augroup END
+" Test for using a file in one of the parent directories.
+func Test_search_in_dirstack()
+ call mkdir('Xtestdir/a/b/c', 'p')
+ let save_cwd = getcwd()
+ call writefile(["X1_L1", "X1_L2"], 'Xtestdir/Xfile1')
+ call writefile(["X2_L1", "X2_L2"], 'Xtestdir/a/Xfile2')
+ call writefile(["X3_L1", "X3_L2"], 'Xtestdir/a/b/Xfile3')
+ call writefile(["X4_L1", "X4_L2"], 'Xtestdir/a/b/c/Xfile4')
+ let lines = "Entering dir Xtestdir\n" .
+ \ "Entering dir a\n" .
+ \ "Entering dir b\n" .
+ \ "Xfile2:2:X2_L2\n" .
+ \ "Leaving dir a\n" .
+ \ "Xfile1:2:X1_L2\n" .
+ \ "Xfile3:1:X3_L1\n" .
+ \ "Entering dir c\n" .
+ \ "Xfile4:2:X4_L2\n" .
+ \ "Leaving dir c\n" .
+ \ "Leaving dir Xtestdir\n"
+ set efm=%DEntering\ dir\ %f,%XLeaving\ dir\ %f,%f:%l:%m
+ cexpr lines
+ call assert_equal(11, getqflist({'size' : 0}).size)
+ call assert_equal(4, getqflist({'idx' : 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal('X2_L2', getline('.'))
+ cnext
+ call assert_equal(6, getqflist({'idx' : 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal('X1_L2', getline('.'))
+ cnext
+ call assert_equal(7, getqflist({'idx' : 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ cnext
+ call assert_equal(9, getqflist({'idx' : 0}).idx)
+ call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ set efm&
+ exe 'cd ' . save_cwd
+ call delete('Xtestdir', 'rf')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab