set splitscroll&
+" No scroll when aucmd_win is opened.
+function Test_nosplitscroll_aucmdwin()
+ set nosplitscroll
+ call setline(1, range(1, &lines))
+ norm Gzz
+ let top = line('w0')
+ call setbufvar(bufnr("test", 1) , '&buftype', 'nofile')
+ call assert_equal(top, line('w0'))
+ %bwipeout!
+ set splitscroll&
+" No scroll when help is closed and buffer line count < window height.
+function Test_nosplitscroll_helpwin()
+ set nosplitscroll
+ set splitbelow
+ call setline(1, range(&lines - 10))
+ norm G
+ let top = line('w0')
+ help | quit
+ call assert_equal(top, line('w0'))
+ set splitbelow&
+ set splitscroll&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
win_equal(wp, TRUE,
(flags & WSP_VERT) ? (dir == 'v' ? 'b' : 'h')
: dir == 'h' ? 'b' : 'v');
- else if (!p_spsc)
+ else if (!p_spsc && wp != aucmd_win)
// Don't change the window height/width to 'winheight' / 'winwidth' if a
win_equal_rec(next_curwin == NULL ? curwin : next_curwin, current,
topframe, dir, 0, tabline_height(),
(int)Columns, topframe->fr_height);
- if (!p_spsc)
+ if (!p_spsc && next_curwin != aucmd_win)
// Skip when window height has not changed or when
// buffer has less lines than the window height.
- if (wp->w_height != wp->w_prev_height
- && wp->w_height < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+ if (wp->w_height != wp->w_prev_height)
// Determine botline needed to avoid scrolling and set cursor.
if (wp->w_winrow != wp->w_prev_winrow)
if (wp != NULL && close_curwin)
- if (!p_spsc)
- win_fix_scroll(FALSE);
clear_snapshot(curtab, idx);