/*- rt_band ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Create an in-db rt_band with no data
+ *
+ * @param width : number of pixel columns
+ * @param height : number of pixel rows
+ * @param pixtype : pixel type for the band
+ * @param hasnodata : indicates if the band has nodata value
+ * @param nodataval : the nodata value, will be appropriately
+ * truncated to fit the pixtype size.
+ * @param data : pointer to actual band data, required to
+ * be aligned accordingly to
+ * rt_pixtype_aligment(pixtype) and big enough
+ * to hold raster width*height values.
+ * Data will NOT be copied, ownership is left
+ * to caller which is responsible to keep it
+ * allocated for the whole lifetime of the returned
+ * rt_band.
+ *
+ * @return an rt_band, or 0 on failure
+ */
-rt_band_new_inline(uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
- rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
- uint8_t* data) {
- rt_band band = NULL;
- assert(NULL != data);
+ uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
+ rt_pixtype pixtype,
+ uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
+ uint8_t* data
+) {
+ rt_band band = NULL;
- band = rtalloc(sizeof (struct rt_band_t));
- if (!band) {
- rterror("rt_band_new_inline: Out of memory allocating rt_band");
- return 0;
- }
+ assert(NULL != data);
- RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Created rt_band @ %p with pixtype %s",
- band, rt_pixtype_name(pixtype));
+ band = rtalloc(sizeof(struct rt_band_t));
+ if (band == NULL) {
+ rterror("rt_band_new_inline: Out of memory allocating rt_band");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Created rt_band @ %p with pixtype %s",
+ band, rt_pixtype_name(pixtype)
+ );
- band->pixtype = pixtype;
- band->offline = 0;
- band->width = width;
- band->height = height;
- band->hasnodata = hasnodata;
- band->nodataval = nodataval;
- band->data.mem = data;
- band->ownsData = 0;
- band->isnodata = FALSE;
+ band->pixtype = pixtype;
+ band->offline = 0;
+ band->width = width;
+ band->height = height;
+ band->hasnodata = hasnodata;
+ band->nodataval = nodataval;
+ band->data.mem = data;
+ band->ownsData = 0;
+ band->isnodata = FALSE;
- return band;
+ return band;
+ * Create an out-db rt_band
+ *
+ * @param width : number of pixel columns
+ * @param height : number of pixel rows
+ * @param pixtype : pixel type for the band
+ * @param nodataval : the nodata value, will be appropriately
+ * truncated to fit the pixtype size.
+ * @param bandNum : 0-based band number in the external file
+ * to associate this band with.
+ * @param path : NULL-terminated path string pointing to the file
+ * containing band data. The string will NOT be
+ * copied, ownership is left to caller which is
+ * responsible to keep it allocated for the whole
+ * lifetime of the returned rt_band.
+ *
+ * @return an rt_band, or 0 on failure
+ */
-rt_band_new_offline(uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
- rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
- uint8_t bandNum, const char* path) {
- rt_band band = NULL;
- assert(NULL != path);
+ uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
+ rt_pixtype pixtype,
+ uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
+ uint8_t bandNum, const char* path
+) {
+ rt_band band = NULL;
- band = rtalloc(sizeof (struct rt_band_t));
- if (!band) {
- rterror("rt_band_new_offline: Out of memory allocating rt_band");
- return 0;
- }
+ assert(NULL != path);
+ band = rtalloc(sizeof(struct rt_band_t));
+ if (band == NULL) {
+ rterror("rt_band_new_offline: Out of memory allocating rt_band");
+ return NULL;
+ }
- RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Created rt_band @ %p with pixtype %s",
- band, rt_pixtype_name(pixtype));
+ RASTER_DEBUGF(3, "Created rt_band @ %p with pixtype %s",
+ band, rt_pixtype_name(pixtype)
+ );
- band->pixtype = pixtype;
- band->offline = 1;
- band->width = width;
- band->height = height;
- band->hasnodata = hasnodata;
- band->nodataval = nodataval;
- band->data.offline.bandNum = bandNum;
+ band->pixtype = pixtype;
+ band->offline = 1;
+ band->width = width;
+ band->height = height;
+ band->hasnodata = hasnodata;
+ band->nodataval = nodataval;
+ band->isnodata = FALSE;
- /* memory for data.offline.path should be managed externally */
- band->data.offline.path = (char *) path;
+ /* XXX QUESTION (jorgearevalo): What does exactly ownsData mean?? I think that
+ * ownsData = 0 ==> the memory for band->data is externally owned
+ * ownsData = 1 ==> the memory for band->data is internally owned
+ */
+ band->ownsData = 0;
- /* XXX QUESTION (jorgearevalo): What does exactly ownsData mean?? I think that
- * ownsData = 0 ==> the memory for band->data is externally owned
- * ownsData = 1 ==> the memory for band->data is internally owned
- */
- band->ownsData = 0;
+ band->data.offline.bandNum = bandNum;
- band->isnodata = FALSE;
+ /* memory for data.offline.path should be managed externally */
+ band->data.offline.path = (char *) path;
- return band;
+ return band;
return band->offline;
+ * Destroy a raster band
+ *
+ * @param band : the band to destroy
+ */
rt_band_destroy(rt_band band) {
return raster->bands[n];
+ * Add band data to a raster.
