SQLException
- {
- return (int) storeObject(o);
- }
- /*
- * This stores an object into the database.
- * @param o Object to store
- * @return OID of the new rectord
- * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type
- * @see org.postgresql.util.Serialize
- * @since 7.2
- */
- public long storeObject(Object o) throws SQLException
- {
- try
- {
- String type = o.getClass().getName();
- Object x = objectTypes.get(type);
- // If x is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type
- // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that
- // can handle it
- if (x == null)
- {
- Serialize ser = new Serialize(this, type);
- objectTypes.put(type, ser);
- return ser.storeObject(o);
- }
- // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class
- // If so, then call it's fetch method.
- if (x instanceof Serialize)
- return ((Serialize)x).storeObject(o);
- // Thow an exception because the type is unknown
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobj");
- }
- catch (SQLException sx)
- {
- // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next
- sx.fillInStackTrace();
- throw sx;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobjex", ex);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This allows client code to add a handler for one of org.postgresql's
- * more unique data types.
- *
- * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but an extension.
- *
- * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:
- *
- * <p><pre>
- * ...
- * ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).addDataType("mytype","my.class.name");
- * ...
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.
- *
- * <p>The handling class must extend org.postgresql.util.PGobject
- *
- * @see org.postgresql.util.PGobject
- */
- public void addDataType(String type, String name)
- {
- objectTypes.put(type, name);
- }
- // This holds the available types
- private Hashtable objectTypes = new Hashtable();
- // This array contains the types that are supported as standard.
- //
- // The first entry is the types name on the database, the second
- // the full class name of the handling class.
- //
- private static final String defaultObjectTypes[][] = {
- {"box", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGbox"},
- {"circle", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGcircle"},
- {"line", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGline"},
- {"lseg", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGlseg"},
- {"path", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath"},
- {"point", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpoint"},
- {"polygon", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpolygon"},
- {"money", "org.postgresql.util.PGmoney"}
- };
- // This initialises the objectTypes hashtable
- private void initObjectTypes()
- {
- for (int i = 0;i < defaultObjectTypes.length;i++)
- objectTypes.put(defaultObjectTypes[i][0], defaultObjectTypes[i][1]);
- }
- // These are required by other common classes
- public abstract java.sql.Statement createStatement() throws SQLException;
- /*
- * This returns a resultset. It must be overridden, so that the correct
- * version (from jdbc1 or jdbc2) are returned.
- */
- public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection conn, java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, long insertOID, boolean binaryCursor) throws SQLException;
- /*
- * In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's
- * database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for them to be
- * automatically released (cant think why off the top of my head)
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> A Connection is automatically closed when it is
- * garbage collected. Certain fatal errors also result in a closed
- * connection.
- *
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void close() throws SQLException
- {
- if (pg_stream != null)
- {
- try
- {
- pg_stream.SendChar('X');
- pg_stream.flush();
- pg_stream.close();
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {}
- pg_stream = null;
- }
- }
- /*
- * A driver may convert the JDBC sql grammar into its system's
- * native SQL grammar prior to sending it; nativeSQL returns the
- * native form of the statement that the driver would have sent.
- *
- * @param sql a SQL statement that may contain one or more '?'
- * parameter placeholders
- * @return the native form of this statement
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException
- {
- return sql;
- }
- /*
- * The first warning reported by calls on this Connection is
- * returned.
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> Sebsequent warnings will be changed to this
- * SQLWarning
- *
- * @return the first SQLWarning or null
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException
- {
- return firstWarning;
- }
- /*
- * After this call, getWarnings returns null until a new warning
- * is reported for this connection.
- *
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException
- {
- firstWarning = null;
- }
- /*
- * You can put a connection in read-only mode as a hunt to enable
- * database optimizations
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> setReadOnly cannot be called while in the middle
- * of a transaction
- *
- * @param readOnly - true enables read-only mode; false disables it
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLException
- {
- this.readOnly = readOnly;
- }
- /*
- * Tests to see if the connection is in Read Only Mode. Note that
- * we cannot really put the database in read only mode, but we pretend
- * we can by returning the value of the readOnly flag
- *
- * @return true if the connection is read only
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException
- {
- return readOnly;
- }
- /*
- * If a connection is in auto-commit mode, than all its SQL
- * statements will be executed and committed as individual
- * transactions. Otherwise, its SQL statements are grouped
- * into transactions that are terminated by either commit()
- * or rollback(). By default, new connections are in auto-
- * commit mode. The commit occurs when the statement completes
- * or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first. In the
- * case of statements returning a ResultSet, the statement
- * completes when the last row of the ResultSet has been retrieved
- * or the ResultSet has been closed. In advanced cases, a single
- * statement may return multiple results as well as output parameter
- * values. Here the commit occurs when all results and output param
- * values have been retrieved.
- *
- * @param autoCommit - true enables auto-commit; false disables it
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException
- {
- if (this.autoCommit == autoCommit)
- return;
- if (autoCommit)
- ExecSQL("end");
- else
- {
- if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
- {
- ExecSQL("begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- else
- {
- ExecSQL("begin");
- ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- }
- this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
- }
- /*
- * gets the current auto-commit state
- *
- * @return Current state of the auto-commit mode
- * @exception SQLException (why?)
- * @see setAutoCommit
- */
- public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException
- {
- return this.autoCommit;
- }
- /*
- * The method commit() makes all changes made since the previous
- * commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently
- * held by the Connection. This method should only be used when
- * auto-commit has been disabled. (If autoCommit == true, then we
- * just return anyhow)
- *
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- * @see setAutoCommit
- */
- public void commit() throws SQLException
- {
- if (autoCommit)
- return;
- if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
- {
- ExecSQL("commit;begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- else
- {
- ExecSQL("commit");
- ExecSQL("begin");
- ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- }
- /*
- * The method rollback() drops all changes made since the previous
- * commit/rollback and releases any database locks currently held by
- * the Connection.
- *
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- * @see commit
- */
- public void rollback() throws SQLException
- {
- if (autoCommit)
- return;
- if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
- {
- ExecSQL("rollback; begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- else
- {
- ExecSQL("rollback");
- ExecSQL("begin");
- ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get this Connection's current transaction isolation mode.
- *
- * @return the current TRANSACTION_* mode value
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException
- {
- clearWarnings();
- ExecSQL("show xactisolevel");
- SQLWarning warning = getWarnings();
- if (warning != null)
- {
- String message = warning.getMessage();
- clearWarnings();
- if (message.indexOf("READ COMMITTED") != -1)
- return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
- else if (message.indexOf("READ UNCOMMITTED") != -1)
- return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
- else if (message.indexOf("REPEATABLE READ") != -1)
- return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ;
- else if (message.indexOf("SERIALIZABLE") != -1)
- return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
- }
- return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
- }
- /*
- * You can call this method to try to change the transaction
- * isolation level using one of the TRANSACTION_* values.
- *
- * <B>Note:</B> setTransactionIsolation cannot be called while
- * in the middle of a transaction
- *
- * @param level one of the TRANSACTION_* isolation values with
- * the exception of TRANSACTION_NONE; some databases may
- * not support other values
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#supportsTransactionIsolationLevel
- */
- public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException
- {
- //In 7.1 and later versions of the server it is possible using
- //the "set session" command to set this once for all future txns
- //however in 7.0 and prior versions it is necessary to set it in
- //each transaction, thus adding complexity below.
- //When we decide to drop support for servers older than 7.1
- //this can be simplified
- isolationLevel = level;
- String isolationLevelSQL;
- if (!haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
- {
- isolationLevelSQL = getIsolationLevelSQL();
- }
- else
- {
- switch (isolationLevel)
- {
- case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
- isolationLevelSQL += "READ COMMITTED";
- break;
- case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
- isolationLevelSQL += "SERIALIZABLE";
- break;
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",
- new Integer(isolationLevel));
- }
- }
- ExecSQL(isolationLevelSQL);
- }
- /*
- * Helper method used by setTransactionIsolation(), commit(), rollback()
- * and setAutoCommit(). This returns the SQL string needed to
- * set the isolation level for a transaction. In 7.1 and later it
- * is possible to set a default isolation level that applies to all
- * future transactions, this method is only necesary for 7.0 and older
- * servers, and should be removed when support for these older
- * servers are dropped
- */
- protected String getIsolationLevelSQL() throws SQLException
- {
- //7.1 and higher servers have a default specified so
- //no additional SQL is required to set the isolation level
- if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
- {
- return "";
- }
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL");
- switch (isolationLevel)
- {
- case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
- sb.append(" READ COMMITTED");
- break;
- case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
- sb.append(" SERIALIZABLE");
- break;
- default:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel", new Integer(isolationLevel));
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /*
- * A sub-space of this Connection's database may be selected by
- * setting a catalog name. If the driver does not support catalogs,
- * it will silently ignore this request
- *
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException
- {
- //no-op
- }
- /*
- * Return the connections current catalog name, or null if no
- * catalog name is set, or we dont support catalogs.
- *
- * @return the current catalog name or null
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public String getCatalog() throws SQLException
- {
- return PG_DATABASE;
- }
- /*
- * Overides finalize(). If called, it closes the connection.
- *
- * This was done at the request of Rachel Greenham
- * <rachel@enlarion.demon.co.uk> who hit a problem where multiple
- * clients didn't close the connection, and once a fortnight enough
- * clients were open to kill the org.postgres server.
- */
- public void finalize() throws Throwable
- {
- close();
- }
- private static String extractVersionNumber(String fullVersionString)
- {
- StringTokenizer versionParts = new StringTokenizer(fullVersionString);
- versionParts.nextToken(); /* "PostgreSQL" */
- return versionParts.nextToken(); /* "X.Y.Z" */
- }
- /*
- * Get server version number
- */
- public String getDBVersionNumber()
- {
- return dbVersionNumber;
- }
- public boolean haveMinimumServerVersion(String ver) throws SQLException
- {
- return (getDBVersionNumber().compareTo(ver) >= 0);
- }
- /*
- * This method returns true if the compatible level set in the connection
- * (which can be passed into the connection or specified in the URL)
- * is at least the value passed to this method. This is used to toggle
- * between different functionality as it changes across different releases
- * of the jdbc driver code. The values here are versions of the jdbc client
- * and not server versions. For example in 7.1 get/setBytes worked on
- * LargeObject values, in 7.2 these methods were changed to work on bytea
- * values. This change in functionality could be disabled by setting the
- * "compatible" level to be 7.1, in which case the driver will revert to
- * the 7.1 functionality.
