- A new command line option, -Q<arg>, is added to control run-time
warnings for the use of classic division. (See PEP 238.) Possible
- values are -Qold, -Qwarn, and -Qnew. The default is -Qold, meaning
- the / operator has its classic meaning and no warnings are issued.
- Using -Qwarn issues a run-time warning about all uses of classic
- division for int, long, float and complex arguments. Using -Qnew is
- questionable; it turns on new division by default, but only in the
- __main__ module. You can usefully combine -Qwarn and -Qnew: this
- gives the __main__ module new division, and warns about classic
- division everywhere else.
+ values are -Qold, -Qwarn, -Qwarnall, and -Qnew. The default is
+ -Qold, meaning the / operator has its classic meaning and no
+ warnings are issued. Using -Qwarn issues a run-time warning about
+ all uses of classic division for int and long arguments; -Qwarnall
+ also warns about classic division for float and complex arguments
+ (for use with fixdiv.py). Using -Qnew is questionable; it turns on
+ new division by default, but only in the __main__ module. You can
+ usefully combine -Qwarn or -Qwarnall and -Qnew: this gives the
+ __main__ module new division, and warns about classic division
+ everywhere else.
- Many built-in types can now be subclassed. This applies to int,
long, float, str, unicode, and tuple. (The types complex, list and
+- Tools/scripts/fixdiv.py has been added which can be used to fix
+ division operators as per PEP 238.
+- If you are an adventurous person using Mac OS X you may want to look at
+ Mac/OSX. There is a Makefile there that will build Python as a real Mac
+ application, which can be used for experimenting with Carbon or Cocoa.
+ Discussion of this on pythonmac-sig, please.
- New function PyObject_Dir(obj), like Python __builtin__.dir(obj).