zend_compile_expr(&expr_node, expr_ast);
- if (cases->children == 1 && cases->child[0]->child[0] == NULL) {
- /* we have to take care about the case that only have one default branch,
- * expr result will not be unrefed in this case, but it should be like in ZEND_CASE */
- zend_ast *stmt_ast = cases->child[0]->child[1];
- if (expr_node.op_type == IS_VAR || expr_node.op_type == IS_TMP_VAR) {
- zend_emit_op(NULL, ZEND_FREE, &expr_node, NULL);
- } else if (expr_node.op_type == IS_CONST) {
- zval_dtor(&expr_node.u.constant);
- }
- zend_begin_loop(ZEND_NOP, NULL);
- zend_compile_stmt(stmt_ast);
- zend_end_loop(get_next_op_number(CG(active_op_array)), NULL);
- return;
- }
zend_begin_loop(ZEND_FREE, &expr_node);
case_node.op_type = IS_TMP_VAR;