PHP_FE(imap_utf7_decode, NULL)
PHP_FE(imap_utf7_encode, NULL)
PHP_FE(imap_utf8, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(imap_mime_header_decode, NULL)
+/* {{{ proto array mime_decode(string str)
+ Decode mime header element in accordance with RFC 2047
+ return array of objects containing 'charset' encoding and decoded 'text' */
+ zval **str,*myobject;
+ char *string,*charset,encoding,*text,*decode;
+ long charset_token,encoding_token,end_token,end,offset=0,i;
+ long unsigned newlength;
+ if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &str) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_string_ex(str);
+ if (array_init(return_value) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ string=(*str)->value.str.val;
+ end=(*str)->value.str.len;
+ if((charset=((char *)emalloc((end+1)*2)))) {
+ text=&charset[end+1];
+ while(offset<end) { // Reached end of the string?
+ if((charset_token=php_memnstr(&string[offset],"=?",2,string+end))) { // Is there anything encoded in the string?
+ charset_token-=(long unsigned)string;
+ if(offset!=charset_token) { // Is there anything before the encoded data?
+ // Retrieve unencoded data that is found at the beginning
+ memcpy(text,&string[offset],charset_token-offset);
+ text[charset_token-offset]=0x00;
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(myobject);
+ object_init(myobject);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"charset","default",1);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"text",text,1);
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(return_value->,(void *)&myobject,sizeof(zval *),NULL);
+ }
+ if((encoding_token=php_memnstr(&string[charset_token+2],"?",1,string+end))) { // Find token for encoding
+ encoding_token-=(long unsigned)string;
+ if((end_token=php_memnstr(&string[encoding_token+1],"?=",2,string+end))) { // Find token for end of encoded data
+ end_token-=(long unsigned)string;
+ memcpy(charset,&string[charset_token+2],encoding_token-(charset_token+2)); // Extract charset encoding
+ charset[encoding_token-(charset_token+2)]=0x00;
+ encoding=string[encoding_token+1]; // Extract encoding from string
+ memcpy(text,&string[encoding_token+3],end_token-(encoding_token+3)); // Extract text
+ text[end_token-(encoding_token+3)]=0x00;
+ decode=text;
+ if(encoding=='q' || encoding=='Q') { // Decode 'q' encoded data
+ for(i=0;text[i]!=0x00;i++) if(text[i]=='_') text[i]=' '; // Replace all *_' with space.
+ decode = (char *) rfc822_qprint((unsigned char *) text, strlen(text),&newlength);
+ }
+ if(encoding=='b' || encoding=='B') decode = (char *) rfc822_base64((unsigned char *) text, strlen(text),&newlength); // Decode 'B' encoded data
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(myobject);
+ object_init(myobject);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"charset",charset,1);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"text",decode,1);
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(return_value->,(void *)&myobject,sizeof(zval *),NULL);
+ offset+=end_token+2;
+ if(string[offset]==' ' && string[offset+1]=='=' && string[offset+2]=='?') offset++; // Remove required space between encoded segments
+ continue; // Iterate the loop again please.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Just some tweaking to optimize the code, and get the end statements work in a general manner.
+ // If we end up here we didn't find a position for "charset_token",
+ // so we need to set it to the start of the yet unextracted data.
+ charset_token=offset;
+ }
+ // Return the rest of the data as unencoded, as it was either unencoded or was missing separators
+ // which rendered the the remainder of the string impossible for us to decode.
+ memcpy(text,&string[charset_token],end-charset_token); // Extract unencoded text from string
+ text[end-charset_token]=0x00;
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(myobject);
+ object_init(myobject);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"charset","default",1);
+ add_property_string(myobject,"text",text,1);
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(return_value->,(void *)&myobject,sizeof(zval *),NULL);
+ offset=end; // We have reached the end of the string.
+ }
+ efree(charset);
+ } else {
+ php_error(E_WARNING, "Unable to allocate temporary memory buffer for imap_mime_header_decode");
+ }