rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt);
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Rawtty);
- /* may be the beginning of a lengthy escape sequence */
+ // may be the beginning of a lengthy escape sequence
- return rc; /* note: we do NOT produce a vaid 'string' */
+ return rc; // note: we do NOT produce a vaid 'string'
- /*
- * This routine simply formats whatever the caller wants and
- * returns a pointer to the resulting 'const char' string... */
+// This routine simply formats whatever the caller wants and
+// returns a pointer to the resulting 'const char' string...
static const char *fmtmk (const char *fmts, ...)
- static char buf[BIGBUFSIZ]; /* with help stuff, our buffer */
- va_list va; /* requirements exceed 1k */
+ static char buf[BIGBUFSIZ]; // with help stuff, our buffer
+ va_list va; // requirements exceed 1k
va_start(va, fmts);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmts, va);
- /*
- * This guy is just our way of avoiding the overhead of the standard
- * strcat function (should the caller choose to participate) */
+// This guy is just our way of avoiding the overhead of the standard
+// strcat function (should the caller choose to participate)
static inline char *scat (char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src)
while (*dst) dst++;
- /*
- * This guy just facilitates Batch and protects against dumb ttys
- * -- we'd 'inline' him but he's only called twice per frame,
- * yet used in many other locations. */
+// This guy just facilitates Batch and protects against dumb ttys
+// -- we'd 'inline' him but he's only called twice per frame,
+// yet used in many other locations.
static const char *tg2 (int x, int y)
return Cap_can_goto ? tgoto(cursor_address, x, y) : "";
/*###### Exit/Interrput routines #######################################*/
- /*
- * The usual program end --
- * called only by functions in this section. */
+// The usual program end -- called only by functions in this section.
static void bye_bye (int eno, const char *str) NORETURN;
static void bye_bye (int eno, const char *str)
- fprintf(stderr, "\n Screen_cols %d\n", Screen_cols);
- "\nbye_bye's Summary report:"
- "\n\tProgram"
- "\n\t Linux version = %u.%u.%u, %s"
- "\n\t Hertz = %u (%u bytes, %u-bit time)"
- "\n\t Page_size = %d, Cpu_tot = %d, sizeof(proc_t) = %u"
- "\n\t sizeof(CPU_t) = %u, sizeof(HST_t) = %u (%u HST_t's/Page)"
- "\n\t Crufty? %s"
"\n\tTerminal: %s"
"\n\t device = %s, ncurses = v%s"
"\n\t max_colors = %d, max_pairs = %d"
"\n\t Screen_cols = %d, Screen_rows = %d"
"\n\t Max_lines = %d, most recent Pseudo_size = %d"
- , LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR(linux_version_code)
- , LINUX_VERSION_MINOR(linux_version_code)
- , LINUX_VERSION_PATCH(linux_version_code)
- , procps_version
- , (unsigned)Hertz, sizeof(Hertz), sizeof(Hertz) * 8
- , Page_size, Cpu_tot, sizeof(proc_t)
- , sizeof(CPU_t), sizeof(HST_t), Page_size / sizeof(HST_t)
, "dumb"
, Max_lines, Pseudo_size
"\n\t Stdout_buf = %d, BUFSIZ = %u"
, Curwin->rc.sortindx
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\n\tProgram"
+ "\n\t Linux version = %u.%u.%u, %s"
+ "\n\t Hertz = %u (%u bytes, %u-bit time)"
+ "\n\t Page_size = %d, Cpu_tot = %d, sizeof(proc_t) = %u"
+ "\n\t sizeof(CPU_t) = %u, sizeof(HST_t) = %u (%u HST_t's/Page)"
+ "\n"
+ , LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR(linux_version_code)
+ , LINUX_VERSION_MINOR(linux_version_code)
+ , LINUX_VERSION_PATCH(linux_version_code)
+ , procps_version
+ , (unsigned)Hertz, sizeof(Hertz), sizeof(Hertz) * 8
+ , Page_size, Cpu_tot, sizeof(proc_t)
+ , sizeof(CPU_t), sizeof(HST_t), Page_size / sizeof(HST_t)
+ );
- /*
- * Show an error, but not right now.
