int identifier; /**< Identifying bit */
- /* Common/General functions */
+ /**
+ * init - Initialise the crypto module
+ */
void (*init)(void);
+ /**
+ * void_passphrase - Forget the cached passphrase
+ */
void (*void_passphrase)(void);
+ /**
+ * valid_passphrase - Ensure we have a valid passphrase
+ * @retval 1 Success
+ * @retval 0 Failed
+ *
+ * If the passphrase is within the expiry time (backend-specific), use it.
+ * If not prompt the user again.
+ */
int (*valid_passphrase)(void);
+ /**
+ * decrypt_mime - Decrypt an encrypted MIME part
+ * @param[in] fpin File containing the encrypted part
+ * @param[out] fpout File containing the decrypted part
+ * @param[in] b Body of the email
+ * @param[out] cur Body containing the decrypted part
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure
+ */
int (*decrypt_mime)(FILE *fpin, FILE **fpout, struct Body *b, struct Body **cur);
+ /**
+ * application_handler - Manage the MIME type "application/pgp" or "application/smime"
+ * @param m Body of the email
+ * @param s State of text being processed
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ */
int (*application_handler)(struct Body *m, struct State *s);
+ /**
+ * encrypted_handler - Manage a PGP or S/MIME encrypted MIME part
+ * @param m Body of the email
+ * @param s State of text being processed
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ */
int (*encrypted_handler)(struct Body *m, struct State *s);
+ /**
+ * findkeys - Find the keyids of the recipients of a message
+ * @param addrlist Address List
+ * @param oppenc_mode If true, use opportunistic encryption
+ * @retval ptr Space-separated string of keys
+ * @retval NULL At least one of the keys can't be found
+ *
+ * If oppenc_mode is true, only keys that can be determined without prompting
+ * will be used.
+ */
char * (*findkeys)(struct Address *addrlist, bool oppenc_mode);
+ /**
+ * sign_message - Cryptographically sign the Body of a message
+ * @param a Body of the message
+ * @retval ptr New encrypted Body
+ * @retval NULL Error
+ */
struct Body *(*sign_message)(struct Body *a);
+ /**
+ * verify_one - Check a signed MIME part against a signature
+ * @param sigbdy Body of the signed mail
+ * @param s State of text being processed
+ * @param tempf File containing the key
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Error
+ */
int (*verify_one)(struct Body *sigbdy, struct State *s, const char *tempf);
+ /**
+ * send_menu - Ask the user whether to sign and/or encrypt the email
+ * @param msg Header of the email
+ * @retval num Flags, e.g. #APPLICATION_PGP | #ENCRYPT
+ */
int (*send_menu)(struct Header *msg);
+ /**
+ * set_sender - Set the sender of the email
+ * @param sender Email address
+ */
void (*set_sender)(const char *sender);
- /* PGP specific functions */
+ /**
+ * pgp_encrypt_message - PGP encrypt an email
+ * @param a Body of email to encrypt
+ * @param keylist List of keys, or fingerprints (space separated)
+ * @param sign If true, sign the message too
+ * @retval ptr Encrypted Body
+ * @retval NULL Error
+ *
+ * Encrypt the mail body to all the given keys.
+ */
struct Body *(*pgp_encrypt_message)(struct Body *a, char *keylist, int sign);
+ /**
+ * pgp_make_key_attachment - Generate a public key attachment
+ * @param tempf Filename to use (OPTIONAL)
+ * @retval ptr New Body containing the attachment
+ * @retval NULL Error
+ */
struct Body *(*pgp_make_key_attachment)(char *tempf);
+ /**
+ * pgp_check_traditional - Look for inline (non-MIME) PGP content
+ * @param fp File pointer to the current attachment
+ * @param b Body of email to check
+ * @param just_one If true, just check one email part
+ * @retval 1 It's an inline PGP email
+ * @retval 0 It's not inline, or an error
+ */
int (*pgp_check_traditional)(FILE *fp, struct Body *b, int just_one);
+ /**
+ * pgp_traditional_encryptsign - Create an inline PGP encrypted, signed email
+ * @param a Body of the email
+ * @param flags Flags, e.g. #ENCRYPT
+ * @param keylist List of keys to encrypt to (space-separated)
+ * @retval ptr New encrypted/siged Body
+ * @retval NULL Error
+ */
struct Body *(*pgp_traditional_encryptsign)(struct Body *a, int flags, char *keylist);
+ /**
+ * pgp_invoke_getkeys - Run a command to download a PGP key
+ * @param addr Address to search for
+ */
void (*pgp_invoke_getkeys)(struct Address *addr);
+ /**
+ * pgp_invoke_import - Import a key from a message into the user's public key ring
+ * @param fname File containing the message
+ */
void (*pgp_invoke_import)(const char *fname);
+ /**
+ * pgp_extract_keys_from_attachment_list - Extract PGP keys from a list of attachments
+ * @param fp File containing email
+ * @param tag If true, extract from all tagged attachments
+ * @param top Body of the email
+ */
void (*pgp_extract_keys_from_attachment_list)(FILE *fp, int tag, struct Body *top);
- /* S/MIME specific functions */
+ /**
+ * smime_getkeys - Get the S/MIME keys required to encrypt this email
+ * @param env Envelope of the email
+ */
void (*smime_getkeys)(struct Envelope *env);
+ /**
+ * smime_verify_sender - Does the sender match the certificate?
+ * @param h Header of the email
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval 1 Failure
+ */
int (*smime_verify_sender)(struct Header *h);
+ /**
+ * smime_build_smime_entity - Encrypt the email body to all recipients
+ * @param a Body of email
+ * @param certlist List of key fingerprints (space separated)
+ * @retval ptr New S/MIME encrypted Body
+ * @retval NULL Error
+ */
struct Body *(*smime_build_smime_entity)(struct Body *a, char *certlist);
+ /**
+ * smime_invoke_import - Add a certificate and update index file (externally)
+ * @param infile File containing certificate
+ * @param mailbox Mailbox
+ */
void (*smime_invoke_import)(char *infile, char *mailbox);