* PHP-7.3:
Fix #64076: imap_sort() does not return FALSE on failure
-?? ??? ????, PHP 7.3.25
+?? ??? 2020, PHP 7.4.13
+ - IMAP:
+ . Fixed bug #64076 (imap_sort() does not return FALSE on failure). (cmb)
-29 Oct 2020, PHP 7.3.24
+29 Oct 2020, PHP 7.4.12
- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #80061 (Copying large files may have suboptimal performance).
+ (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79423 (copy command is limited to size of file it can copy).
+ . Fixed bug #80126 (Covariant return types failing compilation). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #80186 (Segfault when iterating over FFI object). (Nikita)
- Calendar:
. Fixed bug #80185 (jdtounix() fails after 2037). (cmb)