Although the standard has routines.result_cast_character_set_name, given
the naming of the surrounding columns, we concluded that this must have
been a mistake and that result_cast_char_set_name was intended, so
change the implementation. The documentation was already using the new
found by Clément Prévost <>
CAST(null AS cardinal_number) AS result_cast_char_octet_length,
CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_char_set_catalog,
CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_char_set_schema,
- CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_character_set_name,
+ CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_char_set_name,
CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_collation_catalog,
CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_collation_schema,
CAST(null AS sql_identifier) AS result_cast_collation_name,