The function returns the number of new collation objects it created.
+ <table id="functions-info-partition">
+ <title>Partitioning Information Functions</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <thead>
+ <row><entry>Name</entry> <entry>Return Type</entry> <entry>Description</entry></row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal><function>pg_partition_tree(<type>regclass</type>)</function></literal></entry>
+ <entry><type>setof record</type></entry>
+ <entry>
+ List information about tables or indexes in a partition tree for a
+ given partitioned table or partitioned index, with one row for each
+ partition. Information provided includes the name of the partition,
+ the name of its immediate parent, a boolean value telling if the
+ partition is a leaf, and an integer telling its level in the hierarchy.
+ The value of level begins at <literal>0</literal> for the input table
+ or index in its role as the root of the partition tree,
+ <literal>1</literal> for its partitions, <literal>2</literal> for
+ their partitions, and so on.
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>
+ To check the total size of the data contained in
+ <structname>measurement</structname> table described in
+ <xref linkend="ddl-partitioning-declarative-example"/>, one could use the
+ following query:
+ </para>
+=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_relation_size(relid))) AS total_size
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('measurement');
+ total_size
+ 24 kB
+(1 row)
<sect2 id="functions-admin-index">
jsonfuncs.o like.o lockfuncs.o mac.o mac8.o misc.o name.o \
network.o network_gist.o network_selfuncs.o network_spgist.o \
numeric.o numutils.o oid.o oracle_compat.o \
- orderedsetaggs.o pg_locale.o pg_lsn.o pg_upgrade_support.o \
- pgstatfuncs.o \
+ orderedsetaggs.o partitionfuncs.o pg_locale.o pg_lsn.o \
+ pg_upgrade_support.o pgstatfuncs.o \
pseudotypes.o quote.o rangetypes.o rangetypes_gist.o \
rangetypes_selfuncs.o rangetypes_spgist.o rangetypes_typanalyze.o \
regexp.o regproc.o ri_triggers.o rowtypes.o ruleutils.o \
--- /dev/null
+ *
+ * partitionfuncs.c
+ * Functions for accessing partition-related metadata
+ *
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
+ *
+ *
+ * src/backend/utils/adt/partitionfuncs.c
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/htup_details.h"
+#include "catalog/partition.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_class.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_inherits.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+#include "funcapi.h"
+#include "utils/fmgrprotos.h"
+#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+ * pg_partition_tree
+ *
+ * Produce a view with one row per member of a partition tree, beginning
+ * from the top-most parent given by the caller. This gives information
+ * about each partition, its immediate partitioned parent, if it is
+ * a leaf partition and its level in the hierarchy.
+ */
+ Oid rootrelid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
+ char relkind = get_rel_relkind(rootrelid);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ ListCell **next;
+ /* Only allow relation types that can appear in partition trees. */
+ if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
+ relkind != RELKIND_INDEX &&
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table, a foreign table, or an index",
+ get_rel_name(rootrelid))));
+ /* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
+ {
+ MemoryContext oldcxt;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ List *partitions;
+ /* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ /* switch to memory context appropriate for multiple function calls */
+ oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
+ /*
+ * Find all members of inheritance set. We only need AccessShareLock
+ * on the children for the partition information lookup.
+ */
+ partitions = find_all_inheritors(rootrelid, AccessShareLock, NULL);
+ tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(PG_PARTITION_TREE_COLS, false);
+ TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1, "relid",
+ REGCLASSOID, -1, 0);
+ TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 2, "parentid",
+ REGCLASSOID, -1, 0);
+ TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 3, "isleaf",
+ BOOLOID, -1, 0);
+ TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 4, "level",
+ INT4OID, -1, 0);
+ funcctx->tuple_desc = BlessTupleDesc(tupdesc);
+ /* allocate memory for user context */
+ next = (ListCell **) palloc(sizeof(ListCell *));
+ *next = list_head(partitions);
+ funcctx->user_fctx = (void *) next;
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
+ }
+ /* stuff done on every call of the function */
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ next = (ListCell **) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ if (*next != NULL)
+ {
+ Datum result;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ Oid parentid = InvalidOid;
+ Oid relid = lfirst_oid(*next);
+ char relkind = get_rel_relkind(relid);
+ int level = 0;
+ List *ancestors = get_partition_ancestors(lfirst_oid(*next));
+ ListCell *lc;
+ /*
+ * Form tuple with appropriate data.