- * Due to the postponed opening of ksym, using open_psdb_message,
- * if P_WCH had been selected and the program is restarted, the
- * message would otherwise be displayed prematurely.
- * (old top handles that situation with typical inelegance) */
+// Show an error, but not right now.
+// Due to the postponed opening of ksym, using open_psdb_message,
+// if P_WCH had been selected and the program is restarted, the
+// message would otherwise be displayed prematurely.
static void msg_save (const char *fmts, ...)
char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ];
s = scat(s, h);
- /* establish the final maxpflgs and prepare to grow the command column
- heading via maxcmdln - it may be a fib if P_CMD wasn't encountered,
- but that's ok because it won't be displayed anyway */
+ // establish the final maxpflgs and prepare to grow the command column
+ // heading via maxcmdln - it may be a fib if P_CMD wasn't encountered,
+ // but that's ok because it won't be displayed anyway
w->maxpflgs = i;
w->maxcmdln = Screen_cols
- (strlen(w->columnhdr) - strlen(Fieldstab[P_CMD].head)) - 1;
- /* finally, we can build the true run-time columns header, format the
- command column heading, if P_CMD is really being displayed, and
- rebuild the all-important PROC_FILLxxx flags that will be used
- until/if we're we're called again */
+ // finally, we can build the true run-time columns header, format the
+ // command column heading, if P_CMD is really being displayed, and
+ // rebuild the all-important PROC_FILLxxx flags that will be used
+ // until/if we're we're called again
*(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0';
if (Rc.mode_altscr) s = scat(s, fmtmk("%d", w->winnum));
for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) {
-#define PAGES_2K(n) (unsigned)( (n) << page_to_kb_shift )
+#define PAGES_TO_KB(n) (unsigned)( (n) << page_to_kb_shift )
+// the following macro is our means to 'inline' emitting a column -- next to
+// procs_refresh, that's the most frequent and costly part of top's job !
+#define MKCOL(va...) do { \
+ if(likely(!( CHKw(q, Show_HICOLS) && q->rc.sortindx==i ))) { \
+ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), f, ## va); \
+ } else { \
+ snprintf(_z, sizeof(_z), f, ## va); \
+ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s%s%s", \
+ q->capclr_rowhigh, \
+ _z, \
+ !(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state) ? q->capclr_rownorm : "" \
+ ); \
+ pad += q->len_rowhigh; \
+ if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state)) pad += q->len_rownorm; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
// Display information for a single task row.
static void task_show (const WIN_t *q, const proc_t *p)
- // the following macro is our means to 'inline' emitting a column -- next to
- // procs_refresh, that's the most frequent and costly part of top's job !
-#define MKCOL(va...) do { \
- if (likely(!(CHKw(q, Show_HICOLS) && q->rc.sortindx == i))) \
- snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), f, ## va); \
- else { \
- snprintf(_z, sizeof(_z), f, ## va); \
- snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s%s%s", q->capclr_rowhigh, _z \
- , !(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state) ? q->capclr_rownorm : ""); \
- pad += q->len_rowhigh; \
- if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state)) pad += q->len_rownorm; \
- } } while (0)
char rbuf[ROWBUFSIZ], *rp;
int j, x, pad;
case P_COD:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->trs), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->trs), w, s));
case P_CPN:
case P_DAT:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->drs), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->drs), w, s));
case P_DRT:
MKCOL(scale_num((unsigned)p->dt, w, s));
case P_MEM:
- MKCOL((float)PAGES_2K(p->resident) * 100 / kb_main_total);
+ MKCOL((float)PAGES_TO_KB(p->resident) * 100 / kb_main_total);
case P_NCE:
case P_RES:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->resident), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->resident), w, s));
case P_SHR:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->share), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->share), w, s));
case P_STA:
#ifdef USE_LIB_STA3
case P_SWP:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->size - p->resident), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->size - p->resident), w, s));
case P_TME:
case P_TM2:
case P_VRT:
- MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->size), w, s));
+ MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_TO_KB(p->size), w, s));
case P_WCH:
if (No_ksyms) {