node = "",
service = 7777,
- pid_path = "./var/run/",
- state_path = "./var/lib/icinga2.state",
+ pid_path = "/var/run/",
+ state_path = "/var/lib/icinga2/icinga2.state",
macros = {
plugindir = "/usr/local/icinga/libexec"
local object Component "compat" {
- status_path = "./var/cache/icinga2/status.dat",
- objects_path = "./var/cache/icinga2/objects.cache",
+ status_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/status.dat",
+ objects_path = "/var/cache/icinga2/objects.cache",
Optional. Action URL. Used by the CGIs.
+Type: PerfdataWriter
+Write check result performance data to a defined path using macro pattern.
+local object PerfdataWriter "pnp" {
+ perfdata_path = "/var/spool/icinga2/perfdata/service-perfdata",
+ rotation_interval = 15s,
+Attribute: perfdata_path
+Path to the service perfdata file.
+NOTE: Will be automatically rotated with timestamp suffix.
+Attribute: format_template
+Formatting of performance data output for graphing addons or other post
+Attribute: rotation_interval
+Rotation interval for the file defined in 'perfdata_path'.
+Type: IdoMySqlConnection
+IDO DB schema compatible output into mysql database.
+library "ido_mysql"
+local object IdoMysqlDbConnection "mysql-ido" {
+ host = "",
+ port = "3306",
+ user = "icinga",
+ password = "icinga",
+ database = "icinga",
+ table_prefix = "icinga_",
+ instance_name = "icinga2",
+ instance_description = "icinga2 dev instance"
+Attribute: host
+MySQL database host address. Default is 'localhost'.
+Attribute: port
+MySQL database port. Default is '3306'.
+Attribute: user
+MySQL database user with read/write permission to the icinga database. Default
+is 'icinga'.
+Attribute: password
+MySQL database user's password. Default is 'icinga'.
+Attribute: database
+MySQL database name. Default is 'icinga'.
+Attribute: table_prefix
+MySQL database table prefix. Default is 'icinga_'.
+Attribute: instance_name
+Unique identifier for the local Icinga 2 instance.
+Attribute: instance_description
+Optional. Description for the Icinga 2 instance.
+Type: LiveStatusComponent
+Livestatus api interface available as tcp or unix socket.
+library "livestatus"
+local object LivestatusComponent "livestatus-tcp" {
+ socket_type = "tcp",
+ host = "",
+ port = "6558"
+local object LivestatusComponent "livestatus-unix" {
+ socket_type = "unix",
+ socket_path = "/var/run/icinga2/livestatus"
+Attribute: socket_type
+'tcp' or 'unix' socket. Default is 'unix'.
+NOTE: 'unix' sockets are not supported on Windows.
+Attribute: host
+Only valid when socket_type="tcp". Host address to listen on for connections.
+Attribute: port
+Only valid when socket_type="tcp". Port to listen on for connections.
+Attribute: socket_path
+Only valid when socket_type="unix". Local unix socket file. Not supported on
Configuration Examples