- ATTENTION! "make install" will *by default* install the CLI SAPI binary in
{PREFIX}/bin/php. If you don't disable the CGI binary, it will be
installed as {PREFIX}/bin/php-cgi.
-- Fixed bug #20936 (openssl_pkey_get was broken). (jeroen@derks.it, Wez)
- Removed extensions: (Jan, Jani, Sebastian)
. ext/aspell
. ext/ccvs
- Moved extensions to PECL (http://pear.php.net/): (James, Derick)
. ext/vpopmail
. ext/cybermut
+- Fixed bug #21039 (crash when not supplying an IV to mcrypt_generic_init).
+ (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #20936 (openssl_pkey_get was broken). (jeroen@derks.it, Wez)
- Fixed bug #20927 (wordwrap crash). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #20796 (when register_globals is on & arrays with same names are
passed via get/post/cookie the data inside $_GET/$_POST/$_COOKIE can would be