- */
- public boolean haveMinimumCompatibleVersion(String ver) throws SQLException
- {
- return (compatible.compareTo(ver) >= 0);
- }
- /*
- * This returns the java.sql.Types type for a PG type oid
- *
- * @param oid PostgreSQL type oid
- * @return the java.sql.Types type
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public int getSQLType(int oid) throws SQLException
- {
- Integer sqlType = (Integer)sqlTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));
- // it's not in the cache, so perform a query, and add the result to the cache
- if (sqlType == null)
- {
- ResultSet result = (org.postgresql.ResultSet)ExecSQL("select typname from pg_type where oid = " + oid);
- if (result.getColumnCount() != 1 || result.getTupleCount() != 1)
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.unexpected");
- result.next();
- String pgType = result.getString(1);
- Integer iOid = new Integer(oid);
- sqlType = new Integer(getSQLType(result.getString(1)));
- sqlTypeCache.put(iOid, sqlType);
- pgTypeCache.put(iOid, pgType);
- result.close();
- }
- return sqlType.intValue();
- }
- /*
- * This returns the java.sql.Types type for a PG type
- *
- * @param pgTypeName PostgreSQL type name
- * @return the java.sql.Types type
- */
- public abstract int getSQLType(String pgTypeName);
- /*
- * This returns the oid for a given PG data type
- * @param typeName PostgreSQL type name
- * @return PostgreSQL oid value for a field of this type
- */
- public int getOID(String typeName) throws SQLException
- {
- int oid = -1;
- if (typeName != null)
- {
- Integer oidValue = (Integer) typeOidCache.get(typeName);
- if (oidValue != null)
- {
- oid = oidValue.intValue();
- }
- else
- {
- // it's not in the cache, so perform a query, and add the result to the cache
- ResultSet result = (org.postgresql.ResultSet)ExecSQL("select oid from pg_type where typname='"
- + typeName + "'");
- if (result.getColumnCount() != 1 || result.getTupleCount() != 1)
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.unexpected");
- result.next();
- oid = Integer.parseInt(result.getString(1));
- typeOidCache.put(typeName, new Integer(oid));
- result.close();
- }
- }
- return oid;
- }
- /*
- * We also need to get the PG type name as returned by the back end.
- *
- * @return the String representation of the type of this field
- * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
- */
- public String getPGType(int oid) throws SQLException
- {
- String pgType = (String) pgTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));
- if (pgType == null)
- {
- getSQLType(oid);
- pgType = (String) pgTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));
- }
- return pgType;
- }
+package org.postgresql;\r
+import java.io.*;\r
+import java.net.*;\r
+import java.sql.*;\r
+import java.util.*;\r
+import org.postgresql.Field;\r
+import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;\r
+import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;\r
+import org.postgresql.util.*;\r
+import org.postgresql.core.*;\r
+ * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.44 2002/03/21 02:39:06 davec Exp $\r
+ *\r
+ * This abstract class is used by org.postgresql.Driver to open either the JDBC1 or\r
+ * JDBC2 versions of the Connection class.\r
+ *\r
+ */\r
+public abstract class Connection\r
+ // This is the network stream associated with this connection\r
+ public PG_Stream pg_stream;\r
+ private String PG_HOST;\r
+ private int PG_PORT;\r
+ private String PG_USER;\r
+ private String PG_DATABASE;\r
+ private boolean PG_STATUS;\r
+ private String compatible;\r
+ /*\r
+ * The encoding to use for this connection.\r
+ */\r
+ private Encoding encoding = Encoding.defaultEncoding();\r
+ private String dbVersionNumber;\r
+ public boolean CONNECTION_OK = true;\r
+ public boolean CONNECTION_BAD = false;\r
+ public boolean autoCommit = true;\r
+ public boolean readOnly = false;\r
+ public Driver this_driver;\r
+ private String this_url;\r
+ private String cursor = null; // The positioned update cursor name\r
+ // These are new for v6.3, they determine the current protocol versions\r
+ // supported by this version of the driver. They are defined in\r
+ // src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h\r
+ protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR = 2;\r
+ protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MINOR = 0;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_OK = 0;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB4 = 1;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB5 = 2;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD = 3;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_CRYPT = 4;\r
+ private static final int AUTH_REQ_MD5 = 5;\r
+ public final static int PGASYNC_IDLE = 0; /* nothing's happening, dude */\r
+ public final static int PGASYNC_BUSY = 1; /* query in progress */\r
+ public final static int PGASYNC_READY = 2; /* result ready for PQgetResult */\r
+ // These are used to cache oids, PGTypes and SQLTypes\r
+ private static Hashtable sqlTypeCache = new Hashtable(); // oid -> SQLType\r
+ private static Hashtable pgTypeCache = new Hashtable(); // oid -> PGType\r
+ private static Hashtable typeOidCache = new Hashtable(); //PGType -> oid\r
+ // Now handle notices as warnings, so things like "show" now work\r
+ public SQLWarning firstWarning = null;\r
+ /*\r
+ * Cache of the current isolation level\r
+ */\r
+ private int isolationLevel = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;\r
+ // The PID an cancellation key we get from the backend process\r
+ public int pid;\r
+ public int ckey;\r
+ public int asyncStatus = PGASYNC_READY;\r
+ /*\r
+ * This is called by Class.forName() from within org.postgresql.Driver\r
+ */\r
+ public Connection()\r
+ {}\r
+ public void cancelQuery() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ PG_Stream cancelStream = null;\r
+ try {\r
+ cancelStream = new PG_Stream(PG_HOST, PG_PORT);\r
+ } catch (ConnectException cex) {\r
+ // Added by Peter Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>\r
+ // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made.\r
+ // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user\r
+ throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.refused");\r
+ } catch (IOException e) {\r
+ throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.failed",e);\r
+ }\r
+ // Now we need to construct and send a cancel packet\r
+ try {\r
+ cancelStream.SendInteger(16, 4);\r
+ cancelStream.SendInteger(80877102, 4);\r
+ cancelStream.SendInteger(pid, 4);\r
+ cancelStream.SendInteger(ckey, 4);\r
+ cancelStream.flush();\r
+ }\r
+ catch(IOException e) {\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed",e);\r
+ }\r
+ finally {\r
+ try {\r
+ if(cancelStream != null)\r
+ cancelStream.close();\r
+ }\r
+ catch(IOException e) {} // Ignore\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This method actually opens the connection. It is called by Driver.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param host the hostname of the database back end\r
