//alternating rows - first row after group row is white
- (void) highlightSelectionInClipRect: (NSRect) clipRect
- NSColor * altColor = [[NSColor controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors] objectAtIndex: 1];
- [altColor set];
NSRect visibleRect = clipRect;
NSRange rows = [self rowsInRect: visibleRect];
BOOL start = YES;
+ const CGFloat totalRowHeight = [self rowHeight] + [self intercellSpacing].height;
+ NSRect * gridRects = (NSRect *)alloca(sizeof(NSRect) * (ceil(visibleRect.size.height / totalRowHeight) / 2));
+ NSInteger rectNum = 0;
if (rows.length > 0)
//determine what the first row color should be
if (!start && ![self isRowSelected: i])
- NSRectFill([self rectOfRow: i]);
+ gridRects[rectNum++] = [self rectOfRow: i];
start = !start;
- CGFloat newY = NSMaxY([self rectOfRow: i-1]);
+ const CGFloat newY = NSMaxY([self rectOfRow: i-1]);
visibleRect.size.height -= newY - visibleRect.origin.y;
visibleRect.origin.y = newY;
- //remaining visible rows continue alternating
- const CGFloat height = [self rowHeight] + [self intercellSpacing].height;
- const NSInteger numberOfRects = ceil(visibleRect.size.height / height);
- visibleRect.size.height = height;
- if (start)
- visibleRect.origin.y += height;
+ const NSInteger numberBlankRows = ceil(visibleRect.size.height / totalRowHeight);
- for (NSInteger i = start ? 1 : 0; i < numberOfRects; i += 2)
+ //remaining visible rows continue alternating
+ visibleRect.size.height = totalRowHeight;
+ if (start)
+ visibleRect.origin.y += totalRowHeight;
+ for (NSInteger i = start ? 1 : 0; i < numberBlankRows; i += 2)
- NSRectFill(visibleRect);
- visibleRect.origin.y += 2.0 * height;
+ gridRects[rectNum++] = visibleRect;
+ visibleRect.origin.y += 2.0 * totalRowHeight;
+ NSAssert([[NSColor controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors] count] >= 2, @"There should be 2 alternating row colors");
+ [[[NSColor controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors] objectAtIndex: 1] set];
+ NSRectFillList(gridRects, rectNum);
[super highlightSelectionInClipRect: clipRect];
visibleRect.origin.y = newY;
+ const NSInteger numberBlankRows = ceil(visibleRect.size.height / totalRowHeight);
//remaining visible rows continue alternating
visibleRect.size.height = totalRowHeight;
if (start)
visibleRect.origin.y += totalRowHeight;
- const NSInteger numberBlankRows = ceil(visibleRect.size.height / totalRowHeight);
for (NSInteger i = start ? 1 : 0; i < numberBlankRows; i += 2)
gridRects[rectNum++] = visibleRect;