my $DefaultCXXCompiler;
my $IsCXX;
-if (`uname -a` =~ m/Darwin/) {
+if (`uname -a` =~ m/Darwin/) {
$DefaultCCompiler = 'clang';
$DefaultCXXCompiler = 'clang++';
} else {
if ($FindBin::Script =~ /c\+\+-analyzer/) {
$Compiler = $ENV{'CCC_CXX'};
if (!defined $Compiler) { $Compiler = $DefaultCXXCompiler; }
$Clang = $ENV{'CLANG_CXX'};
if (!defined $Clang) { $Clang = 'clang++'; }
my $ResultFile;
# Remove any stale files at exit.
-END {
+END {
if (defined $ResultFile && -z $ResultFile) {
`rm -f $ResultFile`;
my ($Clang, $Lang, $file, $Args, $HtmlDir, $ErrorType, $ofile) = @_;
my $Dir = "$HtmlDir/failures";
mkpath $Dir;
my $prefix = "clang_crash";
if ($ErrorType eq $ParserRejects) {
$prefix = "clang_parser_rejects";
DIR => $Dir);
system $Clang, @$Args, "-E", "-o", $PPFile;
close ($PPH);
# Create the info file.
open (OUT, ">", "$") or die "Cannot open $\n";
print OUT abs_path($file), "\n";
sub GetCCArgs {
my $mode = shift;
my $Args = shift;
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
open(STDOUT,">&", \*TO_PARENT);
open(STDERR,">&", \*TO_PARENT);
exec $Clang, "-###", $mode, @$Args;
- }
+ }
my $line;
while (<FROM_CHILD>) {
die "could not find clang line\n" if (!defined $line);
# Strip leading and trailing whitespace characters.
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# Display Ubiviz graph?
- if (defined $ENV{'CCC_UBI'}) {
+ if (defined $ENV{'CCC_UBI'}) {
push @Args, "-Xclang", "-analyzer-viz-egraph-ubigraph";
if ($Verbose == 1) {
# We MUST print to stderr. Some clients use the stdout output of
- # gcc for various purposes.
+ # gcc for various purposes.
print STDERR join(' ', @PrintArgs);
print STDERR "\n";
# Capture the STDERR of clang and send it to a temporary file.
# Capture the STDOUT of clang and reroute it to ccc-analyzer's STDERR.
# We save the output file in the 'crashes' directory if clang encounters
- # any problems with the file.
+ # any problems with the file.
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
close TO_PARENT;
my ($ofh, $ofile) = tempfile("clang_output_XXXXXX", DIR => $HtmlDir);
while (<FROM_CHILD>) {
print $ofh $_;
print STDERR $_;
# Have we already spotted this unhandled attribute?
next if (defined $attributes_not_handled{$1});
$attributes_not_handled{$1} = 1;
# Get the name of the attribute file.
my $dir = "$HtmlDir/failures";
my $afile = "$dir/attribute_ignored_$1.txt";
# Only create another preprocessed file if the attribute file
# doesn't exist yet.
next if (-e $afile);
# Add this file to the list of files that contained this attribute.
# Generate a preprocessed file if we haven't already.
if (!(defined $ppfile)) {
my %UniqueOptions = (
- '-isysroot' => 0
+ '-isysroot' => 0
# Process the arguments.
foreach (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); ++$i) {
- my $Arg = $ARGV[$i];
+ my $Arg = $ARGV[$i];
my ($ArgKey) = split /=/,$Arg,2;
# Modes ccc-analyzer supports
# and the linker.
if (defined $CompilerLinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey}) {
my $Cnt = $CompilerLinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey};
# Check if this is an option that should have a unique value, and if so
# determine if the value was checked before.
if ($UniqueOptions{$Arg}) {
$Uniqued{$Arg} = 1;
- push @CompileOpts,$Arg;
+ push @CompileOpts,$Arg;
push @LinkOpts,$Arg;
while ($Cnt > 0) {
# Ignored options.
if (defined $IgnoredOptionMap{$ArgKey}) {
my $Cnt = $IgnoredOptionMap{$ArgKey};
# Compile mode flags.
if ($Arg =~ /^-[D,I,U](.*)$/) {
- my $Tmp = $Arg;
+ my $Tmp = $Arg;
if ($1 eq '') {
# FIXME: Check if we are going off the end.
push @CompileOpts,$Tmp;
if ($Arg =~ /-m.*/) {
push @CompileOpts,$Arg;
# Language.
if ($Arg eq '-x') {
$Lang = $ARGV[$i+1];
$Output = $ARGV[$i];
# Get the link mode.
if ($Arg =~ /^-[l,L,O]/) {
if ($Arg eq '-O') { push @LinkOpts,'-O1'; }
if ($Arg =~ /^-O/) { push @CompileOpts,$Arg; }
if ($Arg =~ /^-std=/) {
push @CompileOpts,$Arg;
# Get the compiler/link mode.
if ($Arg =~ /^-F(.+)$/) {
my $Tmp = $Arg;
if ($Arg =~ /^-f/) {
push @CompileOpts,$Arg;
push @LinkOpts,$Arg;
# Handle -Wno-. We don't care about extra warnings, but
# we should suppress ones that we don't want to see.
if ($Arg =~ /^-Wno-/) {
$FileLang = $LangMap{$1};
# FileLang still not defined? Skip the file.
next if (!defined $FileLang);
next if (!defined $LangsAccepted{$FileLang});
my @CmdArgs;
- my @AnalyzeArgs;
+ my @AnalyzeArgs;
if ($FileLang ne 'unknown') {
push @CmdArgs, '-x', $FileLang;
if (defined $InternalStats) {
push @AnalyzeArgs, "-analyzer-stats";
if (defined $Analyses) {
push @AnalyzeArgs, split '\s+', $Analyses;
exit($Status >> 8);
font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana;
.W { font-size:0px }
th, td { padding:5px; padding-left:8px; text-align:left }
td.SUMM_DESC { padding-left:12px }
table.form_group {
background-color: #ccc;
- border: 1px solid #333;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
padding: 2px;
table.form {
background-color: #999;
- border: 1px solid #333;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
padding: 2px;
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
print "set-xcode-analyzer requires Python 2.7 or later"
import os
import subprocess
import re
parser.add_option("--use-checker-build", dest="path",
help="Use the Clang located at the provided absolute path, e.g. /Users/foo/checker-1")
- parser.add_option("--use-xcode-clang", action="store_const",
+ parser.add_option("--use-xcode-clang", action="store_const",
const="$(CLANG)", dest="default",
help="Use the Clang bundled with Xcode")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print "(+) Using the Clang bundled with Xcode"
path = options.default
isBuiltinAnalyzer = True
xcode_path = subprocess.check_output(["xcode-select", "-print-path"])
except AttributeError:
# Cut off the 'Developer' dir, as the xcspec lies in another part
# of the subtree.
xcode_path = os.path.dirname(xcode_path)
foundSpec = False
for x in FindClangSpecs(xcode_path):
foundSpec = True
ModifySpec(x, isBuiltinAnalyzer, path)
if foundSpec == False:
print "(-) No compiler configuration file was found. Xcode's analyzer has not been updated."
if __name__ == '__main__':
version 2
7th April 2007
Stuart Langridge,
Download this file
Add <script src="sorttable.js"></script> to your HTML
Add class="sortable" to any table you'd like to make sortable
Click on the headers to sort
Thanks to many, many people for contributions and suggestions.