+ * @param port the port number of the postmaster process\r
+ * @param info a Properties[] thing of the user and password\r
+ * @param database the database to connect to\r
+ * @param u the URL of the connection\r
+ * @param d the Driver instantation of the connection\r
+ * @return a valid connection profile\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ protected void openConnection(String host, int port, Properties info, String database, String url, Driver d) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ firstWarning = null;\r
+ // Throw an exception if the user or password properties are missing\r
+ // This occasionally occurs when the client uses the properties version\r
+ // of getConnection(), and is a common question on the email lists\r
+ if (info.getProperty("user") == null)\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.user");\r
+ this_driver = d;\r
+ this_url = url;\r
+ PG_DATABASE = database;\r
+ PG_USER = info.getProperty("user");\r
+ String password = info.getProperty("password", "");\r
+ PG_PORT = port;\r
+ PG_HOST = host;\r
+ if (info.getProperty("compatible") == null)\r
+ {\r
+ compatible = d.getMajorVersion() + "." + d.getMinorVersion();\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ compatible = info.getProperty("compatible");\r
+ }\r
+ // Now make the initial connection\r
+ try\r
+ {\r
+ pg_stream = new PG_Stream(host, port);\r
+ }\r
+ catch (ConnectException cex)\r
+ {\r
+ // Added by Peter Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>\r
+ // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made.\r
+ // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user\r
+ throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.refused");\r
+ }\r
+ catch (IOException e)\r
+ {\r
+ throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.failed", e);\r
+ }\r
+ // Now we need to construct and send a startup packet\r
+ try\r
+ {\r
+ new StartupPacket(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR,\r
+ PG_USER,\r
+ database).writeTo(pg_stream);\r
+ // now flush the startup packets to the backend\r
+ pg_stream.flush();\r
+ // Now get the response from the backend, either an error message\r
+ // or an authentication request\r
+ int areq = -1; // must have a value here\r
+ do\r
+ {\r
+ int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ String salt = null;\r
+ switch (beresp)\r
+ {\r
+ case 'E':\r
+ // An error occured, so pass the error message to the\r
+ // user.\r
+ //\r
+ // The most common one to be thrown here is:\r
+ // "User authentication failed"\r
+ //\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.misc", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));\r
+ case 'R':\r
+ // Get the type of request\r
+ areq = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);\r
+ // Get the crypt password salt if there is one\r
+ if (areq == AUTH_REQ_CRYPT)\r
+ {\r
+ byte[] rst = new byte[2];\r
+ rst[0] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ rst[1] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ salt = new String(rst, 0, 2);\r
+ DriverManager.println("Crypt salt=" + salt);\r
+ }\r
+ // Or get the md5 password salt if there is one\r
+ if (areq == AUTH_REQ_MD5)\r
+ {\r
+ byte[] rst = new byte[4];\r
+ rst[0] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ rst[1] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ rst[2] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ rst[3] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ salt = new String(rst, 0, 4);\r
+ DriverManager.println("MD5 salt=" + salt);\r
+ }\r
+ // now send the auth packet\r
+ switch (areq)\r
+ {\r
+ case AUTH_REQ_OK:\r
+ break;\r
+ case AUTH_REQ_KRB4:\r
+ DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB4");\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb4");\r
+ case AUTH_REQ_KRB5:\r
+ DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB5");\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb5");\r
+ DriverManager.println("postgresql: PASSWORD");\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + password.length(), 4);\r
+ pg_stream.Send(password.getBytes());\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);\r
+ pg_stream.flush();\r
+ break;\r
+ case AUTH_REQ_CRYPT:\r
+ DriverManager.println("postgresql: CRYPT");\r
+ String crypted = UnixCrypt.crypt(salt, password);\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + crypted.length(), 4);\r
+ pg_stream.Send(crypted.getBytes());\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);\r
+ pg_stream.flush();\r
+ break;\r
+ case AUTH_REQ_MD5:\r
+ DriverManager.println("postgresql: MD5");\r
+ byte[] digest = MD5Digest.encode(PG_USER, password, salt);\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(5 + digest.length, 4);\r
+ pg_stream.Send(digest);\r
+ pg_stream.SendInteger(0, 1);\r
+ pg_stream.flush();\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.auth", new Integer(areq));\r
+ }\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.authfail");\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ while (areq != AUTH_REQ_OK);\r
+ }\r
+ catch (IOException e)\r
+ {\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed", e);\r
+ }\r
+ // As of protocol version 2.0, we should now receive the cancellation key and the pid\r
+ int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ switch (beresp)\r
+ {\r
+ case 'K':\r
+ pid = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);\r
+ ckey = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4);\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'E':\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.backend", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));\r
+ case 'N':\r
+ addWarning(pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup");\r
+ }\r
+ // Expect ReadyForQuery packet\r
+ beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar();\r
+ switch (beresp)\r
+ {\r
+ case 'Z':\r
+ break;\r
+ case 'E':\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.backend", pg_stream.ReceiveString(encoding));\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup");\r
+ }\r
+ // "pg_encoding_to_char(1)" will return 'EUC_JP' for a backend compiled with multibyte,\r
+ // otherwise it's hardcoded to 'SQL_ASCII'.\r
+ // If the backend doesn't know about multibyte we can't assume anything about the encoding\r
+ // used, so we denote this with 'UNKNOWN'.\r
+ //Note: begining with 7.2 we should be using pg_client_encoding() which\r
+ //is new in 7.2. However it isn't easy to conditionally call this new\r
+ //function, since we don't yet have the information as to what server\r
+ //version we are talking to. Thus we will continue to call\r
+ //getdatabaseencoding() until we drop support for 7.1 and older versions\r
+ //or until someone comes up with a conditional way to run one or\r
+ //the other function depending on server version that doesn't require\r
+ //two round trips to the server per connection\r
+ final String encodingQuery =\r
+ "case when pg_encoding_to_char(1) = 'SQL_ASCII' then 'UNKNOWN' else getdatabaseencoding() end";\r
