array that's larger than 50% of the available RAM.
Patch by Médéric Boquien.
util.Finalize(self, os.close, (self.fd,))
with open(self.fd, 'wb', closefd=False) as f:
- f.write(b'\0'*size)
+ bs = 1024 * 1024
+ if size >= bs:
+ zeros = b'\0' * bs
+ for _ in range(size // bs):
+ f.write(zeros)
+ del zeros
+ f.write(b'\0' * (size % bs))
+ assert f.tell() == size
self.buffer = mmap.mmap(self.fd, self.size)
def reduce_arena(a):
Gawain Bolton
Forest Bond
Gregory Bond
+Médéric Boquien
Matias Bordese
Jonas Borgström
Jurjen Bos
+- Issue #21116: Avoid blowing memory when allocating a multiprocessing shared
+ array that's larger than 50% of the available RAM. Patch by Médéric Boquien.
- Issue #22982: Improve BOM handling when seeking to multiple positions of
a writable text file.