+ Updated Dock badge images
- GTK+
+ Inhibit hibernation when downloading
- + Various bug fixes and usability improvements
+ Use XDG basedir spec for configuration files
+ + Various bug fixes and usability improvements
1.11 (2008/04/04)
- Mac
const int maxwait_msec = SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS * 1000;
const uint64_t deadline = tr_date( ) + maxwait_msec;
+ tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "shutting down transmission session %p", h );
tr_statsClose( h );
tr_runInEventThread( h, tr_closeAllConnections, h );
tr_bencDictAddInt( &top, "seconds-active", s->secondsActive );
getFilename( handle, filename, sizeof(filename) );
+ tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "Saving stats to \"%s\"", filename );
tr_bencSaveFile( filename, &top );
tr_bencFree( &top );