+ // Set datestyle and fetch db encoding in a single call, to avoid making\r
+ // more than one round trip to the backend during connection startup.\r
+ java.sql.ResultSet resultSet =\r
+ ExecSQL("set datestyle to 'ISO'; select version(), " + encodingQuery + ";");\r
+ if (! resultSet.next())\r
+ {\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed", "failed getting backend encoding");\r
+ }\r
+ String version = resultSet.getString(1);\r
+ dbVersionNumber = extractVersionNumber(version);\r
+ String dbEncoding = resultSet.getString(2);\r
+ encoding = Encoding.getEncoding(dbEncoding, info.getProperty("charSet"));\r
+ // Initialise object handling\r
+ initObjectTypes();\r
+ // Mark the connection as ok, and cleanup\r
+ }\r
+ // These methods used to be in the main Connection implementation. As they\r
+ // are common to all implementations (JDBC1 or 2), they are placed here.\r
+ // This should make it easy to maintain the two specifications.\r
+ /*\r
+ * This adds a warning to the warning chain.\r
+ * @param msg message to add\r
+ */\r
+ public void addWarning(String msg)\r
+ {\r
+ DriverManager.println(msg);\r
+ // Add the warning to the chain\r
+ if (firstWarning != null)\r
+ firstWarning.setNextWarning(new SQLWarning(msg));\r
+ else\r
+ firstWarning = new SQLWarning(msg);\r
+ // Now check for some specific messages\r
+ // This is obsolete in 6.5, but I've left it in here so if we need to use this\r
+ // technique again, we'll know where to place it.\r
+ //\r
+ // This is generated by the SQL "show datestyle"\r
+ //if (msg.startsWith("NOTICE:") && msg.indexOf("DateStyle")>0) {\r
+ //// 13 is the length off "DateStyle is "\r
+ //msg = msg.substring(msg.indexOf("DateStyle is ")+13);\r
+ //\r
+ //for(int i=0;i<dateStyles.length;i+=2)\r
+ //if (msg.startsWith(dateStyles[i]))\r
+ //currentDateStyle=i+1; // this is the index of the format\r
+ //}\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Send a query to the backend. Returns one of the ResultSet\r
+ * objects.\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> there does not seem to be any method currently\r
+ * in existance to return the update count.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param sql the SQL statement to be executed\r
+ * @return a ResultSet holding the results\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return ExecSQL(sql, null);\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Send a query to the backend. Returns one of the ResultSet\r
+ * objects.\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> there does not seem to be any method currently\r
+ * in existance to return the update count.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param sql the SQL statement to be executed\r
+ * @param stat The Statement associated with this query (may be null)\r
+ * @return a ResultSet holding the results\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql, java.sql.Statement stat) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return new QueryExecutor2(sql, stat, pg_stream, this).execute();\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * In SQL, a result table can be retrieved through a cursor that\r
+ * is named. The current row of a result can be updated or deleted\r
+ * using a positioned update/delete statement that references the\r
+ * cursor name.\r
+ *\r
+ * We support one cursor per connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * setCursorName sets the cursor name.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param cursor the cursor name\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void setCursorName(String cursor) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ this.cursor = cursor;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * getCursorName gets the cursor name.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the current cursor name\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public String getCursorName() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return cursor;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * We are required to bring back certain information by\r
+ * the DatabaseMetaData class. These functions do that.\r
+ *\r
+ * Method getURL() brings back the URL (good job we saved it)\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the url\r
+ * @exception SQLException just in case...\r
+ */\r
+ public String getURL() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return this_url;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Method getUserName() brings back the User Name (again, we\r
+ * saved it)\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the user name\r
+ * @exception SQLException just in case...\r
+ */\r
+ int lastMessage = 0;\r
+ public String getUserName() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return PG_USER;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Get the character encoding to use for this connection.\r
+ */\r
+ public Encoding getEncoding() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return encoding;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns the Fastpath API for the current connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to\r
+ * functions on the org.postgresql backend itself.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>It is primarily used by the LargeObject API\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><pre>\r
+ * import org.postgresql.fastpath.*;\r
+ * ...\r
+ * Fastpath fp = ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).getFastpathAPI();\r
+ * </pre>\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return Fastpath object allowing access to functions on the org.postgresql\r
+ * backend.\r
+ * @exception SQLException by Fastpath when initialising for first time\r
+ */\r
+ public Fastpath getFastpathAPI() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (fastpath == null)\r
+ fastpath = new Fastpath(this, pg_stream);\r
+ return fastpath;\r
+ }\r
+ // This holds a reference to the Fastpath API if already open\r
+ private Fastpath fastpath = null;\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns the LargeObject API for the current connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to\r
+ * functions on the org.postgresql backend itself.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><pre>\r
+ * import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;\r
+ * ...\r
+ * LargeObjectManager lo = ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).getLargeObjectAPI();\r
+ * </pre>\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return LargeObject object that implements the API\r
+ * @exception SQLException by LargeObject when initialising for first time\r
+ */\r
+ public LargeObjectManager getLargeObjectAPI() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (largeobject == null)\r
+ largeobject = new LargeObjectManager(this);\r
+ return largeobject;\r
+ }\r
+ // This holds a reference to the LargeObject API if already open\r
+ private LargeObjectManager largeobject = null;\r
+ /*\r
+ * This method is used internally to return an object based around\r
