char *scratch;
unsigned char *tmp;
- char tmp_line[513];
- char location[513];
- int chptr = 0;
+ char tmp_line[512];
+ char location[512];
+ char hdr_line[8192];
char *tpath, *ttpath;
int body = 0;
int reqok = 0;
- int lineone = 1;
int i;
- char buf[2];
- char oldch1 = 0;
- char oldch2 = 0;
- char oldch3 = 0;
- char oldch4 = 0;
- char oldch5 = 0;
FILE *fp = NULL;
struct sockaddr_in server;
#endif /*win32 */
+ strcpy(hdr_line, "GET ");
/* tell remote http which file to get */
- SOCK_WRITE("GET ", *socketd);
if (resource->path != NULL) {
- SOCK_WRITE(resource->path, *socketd);
+ strncat(hdr_line, resource->path, sizeof(hdr_line));
} else {
- SOCK_WRITE("/", *socketd);
+ strncat(hdr_line, "/", sizeof(hdr_line));
/* append the query string, if any */
if (resource->query != NULL) {
- SOCK_WRITE("?", *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE(resource->query, *socketd);
+ strncat(hdr_line, "?", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ strncat(hdr_line, resource->query, sizeof(hdr_line));
- SOCK_WRITE(" HTTP/1.0\n", *socketd);
+ strncat(hdr_line, " HTTP/1.0\r\n", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ hdr_line[sizeof(hdr_line)-1] = '\0';
+ SOCK_WRITE(hdr_line, *socketd);
/* send authorization header if we have user/pass */
if (resource->user != NULL && resource->pass != NULL) {
strcat(scratch, resource->pass);
tmp = _php3_base64_encode((unsigned char *)scratch, strlen(scratch), NULL);
- SOCK_WRITE("Authorization: Basic ", *socketd);
+ strcpy(hdr_line, "Authorization: Basic ");
/* output "user:pass" as base64-encoded string */
- SOCK_WRITE((char *)tmp, *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE("\n", *socketd);
+ strncat(hdr_line, (char *)tmp, sizeof(hdr_line));
+ strncat(hdr_line, "\r\n", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ hdr_line[sizeof(hdr_line)-1] = '\0';
+ SOCK_WRITE(hdr_line, *socketd);
/* if the user has configured who they are, send a From: line */
if (cfg_get_string("from", &scratch) == SUCCESS) {
- SOCK_WRITE("From: ", *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE(scratch, *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE("\n", *socketd);
+ strcpy(hdr_line, "From: ");
+ strncat(hdr_line, scratch, sizeof(hdr_line));
+ strncat(hdr_line, "\r\n", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ hdr_line[sizeof(hdr_line)-1] = '\0';
+ SOCK_WRITE(hdr_line, *socketd);
/* send a Host: header so name-based virtual hosts work */
- SOCK_WRITE("Host: ", *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE(resource->host, *socketd);
- if(resource->port!=80) {
- sprintf(tmp_line,"%i",resource->port);
- SOCK_WRITE(":", *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE(tmp_line, *socketd);
- }
- SOCK_WRITE("\n", *socketd);
+ strcpy(hdr_line, "Host: ");
+ strncat(hdr_line, resource->host, sizeof(hdr_line));
+ if (resource->port != 80) {
+ sprintf(tmp_line, "%i", resource->port);
+ strncat(hdr_line, ":", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ strncat(hdr_line, tmp_line, sizeof(hdr_line));
+ }
+ strncat(hdr_line, "\r\n", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ hdr_line[sizeof(hdr_line)-1] = '\0';
+ SOCK_WRITE(hdr_line, *socketd);
+ /* identify ourselves and end the headers */
+ strcpy(hdr_line, "User-Agent: PHP/");
+ strncat(hdr_line, PHP_VERSION, sizeof(hdr_line));
+ strncat(hdr_line, "\r\n\r\n", sizeof(hdr_line));
+ hdr_line[sizeof(hdr_line)-1] = '\0';
+ SOCK_WRITE(hdr_line, *socketd);
- /* identify ourselves */
- SOCK_WRITE("User-Agent: PHP/", *socketd);
- SOCK_WRITE("\n", *socketd);
- /* end the headers */
- SOCK_WRITE("\n", *socketd);
- /* Read past http header */
body = 0;
location[0] = '\0';
- while (!body && !SOCK_FEOF(*socketd)) {
- if ((buf[0] = SOCK_FGETC(*socketd)) == EOF) {
- SOCK_FCLOSE(*socketd);
- *socketd = 0;
- free_url(resource);
- return NULL;
+ if (!SOCK_FEOF(*socketd)) {
+ /* get response header */
+ if (SOCK_FGETS(tmp_line, sizeof(tmp_line), *socketd) != NULL) {
+ if (!strncmp(tmp_line + 8, " 200 ", 4)) {
+ reqok = 1;
+ }
- oldch5 = oldch4;
- oldch4 = oldch3;
- oldch3 = oldch2;
- oldch2 = oldch1;
- oldch1 = *buf;
- tmp_line[chptr++] = *buf;
- if (*buf == 10 || *buf == 13) {
- tmp_line[chptr] = '\0';
- chptr = 0;
+ }
+ /* Read past HTTP headers */
+ while (!body && !SOCK_FEOF(*socketd)) {
+ if (SOCK_FGETS(tmp_line, sizeof(tmp_line), *socketd) != NULL) {
+ char *p = tmp_line;
+ tmp_line[sizeof(tmp_line)-1] = '\0';
+ while (*p) {
+ if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') {
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
if (!strncasecmp(tmp_line, "Location: ", 10)) {
- tpath = tmp_line + 10;
- strcpy(location, tpath);
+ strcpy(location, tmp_line + 10);
+ }
+ if (tmp_line[0] == '\0') {
+ body = 1;
- }
- if (lineone && (*buf == 10 || *buf == 13)) {
- lineone = 0;
- }
- if (lineone && oldch5 == ' ' && oldch4 == '2' && oldch3 == '0' &&
- oldch2 == '0' && oldch1 == ' ') {
- reqok = 1;
- }
- if (oldch4 == 13 && oldch3 == 10 && oldch2 == 13 && oldch1 == 10) {
- body = 1;
- }
- if (oldch2 == 10 && oldch1 == 10) {
- body = 1;
- }
- if (oldch2 == 13 && oldch1 == 13) {
- body = 1;
if (!reqok) {