+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-if [ "${PDNS_TAG}" != 'HEAD' ]
- git checkout $PDNS_TAG
- export GIT_BRANCH=unknown
- export GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse $PDNS_TAG)
-eval $(build-scripts/make-jenkins-version)
-build-scripts/set-version-auth $SOURCE_VERSION $DEB_VERSION $RPM_VERSION
-build-scripts/set-version-recursor $SOURCE_VERSION $DEB_VERSION $RPM_VERSION
-if [ "${JENKINS_URL}" = "https://autotest.powerdns.com/" ]
- JENKINS_URL=http://localhost:8080/
-if [ -n "${JENKINS_URL}" ]
- DESC="#${BUILD_NUMBER} [${GIT_BRANCH#origin/} $(git rev-parse --short $GIT_COMMIT)]"
- if [ "${PDNS_TAG}" != 'HEAD' ]
- then
- DESC="${DESC} (${PDNS_TAG})"
- fi
- java -jar /shared/jenkins-cli.jar set-build-display-name ${JOB_NAME} ${BUILD_NUMBER} "${DESC}"
+++ /dev/null
-set -ex
-BUILDING_PRODUCT=auth ./build-scripts/jenkins-driver
-autoreconf -vi
-CC="ccache gcc" CXX="ccache g++" ./configure --with-modules='gmysql gpgsql gsqlite3 ldap lua mydns opendbx pipe remote tinydns random '$([ -d modules/bindbackend ] && echo bind) --enable-remotebackend-http --enable-unit-tests
-make dist
-#cd pdns; ./dist-recursor; cd ..
-make -j4
-make -C pdns pdns_server
-make -C pdns dnsbulktest
-#make -C pdns/docs all
-make -C codedocs codedocs
-if [ -d modules/bindbackend ] ; then make -C pdns zone2sql zone2ldap zone2json ; else make -C pdns/backends/bind zone2sql zone2ldap zone2json ; fi
-tar cjf codedocs.tar.bz2 codedocs/html
-make -C pdns $(grep '(EXEEXT):' pdns/Makefile | cut -f1 -d\$ | grep -v zone2lmdb | grep -v calidns | grep -v dnsdist)
-cd regression-tests
-SRCDIR=../pdns ../pdns/testrunner --log_level=all --output_format=XML --report_level=no > boosttestresults-unit.xml
-./start-test-stop 5300 bind || true
-./start-test-stop 5301 bind-dnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5302 bind-dnssec-nsec3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5303 bind-dnssec-nsec3-optout || true
-./start-test-stop 5304 bind-dnssec-nsec3-narrow || true
-./start-test-stop 5310 gmysql-nodnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5311 gmysql || true
-./start-test-stop 5312 gmysql-nsec3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5312 gmysql-nsec3-optout || true
-./start-test-stop 5314 gmysql-nsec3-narrow || true
-./start-test-stop 5320 gsqlite3-nodnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5321 gsqlite3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5322 gsqlite3-nsec3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5330 gpgsql-nodnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5331 gpgsql || true
-./start-test-stop 5332 gpgsql-nsec3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5340 tinydns || true
-./start-test-stop 5350 opendbx-sqlite3 || true
-./start-test-stop 5360 gmysql-nodnssec-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5361 gmysql-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5362 gmysql-nsec3-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5363 gmysql-nsec3-optout-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5370 bind-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5371 bind-dnssec-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5372 bind-dnssec-nsec3-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5373 bind-dnssec-nsec3-optout-presigned || true
-./start-test-stop 5380 remotebackend-unix || true
-./start-test-stop 5381 remotebackend-pipe || true
-#./start-test-stop 5382 remotebackend-http || true
-./start-test-stop 5383 remotebackend-unix-dnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5384 remotebackend-pipe-dnssec || true
-#./start-test-stop 5385 remotebackend-http-dnssec || true
-./start-test-stop 5390 mydns || true
-tar cf testresults-bundled.tar *.tar
-cd ../regression-tests.nobackend
+++ /dev/null
-cp /shared/top-1m.csv .
-BUILDING_PRODUCT=rec ./build-scripts/jenkins-driver
-cd pdns
-mv pdns-recursor-*/ ..
-cd ../pdns-recursor-*/
-LUA=1 ./configure
-LUA=1 make
-cd ..
-RECURSOR=$(find . -name pdns_recursor)
-chmod +x $RECURSOR pdns/pdns_server pdns/sdig regression-tests/toxml regression-tests*/runtests regression-tests.recursor/*.sh regression-tests.recursor/cleandig regression-tests.recursor/*/command
-echo sdig: > pdns/Makefile
-/bin/echo -e \\ttrue >> pdns/Makefile
-echo nsec3dig: >> pdns/Makefile
-/bin/echo -e \\ttrue >> pdns/Makefile
-echo saxfr: >> pdns/Makefile
-/bin/echo -e \\ttrue >> pdns/Makefile
-ln -s ../$RECURSOR pdns/
-find . -ls
-cd regression-tests.recursor
-cp vars.sample vars
-trap ./stop.sh 0
-sleep 3
-svstat configs/*
-trap - 0
-sleep 3
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# input variables:
-# BUILDING_PRODUCT (ex: "rec" or "auth")
-# eat origin/ off branch name
-date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-git_id=$(git rev-parse --short $GIT_COMMIT)
-source_branch="$(echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | tr ' /' -)"
-deb_branch="$(echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | tr ' /-' .)"
-rpm_branch="$(echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | tr ' /-' _)"
-# dbg: date, build, gitid
-if [ $GIT_BRANCH = master ]
- source_version=git-${source_dbg}
- deb_version=0.0.${deb_dbg}
- rpm_version=0.0.${rpm_dbg}
-elif [[ $GIT_BRANCH = rel/* ]] || [ $PDNS_TAG != HEAD ]
- # on release branch or doing a release
- then
- product_version=${PDNS_TAG}
- else
- product_version=${GIT_BRANCH#rel/}
- product=${product_version%-*} # ex: "rec" or "auth"
- fi
- version=${product_version#*-} # ex: "3.5.1"
- if [ "$product" = "$BUILDING_PRODUCT" ]
- then
- expected_tag=${product}-${version} # ex: "rec-3.5.1"
- git_tag=$(git describe --exact-match --match "${expected_tag}*" 2>/dev/null)
- if [ -z "$git_tag" ]
- then
- # snapshot build:
- # prepend the target product version.
- source_version=${version}-snapshot-${date}-${BUILD_NUMBER}-${git_id}
- deb_version=${version}~snapshot${date}.${BUILD_NUMBER}.${git_id}
- rpm_version=${version}snapshot${date}_${BUILD_NUMBER}_${git_id}
- else
- # rcX or release build:
- # use the tag as the real version number.
- source_version=${git_tag#${product}-}
- deb_version=${source_version}
- rpm_version="$(echo ${source_version} | sed -e 's/-//' )"
- is_release_build=1
- fi
- else
- # building auth on recursor release branch, or v.v.
- source_version=git-unknown-${source_dbg}
- deb_version=0.0~unknown.${deb_dbg}
- rpm_version=0.0unknown_${rpm_dbg}
- fi
- # must be a test branch
- source_version=git-${source_branch}-${source_dbg}
- deb_version=0.0~${deb_branch}.${deb_dbg}
- rpm_version=0.0.${rpm_branch}_${rpm_dbg}
-echo SOURCE_VERSION=$source_version
-echo DEB_VERSION=$deb_version
-echo RPM_VERSION=$rpm_version
-echo IS_RELEASE_BUILD=$is_release_build