+ * org.postgresql's more unique data types.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>It uses an internal Hashtable to get the handling class. If the\r
+ * type is not supported, then an instance of org.postgresql.util.PGobject\r
+ * is returned.\r
+ *\r
+ * You can use the getValue() or setValue() methods to handle the returned\r
+ * object. Custom objects can have their own methods.\r
+ *\r
+ * In 6.4, this is extended to use the org.postgresql.util.Serialize class to\r
+ * allow the Serialization of Java Objects into the database without using\r
+ * Blobs. Refer to that class for details on how this new feature works.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return PGobject for this type, and set to value\r
+ * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type\r
+ * @see org.postgresql.util.Serialize\r
+ */\r
+ public Object getObject(String type, String value) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ try\r
+ {\r
+ Object o = objectTypes.get(type);\r
+ // If o is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type\r
+ // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that\r
+ // can handle it\r
+ if (o == null)\r
+ {\r
+ Serialize ser = new Serialize(this, type);\r
+ objectTypes.put(type, ser);\r
+ return ser.fetch(Integer.parseInt(value));\r
+ }\r
+ // If o is not null, and it is a String, then its a class name that\r
+ // extends PGobject.\r
+ //\r
+ // This is used to implement the org.postgresql unique types (like lseg,\r
+ // point, etc).\r
+ if (o instanceof String)\r
+ {\r
+ // 6.3 style extending PG_Object\r
+ PGobject obj = null;\r
+ obj = (PGobject)(Class.forName((String)o).newInstance());\r
+ obj.setType(type);\r
+ obj.setValue(value);\r
+ return (Object)obj;\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class\r
+ // If so, then call it's fetch method.\r
+ if (o instanceof Serialize)\r
+ return ((Serialize)o).fetch(Integer.parseInt(value));\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ catch (SQLException sx)\r
+ {\r
+ // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next\r
+ sx.fillInStackTrace();\r
+ throw sx;\r
+ }\r
+ catch (Exception ex)\r
+ {\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.creobj", type, ex);\r
+ }\r
+ // should never be reached\r
+ return null;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This stores an object into the database. This method was\r
+ * deprecated in 7.2 bacause an OID can be larger than the java signed\r
+ * int returned by this method.\r
+ * @deprecated Replaced by storeObject() in 7.2\r
+ */\r
+ public int putObject(Object o) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return (int) storeObject(o);\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This stores an object into the database.\r
+ * @param o Object to store\r
+ * @return OID of the new rectord\r
+ * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type\r
+ * @see org.postgresql.util.Serialize\r
+ * @since 7.2\r
+ */\r
+ public long storeObject(Object o) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ try\r
+ {\r
+ String type = o.getClass().getName();\r
+ Object x = objectTypes.get(type);\r
+ // If x is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type\r
+ // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that\r
+ // can handle it\r
+ if (x == null)\r
+ {\r
+ Serialize ser = new Serialize(this, type);\r
+ objectTypes.put(type, ser);\r
+ return ser.storeObject(o);\r
+ }\r
+ // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class\r
+ // If so, then call it's fetch method.\r
+ if (x instanceof Serialize)\r
+ return ((Serialize)x).storeObject(o);\r
+ // Thow an exception because the type is unknown\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobj");\r
+ }\r
+ catch (SQLException sx)\r
+ {\r
+ // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next\r
+ sx.fillInStackTrace();\r
+ throw sx;\r
+ }\r
+ catch (Exception ex)\r
+ {\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobjex", ex);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This allows client code to add a handler for one of org.postgresql's\r
+ * more unique data types.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but an extension.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>The best way to use this is as follows:\r
+ *\r
+ * <p><pre>\r
+ * ...\r
+ * ((org.postgresql.Connection)myconn).addDataType("mytype","my.class.name");\r
+ * ...\r
+ * </pre>\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to org.postgresql.\r
+ *\r
+ * <p>The handling class must extend org.postgresql.util.PGobject\r
+ *\r
+ * @see org.postgresql.util.PGobject\r
+ */\r
+ public void addDataType(String type, String name)\r
+ {\r
+ objectTypes.put(type, name);\r
+ }\r
+ // This holds the available types\r
+ private Hashtable objectTypes = new Hashtable();\r
+ // This array contains the types that are supported as standard.\r
+ //\r
+ // The first entry is the types name on the database, the second\r
+ // the full class name of the handling class.\r
+ //\r
+ private static final String defaultObjectTypes[][] = {\r
+ {"box", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGbox"},\r
+ {"circle", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGcircle"},\r
+ {"line", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGline"},\r
+ {"lseg", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGlseg"},\r
+ {"path", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpath"},\r
+ {"point", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpoint"},\r
+ {"polygon", "org.postgresql.geometric.PGpolygon"},\r
+ {"money", "org.postgresql.util.PGmoney"}\r
+ };\r
+ // This initialises the objectTypes hashtable\r
+ private void initObjectTypes()\r
+ {\r
+ for (int i = 0;i < defaultObjectTypes.length;i++)\r
+ objectTypes.put(defaultObjectTypes[i][0], defaultObjectTypes[i][1]);\r
+ }\r
+ // These are required by other common classes\r
+ public abstract java.sql.Statement createStatement() throws SQLException;\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns a resultset. It must be overridden, so that the correct\r
+ * version (from jdbc1 or jdbc2) are returned.\r
+ */\r
+ public abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(org.postgresql.Connection conn, java.sql.Statement stat, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, long insertOID, boolean binaryCursor) throws SQLException;\r
+ /*\r
+ * In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's\r
+ * database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for them to be\r
+ * automatically released (cant think why off the top of my head)\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> A Connection is automatically closed when it is\r
+ * garbage collected. Certain fatal errors also result in a closed\r
+ * connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void close() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (pg_stream != null)\r
+ {\r
+ try\r
+ {\r
+ pg_stream.SendChar('X');\r
+ pg_stream.flush();\r
+ pg_stream.close();\r
+ }\r
