+ * Internal functions must be prefixed with rtpg_. This is
+ * keeping inline with the use of pgis_ for ./postgis C utility
+ * functions.
+ ****************************************************************/
/* Internal funcs */
-static char * replace(const char *str, const char *oldstr, const char *newstr,
- int *count);
-static char *strtoupper(char *str);
-static char *chartrim(char* input, char *remove); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char **strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char *removespaces(char *str); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char *trim(char* input); /* for RASTER_asGDALRaster */
-static char *getSRTextSPI(int srid);
+static char *rtpg_replace(
+ const char *str,
+ const char *oldstr, const char *newstr,
+ int *count
+static char *rtpg_strtoupper(char *str);
+static char *rtpg_chartrim(char* input, char *remove); /* for RASTER_reclass */
+static char **rtpg_strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n); /* for RASTER_reclass */
+static char *rtpg_removespaces(char *str); /* for RASTER_reclass */
+static char *rtpg_trim(char* input); /* for RASTER_asGDALRaster */
+static char *rtpg_getSRTextSPI(int srid);
* Some rules for returning NOTICE or ERROR...
- Always allocates memory for the result.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static char*
-replace(const char *str, const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, int *count)
+rtpg_replace(const char *str, const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, int *count)
const char *tmp = str;
char *result;
static char *
-strtoupper(char * str)
+rtpg_strtoupper(char * str)
int j;
static char*
-chartrim(char *input, char *remove) {
+rtpg_chartrim(char *input, char *remove) {
char *start;
char *ptr;
/* split a string based on a delimiter */
static char**
-strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n) {
+rtpg_strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n) {
char *tmp = NULL;
char **rtn = NULL;
char *token = NULL;
static char *
-removespaces(char *str) {
+rtpg_removespaces(char *str) {
char *rtn;
- rtn = replace(str, " ", "", NULL);
- rtn = replace(rtn, "\n", "", NULL);
- rtn = replace(rtn, "\t", "", NULL);
- rtn = replace(rtn, "\f", "", NULL);
- rtn = replace(rtn, "\r", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_replace(str, " ", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\n", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\t", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\f", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\r", "", NULL);
return rtn;
static char*
-trim(char *input) {
+rtpg_trim(char *input) {
char *start;
char *ptr;
static char*
-getSRTextSPI(int srid)
+rtpg_getSRTextSPI(int srid)
int len = 0;
char *sql = NULL;
initexpr = (char *)palloc(len + 1);
strncpy(initexpr, "SELECT ", strlen("SELECT "));
- strncpy(initexpr + strlen("SELECT "), strtoupper(expression),
+ strncpy(initexpr + strlen("SELECT "), rtpg_strtoupper(expression),
initexpr[len] = '\0';
if (initexpr != NULL) {
count = 0;
- newexpr = replace(initexpr, "RAST", strnewval, &count);
+ newexpr = rtpg_replace(initexpr, "RAST", strnewval, &count);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_mapAlgebraExpr: (%dx%d), "
"r = %s, newexpr = %s",
expr = text_to_cstring(exprtext);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: expr (raw) %s", expr);
- expr = removespaces(expr);
+ expr = rtpg_removespaces(expr);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: expr (clean) %s", expr);
/* split string to its components */
/* comma (,) separating rangesets */
- comma_set = strsplit(expr, ",", &comma_n);
+ comma_set = rtpg_strsplit(expr, ",", &comma_n);
if (comma_n < 1) {
elog(NOTICE, "Invalid argument for reclassargset. Invalid expression of reclassexpr for reclassarg of index %d . Returning original raster", i);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: map %s", comma_set[a]);
/* colon (:) separating range "src" and "dst" */
- colon_set = strsplit(comma_set[a], ":", &colon_n);
+ colon_set = rtpg_strsplit(comma_set[a], ":", &colon_n);