+ */
+ MemSet(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls));
+ MemSet(values, 0, sizeof(values));
+ /* relid */
+ values[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(relid);
+ /* parentid */
+ if (ancestors != NIL)
+ parentid = linitial_oid(ancestors);
+ if (OidIsValid(parentid))
+ values[1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(parentid);
+ else
+ nulls[1] = true;
+ /* isleaf */
+ values[2] = BoolGetDatum(relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&
+ /* level */
+ if (relid != rootrelid)
+ {
+ foreach(lc, ancestors)
+ {
+ level++;
+ if (lfirst_oid(lc) == rootrelid)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ values[3] = Int32GetDatum(level);
+ *next = lnext(*next);
+ tuple = heap_form_tuple(funcctx->tuple_desc, values, nulls);
+ result = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple);
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, result);
+ }
+ /* done when there are no more elements left */
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
/* yyyymmddN */
-#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201810251
+#define CATALOG_VERSION_NO 201810301
proisstrict => 'f', prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'oid int4 int4 any',
proargmodes => '{i,i,i,v}', prosrc => 'satisfies_hash_partition' },
+# information about a partition tree
+{ oid => '3423', descr => 'view partition tree tables',
+ proname => 'pg_partition_tree', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
+ provolatile => 'v', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'regclass',
+ proallargtypes => '{regclass,regclass,regclass,bool,int4}',
+ proargmodes => '{i,o,o,o,o}',
+ proargnames => '{rootrelid,relid,parentrelid,isleaf,level}',
+ prosrc => 'pg_partition_tree' }
--- /dev/null
+-- Tests for pg_partition_tree
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree(NULL);
+ relid | parentrelid | isleaf | level
+(0 rows)
+-- Test table partition trees
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test (a int, b int) PARTITION BY range (a);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test0 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (minvalue) TO (0) PARTITION BY list (b);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test01 PARTITION OF ptif_test0 FOR VALUES IN (1);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test1 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100) PARTITION BY list (b);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test11 PARTITION OF ptif_test1 FOR VALUES IN (1);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test2 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (maxvalue);
+-- Test index partition tree
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test_index ON ONLY ptif_test (a);
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test0_index ON ONLY ptif_test0 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test0_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test01_index ON ptif_test01 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test0_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test01_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test1_index ON ONLY ptif_test1 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test1_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test11_index ON ptif_test11 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test1_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test11_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test2_index ON ptif_test2 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test2_index;
+-- List all tables members of the tree
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test');
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test | | 0 | f
+ ptif_test0 | ptif_test | 1 | f
+ ptif_test1 | ptif_test | 1 | f
+ ptif_test2 | ptif_test | 1 | t
+ ptif_test01 | ptif_test0 | 2 | t
+ ptif_test11 | ptif_test1 | 2 | t
+(6 rows)
+-- List tables from an intermediate level
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test0') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test0 | ptif_test | 0 | f
+ ptif_test01 | ptif_test0 | 1 | t
+(2 rows)
+-- List from leaf table
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test01') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test01 | ptif_test0 | 0 | t
+(1 row)
+-- List all indexes members of the tree
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_index');
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test_index | | 0 | f
+ ptif_test0_index | ptif_test_index | 1 | f
+ ptif_test1_index | ptif_test_index | 1 | f
+ ptif_test2_index | ptif_test_index | 1 | t
+ ptif_test01_index | ptif_test0_index | 2 | t
+ ptif_test11_index | ptif_test1_index | 2 | t
+(6 rows)
+-- List indexes from an intermediate level
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test0_index') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test0_index | ptif_test_index | 0 | f
+ ptif_test01_index | ptif_test0_index | 1 | t
+(2 rows)
+-- List from leaf index
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test01_index') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_test01_index | ptif_test0_index | 0 | t
+(1 row)
+DROP TABLE ptif_test;
+-- A table not part of a partition tree works is the only member listed.
+CREATE TABLE ptif_normal_table(a int);
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_normal_table');
+ relid | parentrelid | level | isleaf
+ ptif_normal_table | | 0 | t
+(1 row)
+DROP TABLE ptif_normal_table;
+-- Views and materialized viewS cannot be part of a partition tree.
+CREATE VIEW ptif_test_view AS SELECT 1;
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_view');
+ERROR: "ptif_test_view" is not a table, a foreign table, or an index
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_matview');
+ERROR: "ptif_test_matview" is not a table, a foreign table, or an index
+DROP VIEW ptif_test_view;
+DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW ptif_test_matview;
# ----------
# Another group of parallel tests
# ----------
-test: identity partition_join partition_prune reloptions hash_part indexing partition_aggregate
+test: identity partition_join partition_prune reloptions hash_part indexing partition_aggregate partition_info
# event triggers cannot run concurrently with any test that runs DDL
test: event_trigger
test: hash_part
test: indexing
test: partition_aggregate
+test: partition_info
test: event_trigger
test: fast_default
test: stats
--- /dev/null
+-- Tests for pg_partition_tree
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree(NULL);
+-- Test table partition trees
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test (a int, b int) PARTITION BY range (a);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test0 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (minvalue) TO (0) PARTITION BY list (b);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test01 PARTITION OF ptif_test0 FOR VALUES IN (1);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test1 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100) PARTITION BY list (b);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test11 PARTITION OF ptif_test1 FOR VALUES IN (1);
+CREATE TABLE ptif_test2 PARTITION OF ptif_test
+ FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (maxvalue);
+-- Test index partition tree
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test_index ON ONLY ptif_test (a);
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test0_index ON ONLY ptif_test0 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test0_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test01_index ON ptif_test01 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test0_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test01_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test1_index ON ONLY ptif_test1 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test1_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test11_index ON ptif_test11 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test1_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test11_index;
+CREATE INDEX ptif_test2_index ON ptif_test2 (a);
+ALTER INDEX ptif_test_index ATTACH PARTITION ptif_test2_index;
+-- List all tables members of the tree
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test');
+-- List tables from an intermediate level
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test0') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+-- List from leaf table
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test01') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+-- List all indexes members of the tree
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_index');
+-- List indexes from an intermediate level
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test0_index') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+-- List from leaf index
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test01_index') p
+ JOIN pg_class c ON (p.relid = c.oid);
+DROP TABLE ptif_test;
+-- A table not part of a partition tree works is the only member listed.
+CREATE TABLE ptif_normal_table(a int);
+SELECT relid, parentrelid, level, isleaf
+ FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_normal_table');
+DROP TABLE ptif_normal_table;
+-- Views and materialized viewS cannot be part of a partition tree.
+CREATE VIEW ptif_test_view AS SELECT 1;
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_view');
+SELECT * FROM pg_partition_tree('ptif_test_matview');
+DROP VIEW ptif_test_view;
+DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW ptif_test_matview;