. Fixed bug #66609 (php crashes with __get() and ++ operator in some cases).
(Dmitry, Laruence)
. Fixed bug #68917 (parse_url fails on some partial urls). (Wei Dai)
- . Fixed bug #68976 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize()). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #69134 (Per Directory Values overrides PHP_INI_SYSTEM
configuration options). (Anatol Belski)
. Fixed bug #69207 (move_uploaded_file allows nulls in path). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #65406 (Enchant broker plugins are in the wrong place in windows
builds). (Anatol)
-- Ereg:
- . Fixed bug #69248 (heap overflow vulnerability in regcomp.c). (CVE-2015-2305)
- (Stas)
- Filter:
. Fixed bug #69202: (FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_BACKTICK ignored unless other
flags are used). (Jeff Welch)
. Fixed bug #69227 (Use after free in zval_scan caused by
spl_object_storage_get_gc). (adam dot scarr at 99designs dot com)
-- ZIP:
- . Fixed bug #69253 (ZIP Integer Overflow leads to writing past heap
- boundary). (CVE-2015-2331) (Stas)
19 Mar 2015, PHP 5.6.7
- Core:
. Fixed bug #68166 (Exception with invalid character causes segv). (Rasmus)
. Fixed bug #69141 (Missing arguments in reflection info for some builtin
functions). (kostyantyn dot lysyy at oracle dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #68976 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize()).
+ (CVE-2015-0231) (Stas)
- CGI:
. Fixed bug #69015 (php-cgi's getopt does not see $argv). (Laruence)
. Add CURLPROXY_SOCKS4A and CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME constants if supported
by libcurl. (Linus Unneback)
+- Ereg:
+ . Fixed bug #69248 (heap overflow vulnerability in regcomp.c). (CVE-2015-2305)
+ (Stas)
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #68822 (request time is reset too early). (honghu069 at 163 dot com)
. Fixed bug #68557 (RecursiveDirectoryIterator::seek(0) broken after
calling getChildren()). (Julien)
+- ZIP:
+ . Fixed bug #69253 (ZIP Integer Overflow leads to writing past heap
+ boundary). (CVE-2015-2331) (Stas)
19 Feb 2015, PHP 5.6.6
- Core: