stopping either with the first one to return a lexeme for the token,
or discarding the token if no dictionary returns a lexeme for it.
-<h2><a name="dictionaries">Parsers</a></h2>
+<h2><a name="testing">Testing</a></h2>
+Function <tt>ts_debug</tt> allows easy testing of your <b>current</b> configuration.
+You may always test another configuration using <tt>set_curcfg</tt> function.
+</p><pre>apod=# select * from ts_debug('Tsearch module for PostgreSQL 7.3.3');
+ ts_name | tok_type | description | token | dict_name | tsvector
+ default | lword | Latin word | Tsearch | {en_stem} | 'tsearch'
+ default | lword | Latin word | module | {en_stem} | 'modul'
+ default | lword | Latin word | for | {en_stem} |
+ default | lword | Latin word | PostgreSQL | {en_stem} | 'postgresql'
+ default | version | VERSION | 7.3.3 | {simple} | '7.3.3'
+<li>tsname - configuration name
+</li><li>tok_type - token type
+</li><li>description - human readable name of tok_type
+</li><li>token - parser's token
+</li><li>dict_name - dictionary used for the token
+</li><li>tsvector - final result</li></ul>
+<h2><a name="parsers">Parsers</a></h2>
Each parser is defined by a record in the <tt>pg_ts_parser</tt> table:
which the parser will label each token of that type,
the <tt>alias</tt> which names the token type,
and a short description <tt>descr</tt> for the user to read.
- <br>
- Example:
- <br>
- <pre> apod=# select m.ts_name, t.alias as tok_type, t.descr as description, p.token,\
- apod=# m.dict_name, strip(to_tsvector(p.token)) as tsvector\
- apod=# from parse('Tsearch module for PostgreSQL 7.3.3') as\
- apod=# p, token_type() as t, pg_ts_cfgmap as m, pg_ts_cfg as c\
- apod=# where t.tokid=p.tokid and t.alias = m.tok_alias\
- apod=# and m.ts_name=c.ts_name and c.oid=show_curcfg();
- ts_name | tok_type | description | token | dict_name | tsvector
- ---------+----------+-------------+------------+-----------+--------------
- default | lword | Latin word | Tsearch | {en_stem} | 'tsearch'
- default | word | Word | module | {simple} | 'modul'
- default | lword | Latin word | for | {en_stem} |
- default | lword | Latin word | PostgreSQL | {en_stem} | 'postgresql'
- default | version | VERSION | 7.3.3 | {simple} | '7.3.3'
- </pre>
- Here:
- <ul>
- <li> tsname - configuration name
- </li><li> tok_type - token type
- </li><li> description - human readable name of tok_type
- </li><li> token - parser's token
- </li><li> dict_name - dictionary will be used for the token
- </li><li> tsvector - final result
- </li></ul>
<em>[</em> <i>parser</i>, <em>]</em> <i>document</i> TEXT