+ catch (IOException e)\r
+ {}\r
+ pg_stream = null;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * A driver may convert the JDBC sql grammar into its system's\r
+ * native SQL grammar prior to sending it; nativeSQL returns the\r
+ * native form of the statement that the driver would have sent.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param sql a SQL statement that may contain one or more '?'\r
+ * parameter placeholders\r
+ * @return the native form of this statement\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return sql;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * The first warning reported by calls on this Connection is\r
+ * returned.\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> Sebsequent warnings will be changed to this\r
+ * SQLWarning\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the first SQLWarning or null\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return firstWarning;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * After this call, getWarnings returns null until a new warning\r
+ * is reported for this connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ firstWarning = null;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * You can put a connection in read-only mode as a hunt to enable\r
+ * database optimizations\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> setReadOnly cannot be called while in the middle\r
+ * of a transaction\r
+ *\r
+ * @param readOnly - true enables read-only mode; false disables it\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ this.readOnly = readOnly;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Tests to see if the connection is in Read Only Mode. Note that\r
+ * we cannot really put the database in read only mode, but we pretend\r
+ * we can by returning the value of the readOnly flag\r
+ *\r
+ * @return true if the connection is read only\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return readOnly;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * If a connection is in auto-commit mode, than all its SQL\r
+ * statements will be executed and committed as individual\r
+ * transactions. Otherwise, its SQL statements are grouped\r
+ * into transactions that are terminated by either commit()\r
+ * or rollback(). By default, new connections are in auto-\r
+ * commit mode. The commit occurs when the statement completes\r
+ * or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first. In the\r
+ * case of statements returning a ResultSet, the statement\r
+ * completes when the last row of the ResultSet has been retrieved\r
+ * or the ResultSet has been closed. In advanced cases, a single\r
+ * statement may return multiple results as well as output parameter\r
+ * values. Here the commit occurs when all results and output param\r
+ * values have been retrieved.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param autoCommit - true enables auto-commit; false disables it\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (this.autoCommit == autoCommit)\r
+ return;\r
+ if (autoCommit)\r
+ ExecSQL("end");\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("begin");\r
+ ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ this.autoCommit = autoCommit;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * gets the current auto-commit state\r
+ *\r
+ * @return Current state of the auto-commit mode\r
+ * @exception SQLException (why?)\r
+ * @see setAutoCommit\r
+ */\r
+ public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return this.autoCommit;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * The method commit() makes all changes made since the previous\r
+ * commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently\r
+ * held by the Connection. This method should only be used when\r
+ * auto-commit has been disabled. (If autoCommit == true, then we\r
+ * just return anyhow)\r
+ *\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ * @see setAutoCommit\r
+ */\r
+ public void commit() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (autoCommit)\r
+ return;\r
+ if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("commit;begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("commit");\r
+ ExecSQL("begin");\r
+ ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * The method rollback() drops all changes made since the previous\r
+ * commit/rollback and releases any database locks currently held by\r
+ * the Connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ * @see commit\r
+ */\r
+ public void rollback() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ if (autoCommit)\r
+ return;\r
+ if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("rollback; begin;" + getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ ExecSQL("rollback");\r
+ ExecSQL("begin");\r
+ ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Get this Connection's current transaction isolation mode.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the current TRANSACTION_* mode value\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ clearWarnings();\r
+ ExecSQL("show xactisolevel");\r
+ SQLWarning warning = getWarnings();\r
+ if (warning != null)\r
+ {\r
+ String message = warning.getMessage();\r
+ clearWarnings();\r
+ if (message.indexOf("READ COMMITTED") != -1)\r
+ return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;\r
+ else if (message.indexOf("READ UNCOMMITTED") != -1)\r
+ return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED;\r
+ else if (message.indexOf("REPEATABLE READ") != -1)\r
+ return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ;\r
+ else if (message.indexOf("SERIALIZABLE") != -1)\r
+ return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;\r
+ }\r
+ return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * You can call this method to try to change the transaction\r
+ * isolation level using one of the TRANSACTION_* values.\r
+ *\r
+ * <B>Note:</B> setTransactionIsolation cannot be called while\r
+ * in the middle of a transaction\r
+ *\r
+ * @param level one of the TRANSACTION_* isolation values with\r
+ * the exception of TRANSACTION_NONE; some databases may\r
+ * not support other values\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#supportsTransactionIsolationLevel\r
+ */\r
+ public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ //In 7.1 and later versions of the server it is possible using\r
+ //the "set session" command to set this once for all future txns\r
+ //however in 7.0 and prior versions it is necessary to set it in\r
+ //each transaction, thus adding complexity below.\r
+ //When we decide to drop support for servers older than 7.1\r
+ //this can be simplified\r
+ isolationLevel = level;\r
+ String isolationLevelSQL;\r
+ if (!haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))\r
+ {\r
+ isolationLevelSQL = getIsolationLevelSQL();\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ switch (isolationLevel)\r
+ {\r
+ case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:\r
+ isolationLevelSQL += "READ COMMITTED";\r
