for example both: year '5' and year '5000' produce 'รค'.
use the numeric one for calculations.
-static char *heb_number_to_chars(int n, int fl)
+static char *heb_number_to_chars(int n, int fl, char **ret)
- char *p, old[18], *ret, *endofalafim;
+ char *p, old[18], *endofalafim;
p = endofalafim = old;
prevents the option breaking the jewish beliefs, and some other
critical resources ;)
- if (n > 9999 || n < 1)
+ if (n > 9999 || n < 1) {
+ *ret = NULL;
return NULL;
+ }
/* alafim (thousands) case */
if (n / 1000) {
*p = '\0';
- ret = emalloc((int) (p - old) + 1);
- strncpy(ret, old, (int) (p - old) + 1);
- return ret;
+ *ret = estrndup(old, (p - old) + 1);
+ p = *ret;
+ return p;
/* }}} */
zend_bool heb = 0;
int year, month, day;
char date[10], hebdate[25];
+ char *dayp, *yearp;
if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l|bl", &julday, &heb, &fl) == FAILURE) {
- sprintf(hebdate, "%s %s %s", heb_number_to_chars(day, fl), JewishMonthHebName[month], heb_number_to_chars(year, fl));
+ sprintf(hebdate, "%s %s %s", heb_number_to_chars(day, fl, &dayp), JewishMonthHebName[month], heb_number_to_chars(year, fl, &yearp));
+ if (dayp) {
+ efree(dayp);
+ }
+ if (yearp) {
+ efree(yearp);
+ }
RETURN_STRING(hebdate, 1);