% %
-% MagickCLAHEImage() selects an individual threshold for each pixel
-% based on the range of intensity values in its local neighborhood. This
-% allows for thresholding of an image whose global intensity histogram
-% doesn't contain distinctive peaks.
+% MagickCLAHEImage() is a variant of adaptive histogram equalization in which
+% the contrast amplification is limited, so as to reduce this problem of noise
+% amplification.
% The format of the CLAHEImage method is:
% MagickBooleanType MagickCLAHEImage(MagickWand *wand,const size_t width,
-% const size_t height,const double bias,const double sans)
+% const size_t height,const double number_bins,const double clip_limit)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o wand: the magick wand.
-% o width: the width of the local neighborhood.
+% o width: the width of the tile divisions to use in horizontal direction.
-% o height: the height of the local neighborhood.
+% o height: the height of the tile divisions to use in vertical direction.
-% o offset: the mean bias.
+% o number_bins: number of bins for histogram ("dynamic range").
-% o sans: not used.
+% o clip_limit: contrast limit for localised changes in contrast. A limit
+% less than 1 results in standard non-contrast limited AHE.
WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickCLAHEImage(MagickWand *wand,
- const size_t width,const size_t height,const double bias,const double sans)
+ const size_t width,const size_t height,const double number_bins,
+ const double clip_limit)
(void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
- status=CLAHEImage(wand->images,width,height,bias,sans,wand->exception);
+ status=CLAHEImage(wand->images,width,height,(size_t) number_bins,clip_limit,
+ wand->exception);
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k C o n n e c t e d C o m p o n e n t s I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% MagickConnectedComponentsImage() returns the connected-components of the
+% image uniquely labeled. The returned connected components image colors
+% member defines the number of unique objects. Choose from 4 or 8-way
+% connectivity.
+% The format of the MagickConnectedComponentsImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickConnectedComponentsImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const size_t connectivity,CCObjectInfo **objects)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o connectivity: how many neighbors to visit, choose from 4 or 8.
+% o objects: return the attributes of each unique object.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickConnectedComponentsImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const size_t connectivity,CCObjectInfo **objects)
+ Image
+ *connected_components_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ connected_components_image=ConnectedComponentsImage(wand->images,connectivity,
+ objects,wand->exception);
+ if (connected_components_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,connected_components_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k C o n t r a s t I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k H o u g h L i n e I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% Use MagickHoughLineImage() in conjunction with any binary edge extracted
+% image (we recommand Canny) to identify lines in the image. The algorithm
+% accumulates counts for every white pixel for every possible orientation (for
+% angles from 0 to 179 in 1 degree increments) and distance from the center of
+% the image to the corner (in 1 px increments) and stores the counts in an
+% accumulator matrix of angle vs distance. The size of the accumulator is
+% 180x(diagonal/2). Next it searches this space for peaks in counts and
+% converts the locations of the peaks to slope and intercept in the normal x,y
+% input image space. Use the slope/intercepts to find the endpoints clipped to
+% the bounds of the image. The lines are then drawn. The counts are a measure
+% of the length of the lines.
+% The format of the MagickHoughLineImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickHoughLineImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const size_t width,const size_t height,const size_t threshold)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o width, height: find line pairs as local maxima in this neighborhood.
+% o threshold: the line count threshold.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickHoughLineImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const size_t width,const size_t height,const size_t threshold)
+ Image
+ *lines_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ lines_image=HoughLineImage(wand->images,width,height,threshold,
+ wand->exception);
+ if (lines_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,lines_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k I d e n t i f y I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k K u w a h a r a I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% Use MagickKuwaharaImage() is an edge preserving noise reduction filter.
+% The format of the MagickKuwaharaImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickKuwaharaImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const double radius,const double sigma)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o radius: the square window radius.
+% o sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickKuwaharaImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const double radius,const double sigma)
+ Image
+ *kuwahara_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ kuwahara_image=KuwaharaImage(wand->images,radius,sigma,wand->exception);
+ if (kuwahara_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,kuwahara_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k L a b e l I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k M e a n S h i f t I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% MagickMeanShiftImage() elineate arbitrarily shaped clusters in the image. For
+% each pixel, it visits all the pixels in the neighborhood specified by
+% the window centered at the pixel and excludes those that are outside the
+% radius=(window-1)/2 surrounding the pixel. From those pixels, it finds those
+% that are within the specified color distance from the current mean, and
+% computes a new x,y centroid from those coordinates and a new mean. This new
+% x,y centroid is used as the center for a new window. This process iterates
+% until it converges and the final mean is replaces the (original window
+% center) pixel value. It repeats this process for the next pixel, etc.,
+% until it processes all pixels in the image. Results are typically better with
+% colorspaces other than sRGB. We recommend YIQ, YUV or YCbCr.
+% The format of the MagickMeanShiftImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickMeanShiftImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const size_t number_terms,const double *terms)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o width, height: find pixels in this neighborhood.
+% o color_distance: the color distance.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickMeanShiftImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const size_t width,const size_t height,const double color_distance)
+ Image
+ *mean_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ mean_image=MeanShiftImage(wand->images,width,height,color_distance,
+ wand->exception);
+ if (mean_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,mean_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k M e r g e I m a g e L a y e r s %
% %
% %
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k P o l y n o m i a l I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% MagickPolynomialImage() returns an image where each pixel is the sum of the
+% pixels in the image sequence after applying its corresponding terms
+% (coefficient and degree pairs).