+ break;\r
+ case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:\r
+ isolationLevelSQL += "SERIALIZABLE";\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",\r
+ new Integer(isolationLevel));\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ ExecSQL(isolationLevelSQL);\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Helper method used by setTransactionIsolation(), commit(), rollback()\r
+ * and setAutoCommit(). This returns the SQL string needed to\r
+ * set the isolation level for a transaction. In 7.1 and later it\r
+ * is possible to set a default isolation level that applies to all\r
+ * future transactions, this method is only necesary for 7.0 and older\r
+ * servers, and should be removed when support for these older\r
+ * servers are dropped\r
+ */\r
+ protected String getIsolationLevelSQL() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ //7.1 and higher servers have a default specified so\r
+ //no additional SQL is required to set the isolation level\r
+ if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))\r
+ {\r
+ return "";\r
+ }\r
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL");\r
+ switch (isolationLevel)\r
+ {\r
+ case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:\r
+ sb.append(" READ COMMITTED");\r
+ break;\r
+ case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:\r
+ sb.append(" SERIALIZABLE");\r
+ break;\r
+ default:\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel", new Integer(isolationLevel));\r
+ }\r
+ return sb.toString();\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * A sub-space of this Connection's database may be selected by\r
+ * setting a catalog name. If the driver does not support catalogs,\r
+ * it will silently ignore this request\r
+ *\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ //no-op\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Return the connections current catalog name, or null if no\r
+ * catalog name is set, or we dont support catalogs.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the current catalog name or null\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public String getCatalog() throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return PG_DATABASE;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Overides finalize(). If called, it closes the connection.\r
+ *\r
+ * This was done at the request of Rachel Greenham\r
+ * <rachel@enlarion.demon.co.uk> who hit a problem where multiple\r
+ * clients didn't close the connection, and once a fortnight enough\r
+ * clients were open to kill the org.postgres server.\r
+ */\r
+ public void finalize() throws Throwable\r
+ {\r
+ close();\r
+ }\r
+ private static String extractVersionNumber(String fullVersionString)\r
+ {\r
+ StringTokenizer versionParts = new StringTokenizer(fullVersionString);\r
+ versionParts.nextToken(); /* "PostgreSQL" */\r
+ return versionParts.nextToken(); /* "X.Y.Z" */\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * Get server version number\r
+ */\r
+ public String getDBVersionNumber()\r
+ {\r
+ return dbVersionNumber;\r
+ }\r
+ public boolean haveMinimumServerVersion(String ver) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return (getDBVersionNumber().compareTo(ver) >= 0);\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This method returns true if the compatible level set in the connection\r
+ * (which can be passed into the connection or specified in the URL)\r
+ * is at least the value passed to this method. This is used to toggle\r
+ * between different functionality as it changes across different releases\r
+ * of the jdbc driver code. The values here are versions of the jdbc client\r
+ * and not server versions. For example in 7.1 get/setBytes worked on\r
+ * LargeObject values, in 7.2 these methods were changed to work on bytea\r
+ * values. This change in functionality could be disabled by setting the\r
+ * "compatible" level to be 7.1, in which case the driver will revert to\r
+ * the 7.1 functionality.\r
+ */\r
+ public boolean haveMinimumCompatibleVersion(String ver) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ return (compatible.compareTo(ver) >= 0);\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns the java.sql.Types type for a PG type oid\r
+ *\r
+ * @param oid PostgreSQL type oid\r
+ * @return the java.sql.Types type\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public int getSQLType(int oid) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ Integer sqlType = (Integer)sqlTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));\r
+ // it's not in the cache, so perform a query, and add the result to the cache\r
+ if (sqlType == null)\r
+ {\r
+ ResultSet result = (org.postgresql.ResultSet)ExecSQL("select typname from pg_type where oid = " + oid);\r
+ if (result.getColumnCount() != 1 || result.getTupleCount() != 1)\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.unexpected");\r
+ result.next();\r
+ String pgType = result.getString(1);\r
+ Integer iOid = new Integer(oid);\r
+ sqlType = new Integer(getSQLType(result.getString(1)));\r
+ sqlTypeCache.put(iOid, sqlType);\r
+ pgTypeCache.put(iOid, pgType);\r
+ result.close();\r
+ }\r
+ return sqlType.intValue();\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns the java.sql.Types type for a PG type\r
+ *\r
+ * @param pgTypeName PostgreSQL type name\r
+ * @return the java.sql.Types type\r
+ */\r
+ public abstract int getSQLType(String pgTypeName);\r
+ /*\r
+ * This returns the oid for a given PG data type\r
+ * @param typeName PostgreSQL type name\r
+ * @return PostgreSQL oid value for a field of this type\r
+ */\r
+ public int getOID(String typeName) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ int oid = -1;\r
+ if (typeName != null)\r
+ {\r
+ Integer oidValue = (Integer) typeOidCache.get(typeName);\r
+ if (oidValue != null)\r
+ {\r
+ oid = oidValue.intValue();\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ // it's not in the cache, so perform a query, and add the result to the cache\r
+ ResultSet result = (org.postgresql.ResultSet)ExecSQL("select oid from pg_type where typname='"\r
+ + typeName + "'");\r
+ if (result.getColumnCount() != 1 || result.getTupleCount() != 1)\r
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.unexpected");\r
+ result.next();\r
+ oid = Integer.parseInt(result.getString(1));\r
+ typeOidCache.put(typeName, new Integer(oid));\r
+ result.close();\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return oid;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ * We also need to get the PG type name as returned by the back end.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return the String representation of the type of this field\r
+ * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs\r
+ */\r
+ public String getPGType(int oid) throws SQLException\r
+ {\r
+ String pgType = (String) pgTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));\r
+ if (pgType == null)\r
+ {\r
+ getSQLType(oid);\r
+ pgType = (String) pgTypeCache.get(new Integer(oid));\r
+ }\r
+ return pgType;\r
+ }\r