if (colon_n != 2) {
elog(NOTICE, "Invalid argument for reclassargset. Invalid expression of reclassexpr for reclassarg of index %d . Returning original raster", i);
for (k = 0; k < j; k++) pfree(exprset[k]);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: range %s", colon_set[b]);
/* dash (-) separating "min" and "max" */
- dash_set = strsplit(colon_set[b], "-", &dash_n);
+ dash_set = rtpg_strsplit(colon_set[b], "-", &dash_n);
if (dash_n < 1 || dash_n > 3) {
elog(NOTICE, "Invalid argument for reclassargset. Invalid expression of reclassexpr for reclassarg of index %d . Returning original raster", i);
for (k = 0; k < j; k++) pfree(exprset[k]);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: exc_val %d inc_val %d", exc_val, inc_val);
/* remove interval flags */
- dash_set[c] = chartrim(dash_set[c], "()[]");
+ dash_set[c] = rtpg_chartrim(dash_set[c], "()[]");
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(5, "RASTER_reclass: min/max (char) %s", dash_set[c]);
/* value from string to double */
option = text_to_cstring(optiontext);
/* trim string */
- option = trim(option);
+ option = rtpg_trim(option);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_asGDALRaster: option is '%s'", option);
/* get srs from srid */
if (clamp_srid(srid) != SRID_UNKNOWN) {
- srs = getSRTextSPI(srid);
+ srs = rtpg_getSRTextSPI(srid);
if (NULL == srs) {
elog(ERROR, "RASTER_asGDALRaster: Could not find srtext for SRID (%d)", srid);
if (NULL != options) {
pixeltype = text_to_cstring(pixeltypetext);
/* trim string */
- pixeltype = trim(pixeltype);
+ pixeltype = rtpg_trim(pixeltype);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_asRaster: pixeltype is '%s'", pixeltype);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_asRaster: srid = %d", srid);
if (clamp_srid(srid) != SRID_UNKNOWN) {
- srs = getSRTextSPI(srid);
+ srs = rtpg_getSRTextSPI(srid);
if (NULL == srs) {
elog(ERROR, "RASTER_asRaster: Could not find srtext for SRID (%d)", srid);
/* resampling algorithm */
if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1)) {
algtext = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
- algchar = trim(strtoupper(text_to_cstring(algtext)));
+ algchar = rtpg_trim(rtpg_strtoupper(text_to_cstring(algtext)));
alg = rt_util_gdal_resample_alg(algchar);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "Resampling algorithm: %d", alg);
/* get srses from srids */
/* source srs */
- src_srs = getSRTextSPI(src_srid);
+ src_srs = rtpg_getSRTextSPI(src_srid);
if (NULL == src_srs) {
elog(ERROR, "RASTER_resample: Input raster has unknown SRID (%d)", src_srid);
/* target srs */
if (clamp_srid(dst_srid) != SRID_UNKNOWN) {
- dst_srs = getSRTextSPI(dst_srid);
+ dst_srs = rtpg_getSRTextSPI(dst_srid);
if (NULL == dst_srs) {
elog(ERROR, "RASTER_resample: Target SRID (%d) is unknown", dst_srid);
/* extent type */
if (!PG_ARGISNULL(6)) {
- extenttypename = strtoupper(trim(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(6))));
+ extenttypename = rtpg_strtoupper(rtpg_trim(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(6))));
extenttype = rt_util_extent_type(extenttypename);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "extenttype: %d %s", extenttype, extenttypename);
for (i = 0; i < spicount; i++) {
if (!PG_ARGISNULL(exprpos[i])) {
- expr = strtoupper(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(exprpos[i])));
+ expr = rtpg_strtoupper(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(exprpos[i])));
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "raw expr #%d: %s", i, expr);
len = 0;
- expr = replace(expr, "RAST1", "$1", &len);
+ expr = rtpg_replace(expr, "RAST1", "$1", &len);
if (len) {
argexists[i][0] = 1;
len = 0;
- expr = replace(expr, "RAST2", (argexists[i][0] ? "$2" : "$1"), &len);
+ expr = rtpg_replace(expr, "RAST2", (argexists[i][0] ? "$2" : "$1"), &len);
if (len) {
argexists[i][1] = 1;
cbdata.arg[1] = CStringGetDatum(txtCallbackParam);
strFromText = text_to_cstring(txtNodataMode);
- strFromText = strtoupper(strFromText);
+ strFromText = rtpg_strtoupper(strFromText);
if (strcmp(strFromText, "VALUE") == 0)
valuereplace = true;