+ *
+ * @param raster : the raster to add a band to
+ * @param band : the band to add, ownership left to caller.
+ * Band dimensions are required to match with raster ones.
+ * @param index : the position where to insert the new band (0 based)
+ *
+ * @return identifier (position) for the just-added raster, or -1 on error
+ */
rt_raster_add_band(rt_raster raster, rt_band band, int index) {
rt_band *oldbands = NULL;
return index;
+ * Generate a new inline band and add it to a raster.
+ *
+ * @param raster : the raster to add a band to
+ * @param pixtype: the pixel type for the new band
+ * @param initialvalue: initial value for pixels
+ * @param hasnodata: indicates if the band has a nodata value
+ * @param nodatavalue: nodata value for the new band
+ * @param index: position to add the new band in the raster
+ *
+ * @return identifier (position) for the just-added raster, or -1 on error
+ */
rt_raster_generate_new_band(rt_raster raster, rt_pixtype pixtype,
double initialvalue, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodatavalue, int index)
/*- rt_band ----------------------------------------------------------*/
- * Create an in-buffer rt_band with no data
+ * Create an in-db rt_band with no data
* @param width : number of pixel columns
* @param height : number of pixel rows
* @return an rt_band, or 0 on failure
-rt_band rt_band_new_inline(uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
- rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata,
- double nodataval, uint8_t* data);
+rt_band rt_band_new_inline(
+ uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
+ rt_pixtype pixtype,
+ uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
+ uint8_t* data
- * Create an on-disk rt_band
+ * Create an out-db rt_band
* @param width : number of pixel columns
* @param height : number of pixel rows
* @return an rt_band, or 0 on failure
-rt_band rt_band_new_offline(uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
- rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata,
- double nodataval, uint8_t bandNum, const char* path);
+rt_band rt_band_new_offline(
+ uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
+ rt_pixtype pixtype,
+ uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval,
+ uint8_t bandNum, const char* path
* Return non-zero if the given band data is on
void* rt_band_get_data(rt_band band);
-/* Destroy a raster band */
+ * Destroy a raster band
+ *
+ * @param band : the band to destroy
+ */
void rt_band_destroy(rt_band band);
* Get hasnodata flag value
+ *
* @param band : the band on which to check the hasnodata flag
+ *
* @return the hasnodata flag.
int rt_band_get_hasnodata_flag(rt_band band);
int32_t rt_raster_add_band(rt_raster raster, rt_band band, int index);
- * Generate a new band data and add it to a raster.
+ * Generate a new inline band and add it to a raster.
* @param raster : the raster to add a band to
* @param pixtype: the pixel type for the new band
* functions.
/* Internal funcs */
-static char *rtpg_replace(
+static char *rtpg_strreplace(
const char *str,
const char *oldstr, const char *newstr,
int *count
static char *rtpg_strtoupper(char *str);
-static char *rtpg_chartrim(char* input, char *remove); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char **rtpg_strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char *rtpg_removespaces(char *str); /* for RASTER_reclass */
-static char *rtpg_trim(char* input); /* for RASTER_asGDALRaster */
+static char *rtpg_chartrim(const char* input, char *remove);
+static char **rtpg_strsplit(const char *str, const char *delimiter, int *n);
+static char *rtpg_removespaces(char *str);
+static char *rtpg_trim(const char* input);
static char *rtpg_getSRTextSPI(int srid);
- Always allocates memory for the result.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static char*
-rtpg_replace(const char *str, const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, int *count)
- const char *tmp = str;
- char *result;
- int found = 0;
- int length, reslen;
- int oldlen = strlen(oldstr);
- int newlen = strlen(newstr);
- int limit = (count != NULL && *count > 0) ? *count : -1;
- tmp = str;
- while ((tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL && found != limit)
- found++, tmp += oldlen;
- length = strlen(str) + found * (newlen - oldlen);
- if ( (result = (char *)palloc(length+1)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n");
- found = -1;
- } else {
- tmp = str;
- limit = found; /* Countdown */
- reslen = 0; /* length of current result */
- /* Replace each old string found with new string */
- while ((limit-- > 0) && (tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL) {
- length = (tmp - str); /* Number of chars to keep intouched */
- strncpy(result + reslen, str, length); /* Original part keeped */
- strcpy(result + (reslen += length), newstr); /* Insert new string */
- reslen += newlen;
- tmp += oldlen;
- str = tmp;
- }
- strcpy(result + reslen, str); /* Copies last part and ending nul char */
- }
- if (count != NULL) *count = found;
- return result;
+ const char *str,