Licenced as X11:
This basically means: do what you want with it.
var stIsIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;
sorttable = {
arguments.callee.done = true;
// kill the timer
if (_timer) clearInterval(_timer);
if (!document.createElement || !document.getElementsByTagName) return;
sorttable.DATE_RE = /^(\d\d?)[\/\.-](\d\d?)[\/\.-]((\d\d)?\d\d)$/;
forEach(document.getElementsByTagName('table'), function(table) {
if (\bsortable\b/) != -1) {
makeSortable: function(table) {
if (table.getElementsByTagName('thead').length == 0) {
// table doesn't have a tHead. Since it should have, create one and
// Safari doesn't support table.tHead, sigh
if (table.tHead == null) table.tHead = table.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0];
if (table.tHead.rows.length != 1) return; // can't cope with two header rows
// Sorttable v1 put rows with a class of "sortbottom" at the bottom (as
// "total" rows, for example). This is B&R, since what you're supposed
// to do is put them in a tfoot. So, if there are sortbottom rows,
delete sortbottomrows;
// work through each column and calculate its type
headrow = table.tHead.rows[0].cells;
for (var i=0; i<headrow.length; i++) {
dean_addEvent(headrow[i],"click", function(e) {
if (\bsorttable_sorted\b/) != -1) {
- // if we're already sorted by this column, just
+ // if we're already sorted by this column, just
// reverse the table, which is quicker
this.className = this.className.replace('sorttable_sorted',
if (\bsorttable_sorted_reverse\b/) != -1) {
- // if we're already sorted by this column in reverse, just
+ // if we're already sorted by this column in reverse, just
// re-reverse the table, which is quicker
this.className = this.className.replace('sorttable_sorted_reverse',
// remove sorttable_sorted classes
theadrow = this.parentNode;
forEach(theadrow.childNodes, function(cell) {
if (sortfwdind) { sortfwdind.parentNode.removeChild(sortfwdind); }
sortrevind = document.getElementById('sorttable_sortrevind');
if (sortrevind) { sortrevind.parentNode.removeChild(sortrevind); }
this.className += ' sorttable_sorted';
sortfwdind = document.createElement('span'); = "sorttable_sortfwdind";
sorttable.shaker_sort(row_array, this.sorttable_sortfunction);
/* and comment out this one */
tb = this.sorttable_tbody;
for (var j=0; j<row_array.length; j++) {
delete row_array;
guessType: function(table, column) {
// guess the type of a column based on its first non-blank row
sortfn = sorttable.sort_alpha;
if (text.match(/^-?[£$¤]?[\d,.]+%?$/)) {
return sorttable.sort_numeric;
- // check for a date: dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy
+ // check for a date: dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy
// can have / or . or - as separator
// can be mm/dd as well
possdate = text.match(sorttable.DATE_RE)
return sortfn;
getInnerText: function(node) {
// gets the text we want to use for sorting for a cell.
// strips leading and trailing whitespace.
// this is *not* a generic getInnerText function; it's special to sorttable.
// for example, you can override the cell text with a customkey attribute.
// it also gets .value for <input> fields.
hasInputs = (typeof node.getElementsByTagName == 'function') &&
if (node.getAttribute("sorttable_customkey") != null) {
return node.getAttribute("sorttable_customkey");
reverse: function(tbody) {
// reverse the rows in a tbody
newrows = [];
delete newrows;
/* sort functions
each sort function takes two parameters, a and b
you are comparing a[0] and b[0] */
sort_numeric: function(a,b) {
aa = parseFloat(a[0].replace(/[^0-9.-]/g,''));
if (isNaN(aa)) aa = 0;
- bb = parseFloat(b[0].replace(/[^0-9.-]/g,''));
+ bb = parseFloat(b[0].replace(/[^0-9.-]/g,''));
if (isNaN(bb)) bb = 0;
return aa-bb;
if (dt1<dt2) return -1;
return 1;
shaker_sort: function(list, comp_func) {
// A stable sort function to allow multi-level sorting of data
// see:
} // while(swap)
- }
+ }
/* ******************************************************************
resolve.forEach(object, block, context);