} while (*val == ' ');
if (!strcasecmp(sapi_header->header, "content-type")) {
- val = apr_pstrdup(ctx->r->pool, val);
- ap_set_content_type(ctx->r, val);
+ if (ctx->content_type) {
+ efree(ctx->content_type);
+ }
+ ctx->content_type = estrdup(val);
} else if (sapi_header->replace) {
apr_table_set(ctx->r->headers_out, sapi_header->header, val);
} else {
&& sline[8] == ' ') {
ctx->r->status_line = apr_pstrdup(ctx->r->pool, sline + 9);
+ /* call ap_set_content_type only once, else each time we call it,
+ configured output filters for that content type will be added */
+ if (!ctx->content_type) {
+ ctx->content_type = sapi_get_default_content_type(TSRMLS_C);
+ }
+ ap_set_content_type(ctx->r, apr_pstrdup(ctx->r->pool, ctx->content_type));
+ efree(ctx->content_type);
+ ctx->content_type = NULL;
SG(request_info).path_translated = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename);
r->no_local_copy = 1;
- content_type = sapi_get_default_content_type(TSRMLS_C);
- ap_set_content_type(r, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, content_type));
- efree(content_type);
content_length = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Length");
SG(request_info).content_length = (content_length ? atoi(content_length) : 0);