+ const char *oldstr, const char *newstr,
+ int *count
+) {
+ const char *tmp = str;
+ char *result;
+ int found = 0;
+ int length, reslen;
+ int oldlen = strlen(oldstr);
+ int newlen = strlen(newstr);
+ int limit = (count != NULL && *count > 0) ? *count : -1;
+ tmp = str;
+ while ((tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL && found != limit)
+ found++, tmp += oldlen;
+ length = strlen(str) + found * (newlen - oldlen);
+ if ((result = (char *) palloc(length + 1)) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n");
+ found = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ tmp = str;
+ limit = found; /* Countdown */
+ reslen = 0; /* length of current result */
+ /* Replace each old string found with new string */
+ while ((limit-- > 0) && (tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL) {
+ length = (tmp - str); /* Number of chars to keep intouched */
+ strncpy(result + reslen, str, length); /* Original part keeped */
+ strcpy(result + (reslen += length), newstr); /* Insert new string */
-static char *
-rtpg_strtoupper(char * str)
- int j;
+ reslen += newlen;
+ tmp += oldlen;
+ str = tmp;
+ }
+ strcpy(result + reslen, str); /* Copies last part and ending null char */
+ }
- for(j = 0; j < strlen(str); j++)
- str[j] = toupper(str[j]);
+ if (count != NULL) *count = found;
+ return result;
- return str;
+static char *
+rtpg_strtoupper(char * str) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = strlen(str) - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ str[j] = toupper(str[j]);
+ return str;
static char*
-rtpg_chartrim(char *input, char *remove) {
- char *start;
- char *ptr;
+rtpg_chartrim(const char *input, char *remove) {
+ char *rtn = NULL;
+ char *ptr = NULL;
- if (!input) {
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (!*input) {
- return input;
- }
- start = (char *) palloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(input) + 1);
- if (NULL == start) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n");
+ if (!input)
return NULL;
- }
- strcpy(start, input);
+ else if (!*input)
+ return (char *) input;
/* trim left */
- while (strchr(remove, *start) != NULL) {
- start++;
- }
+ while (strchr(remove, *input) != NULL)
+ input++;
/* trim right */
- ptr = start + strlen(start);
+ ptr = ((char *) input) + strlen(input);
while (strchr(remove, *--ptr) != NULL);
*(++ptr) = '\0';
- return start;
+ rtn = rtalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(input) + 1));
+ strcpy(rtn, input);
+ return rtn;
/* split a string based on a delimiter */
static char *
rtpg_removespaces(char *str) {
char *rtn;
+ char *tmp;
- rtn = rtpg_replace(str, " ", "", NULL);
- rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\n", "", NULL);
- rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\t", "", NULL);
- rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\f", "", NULL);
- rtn = rtpg_replace(rtn, "\r", "", NULL);
+ rtn = rtpg_strreplace(str, " ", "", NULL);
+ tmp = rtpg_strreplace(rtn, "\n", "", NULL);
+ pfree(rtn);
+ rtn = rtpg_strreplace(tmp, "\t", "", NULL);
+ pfree(tmp);
+ tmp = rtpg_strreplace(rtn, "\f", "", NULL);
+ pfree(rtn);
+ rtn = rtpg_strreplace(tmp, "\r", "", NULL);
+ pfree(tmp);
return rtn;
static char*
-rtpg_trim(char *input) {
- char *start;
+rtpg_trim(const char *input) {
+ char *rtn;
char *ptr;
- if (!input) {
+ if (!input)
return NULL;
- }
- else if (!*input) {
- return input;
- }
- start = (char *) palloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(input) + 1);
- if (NULL == start) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- strcpy(start, input);
+ else if (!*input)
+ return (char *) input;
/* trim left */
- while (isspace(*start)) {
- start++;
- }
+ while (isspace(*input))
+ input++;
/* trim right */
- ptr = start + strlen(start);
+ ptr = ((char *) input) + strlen(input);
while (isspace(*--ptr));
*(++ptr) = '\0';
- return start;
+ rtn = rtalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(input) + 1));
+ strcpy(rtn, input);
+ return rtn;
static char*
if (initexpr != NULL) {
count = 0;
- newexpr = rtpg_replace(initexpr, "RAST", strnewval, &count);
+ newexpr = rtpg_strreplace(initexpr, "RAST", strnewval, &count);
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_mapAlgebraExpr: (%dx%d), "
"r = %s, newexpr = %s",
for (i = 0; i < spicount; i++) {
if (!PG_ARGISNULL(exprpos[i])) {
- expr = rtpg_strtoupper(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(exprpos[i])));
- POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "raw expr #%d: %s", i, expr);
+ char *tmp = rtpg_strtoupper(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(exprpos[i])));
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "raw expr #%d: %s", i, tmp);
len = 0;
- expr = rtpg_replace(expr, "RAST1", "$1", &len);
+ expr = rtpg_strreplace(tmp, "RAST1", "$1", &len);
+ pfree(tmp);
if (len) {
argexists[i][0] = 1;
len = 0;
- expr = rtpg_replace(expr, "RAST2", (argexists[i][0] ? "$2" : "$1"), &len);
+ tmp = rtpg_strreplace(expr, "RAST2", (argexists[i][0] ? "$2" : "$1"), &len);
+ pfree(expr);
+ expr = tmp;
if (len) {
argexists[i][1] = 1;