| ``'E'`` | Floating point exponential format (uppercase). | \(3) |
-| ``'f'`` | Floating point decimal format (lowercase). | \(3) |
+| ``'f'`` | Floating point decimal format. | \(3) |
-| ``'F'`` | Floating point decimal format (uppercase). | \(3) |
+| ``'F'`` | Floating point decimal format. | \(3) |
| ``'g'`` | Floating point format. Uses lowercase exponential | \(4) |
| | format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than | |
| ``'e'`` | Exponent notation. Prints the number in scientific |
| | notation using the letter 'e' to indicate the exponent. |
- | ``'E'`` | Exponent notation. Same as ``'e'`` except it converts |
- | | the number to upper case. |
+ | ``'E'`` | Exponent notation. Same as ``'e'`` except it uses an |
+ | | upper case 'E' as the separator character. |
| ``'f'`` | Fixed point. Displays the number as a fixed-point |
| | number. |
- | ``'F'`` | Fixed point. Same as ``'f'`` except it converts the |
- | | number to upper case. |
+ | ``'F'`` | Fixed point. Same as ``'f'``. |
| ``'g'`` | General format. This prints the number as a fixed-point |
| | number, unless the number is too large, in which case |
testboth("%#.*F", (110, -1.e+100/3.))
overflowrequired = 0
- # check for %f and %F
- testboth("%f", (1.0,), "1.000000")
- testboth("%F", (1.0,), "1.000000")
- testboth("%f", (1e100,), "1e+100")
- testboth("%F", (1e100,), "1E+100")
- testboth("%f", (1e100,), "1e+100")
- testboth("%F", (1e100,), "1E+100")
- testboth("%f", (float('nan'),), "nan")
- testboth("%F", (float('nan'),), "NAN")
- testboth("%f", (float('inf'),), "inf")
- testboth("%F", (float('inf'),), "INF")
# Formatting of long integers. Overflow is not ok
overflowok = 0
testboth("%x", 10L, "a")
test( 1.0, '+f', '+1.000000')
test(-1.0, '+f', '-1.000000')
test(1.1234e90, 'f', '1.1234e+90')
- test(1.1234e90, 'F', '1.1234E+90')
+ test(1.1234e90, 'F', '1.1234e+90')
test(1.1234e200, 'f', '1.1234e+200')
- test(1.1234e200, 'F', '1.1234E+200')
- test(1e100, 'x<20f', '1e+100xxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
- test(1e100, 'x<20F', '1E+100xxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
- test(float('nan'), 'f', 'nan')
- test(float('nan'), 'F', 'NAN')
- test(float('inf'), 'f', 'inf')
- test(float('inf'), 'F', 'INF')
- test(float('-inf'), 'f', '-inf')
- test(float('-inf'), 'F', '-INF')
+ test(1.1234e200, 'F', '1.1234e+200')
test( 1.0, 'e', '1.000000e+00')
test(-1.0, 'e', '-1.000000e+00')
Core and Builtins
-- Issue #3382: Make '%F' and float.__format__('F') convert results
- to uppercase.
- Issue #3156: Fix inconsistent behavior of the bytearray type: all
its methods now allow for items objects that can be converted to
an integer using operator.index().
/* first, do the conversion as 8-bit chars, using the platform's
snprintf. then, if needed, convert to unicode. */
+ /* 'F' is the same as 'f', per the PEP */
+ if (type == 'F')
+ type = 'f';
x = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
if (x == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred())
if (precision < 0)
precision = 6;
- if ((type == 'f' || type == 'F') && (fabs(x) / 1e25) >= 1e25) {
- if (type == 'f')
- type = 'g';
- else
- type = 'G';
- }
+ if (type == 'f' && (fabs(x) / 1e25) >= 1e25)
+ type = 'g';
/* cast "type", because if we're in unicode we need to pass a
8-bit char. this is safe, because we've restricted what "type"
if (prec < 0)
prec = 6;
- if ((type == 'f' || type == 'F') && (fabs(x) / 1e25) >= 1e25) {
- if (type == 'f')
- type = 'g';
- else
- type = 'G';
- }
+ if (type == 'f' && fabs(x)/1e25 >= 1e25)
+ type = 'g';
/* Worst case length calc to ensure no buffer overrun:
'g' formats:
if (((type == 'g' || type == 'G') &&
buflen <= (size_t)10 + (size_t)prec) ||
- ((type == 'f' || type == 'F') &&
- buflen <= (size_t)53 + (size_t)prec)) {
+ (type == 'f' && buflen <= (size_t)53 + (size_t)prec)) {
"formatted float is too long (precision too large?)");
return -1;
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
+ if (c == 'F')
+ c = 'f';
pbuf = formatbuf;
len = formatfloat(pbuf, sizeof(formatbuf),
flags, prec, c, v);
return -1;
if (prec < 0)
prec = 6;
- if ((type == 'f' || type == 'F') && (fabs(x) / 1e25) >= 1e25) {
- if (type == 'f')
- type = 'g';
- else
- type = 'G';
- }
+ if (type == 'f' && (fabs(x) / 1e25) >= 1e25)
+ type = 'g';
/* Worst case length calc to ensure no buffer overrun:
'g' formats:
if (((type == 'g' || type == 'G') &&
buflen <= (size_t)10 + (size_t)prec) ||
- ((type == 'f' || type == 'F') &&
- buflen <= (size_t)53 + (size_t)prec)) {
+ (type == 'f' && buflen <= (size_t)53 + (size_t)prec)) {
"formatted float is too long (precision too large?)");
return -1;
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
+ if (c == 'F')
+ c = 'f';
pbuf = formatbuf;
len = formatfloat(pbuf, sizeof(formatbuf)/sizeof(Py_UNICODE),
flags, prec, c, v);