#include "ptrarray.h"
#include "utils.h"
+#define dbgmsg( ... ) \
+ do { \
+ if( tr_deepLoggingIsActive( ) ) \
+ tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
+ } while( 0 )
* small chunk of bandwidth. Keep looping until we run out of bandwidth
* and/or peers that can use it */
n = peerCount;
-if( dir == DEBUG_DIRECTION ) fprintf( stderr, "bandwidth.c: allocate: number of peerIos to go round-robin: %d\n", n );
+ dbgmsg( "direction %s ... %d pees to go round-robin", (dir==TR_UP?"UP":"DOWN"), n );
i = n ? tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( n ) : 0; /* pick a random starting point */
while( n > 1 )
if( io == NULL )
+ tordbg( t, "peerIo not created; marking peer %s as unreachable",
+ tr_peerIoAddrStr( &atom->addr, atom->port ) );
atom->myflags |= MYFLAG_UNREACHABLE;