+% The format of the MagickPolynomialImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickPolynomialImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const size_t number_terms,const double *terms)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o number_terms: the number of terms in the list. The actual list length
+% is 2 x number_terms + 1 (the constant).
+% o terms: the list of polynomial coefficients and degree pairs and a
+% constant.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickPolynomialImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const size_t number_terms,const double *terms)
+ Image
+ *polynomial_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ polynomial_image=PolynomialImage(wand->images,number_terms,terms,
+ wand->exception);
+ if (polynomial_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,polynomial_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k P o s t e r i z e I m a g e %
% %
% %
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k R a n g e T h r e s h o l d I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% MagickRangeThresholdImage() applies soft and hard thresholding.
+% The format of the RangeThresholdImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickRangeThresholdImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const double low_black,const double low_white,const double high_white,
+% const double high_black)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o low_black: Define the minimum threshold value.
+% o low_white: Define the maximum threshold value.
+% o high_white: Define the minimum threshold value.
+% o low_white: Define the maximum threshold value.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickRangeThresholdImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const double low_black,const double low_white,const double high_white,
+ const double high_black)
+ MagickBooleanType
+ status;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ status=RangeThresholdImage(wand->images,low_black,low_white,
+ high_white,high_black,wand->exception);
+ return(status);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k R o t a t i o n a l B l u r I m a g e %
% %
% %
% MagickBooleanType MagickSpreadImage(MagickWand *wand,
% const PixelInterpolateMethod method,const double radius)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o wand: the magick wand.
% %
% %
% %
+% M a g i c k W a v e l e t D e n o i s e I m a g e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% MagickWaveletDenoiseImage() removes noise from the image using a wavelet
+% transform. The wavelet transform is a fast hierarchical scheme for
+% processing an image using a set of consecutive lowpass and high_pass filters,
+% followed by a decimation. This results in a decomposition into different
+% scales which can be regarded as different “frequency bands”, determined by
+% the mother wavelet.
+% The format of the MagickWaveletDenoiseImage method is:
+% MagickBooleanType MagickWaveletDenoiseImage(MagickWand *wand,
+% const double threshold,const double softness)
+% A description of each parameter follows:
+% o wand: the magick wand.
+% o threshold: set the threshold for smoothing.
+% o softness: attenuate the smoothing threshold.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickWaveletDenoiseImage(MagickWand *wand,
+ const double threshold,const double softness)
+ Image
+ *noise_image;
+ assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+ assert(wand->signature == MagickWandSignature);
+ if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+ if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+ ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+ noise_image=WaveletDenoiseImage(wand->images,threshold,softness,
+ wand->exception);
+ if (noise_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,noise_image);
+ return(MagickTrue);
+% %
+% %
+% %
% M a g i c k W h i t e T h r e s h o l d I m a g e %
% %
% %
const CompositeOperator,const GravityType),
MagickCompositeLayers(MagickWand *,const MagickWand *,const CompositeOperator,
const ssize_t,const ssize_t),
+ MagickConnectedComponentsImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,CCObjectInfo **),
MagickConstituteImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,const size_t,const char *,
const StorageType,const void *),
MagickContrastImage(MagickWand *,const MagickBooleanType),
MagickHaldClutImage(MagickWand *,const MagickWand *),
MagickHasNextImage(MagickWand *),
MagickHasPreviousImage(MagickWand *),
+ MagickHoughLineImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,const size_t,const size_t),
MagickImplodeImage(MagickWand *,const double,const PixelInterpolateMethod),
MagickImportImagePixels(MagickWand *,const ssize_t,const ssize_t,const size_t,
const size_t,const char *,const StorageType,const void *),
const PixelInterpolateMethod),
MagickInverseFourierTransformImage(MagickWand *,MagickWand *,
const MagickBooleanType),
+ MagickKuwaharaImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double),
MagickLabelImage(MagickWand *,const char *),
MagickLevelImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double,const double),
MagickLevelizeImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double,const double),
const double),
MagickLocalContrastImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double),
MagickMagnifyImage(MagickWand *),
+ MagickMeanShiftImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,const size_t,const double),
MagickMedianConvolveImage(MagickWand *,const double),
MagickMinifyImage(MagickWand *),
MagickModeImage(MagickWand *,const double),
const double,const MagickBooleanType),
MagickOptimizeImageTransparency(MagickWand *),
MagickOrderedDitherImage(MagickWand *,const char *),
+ MagickPolynomialImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,const double *),
MagickTransparentPaintImage(MagickWand *,const PixelWand *,
const double,const double,const MagickBooleanType invert),
MagickPingImage(MagickWand *,const char *),
const size_t,const DitherMethod,const MagickBooleanType),
MagickQuantizeImages(MagickWand *,const size_t,const ColorspaceType,
const size_t,const DitherMethod,const MagickBooleanType),
+ MagickRangeThresholdImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double,
+ const double,const double),
MagickRotationalBlurImage(MagickWand *,const double),
MagickRaiseImage(MagickWand *,const size_t,const size_t,const ssize_t,
const ssize_t,const MagickBooleanType),
const ssize_t),
MagickWaveImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double,
const PixelInterpolateMethod),
+ MagickWaveletDenoiseImage(MagickWand *,const double,const double),
MagickWhiteThresholdImage(MagickWand *,const PixelWand *),
MagickWriteImage(MagickWand *,const char *),
MagickWriteImageFile(MagickWand *,FILE *),