+ if (cap->count1 > 1)
+ // if it fails, let the cursor still move to the last char
+ cursor_down(cap->count1 - 1, FALSE);
i = curwin->w_leftcol + curwin->w_width - col_off - 1;
- /* Make sure we stick in this column. */
+ // Make sure we stick in this column.
curwin->w_curswant = curwin->w_virtcol;
curwin->w_set_curswant = FALSE;
+fun! Test_normal_gdollar_cmd()
+ if !has("jumplist")
+ return
+ endif
+ " Tests for g cmds
+ call Setup_NewWindow()
+ " Make long lines that will wrap
+ %s/$/\=repeat(' foobar', 10)/
+ 20vsp
+ set wrap
+ " Test for g$ with count
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0vg$y
+ call assert_equal(20, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0))
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0v4g$y
+ call assert_equal(72, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.."\n", getreg(0))
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0v6g$y
+ call assert_equal(40, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foo', getreg(0))
+ set nowrap
+ " clean up
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0vg$y
+ call assert_equal(20, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0))
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0v4g$y
+ call assert_equal(20, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '3 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '4 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0))
+ norm! gg
+ norm! 0v6g$y
+ call assert_equal(20, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '3 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '4 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '5 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n"..
+ \ '6 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0))
+ " Move to last line, also down movement is not possible, should still move
+ " the cursor to the last visible char
+ norm! G
+ norm! 0v6g$y
+ call assert_equal(20, col("'>"))
+ call assert_equal('100 foobar foobar fo', getreg(0))
+ bw!